释义 |
number /ˈnʌmbə(r)/► SEE ALLdo a number on sb/sthhave sb’s numberyour/sb’s (lucky) number comes upyour/sb’s number is upnumber oneyour/sb’s number twoany amount/number of stha cushy numberyour opposite numberpublic enemy number one ●do a ˈnumber on sb/sth (informal, especially NAmE) hurt, damage or criticize sb/sth seriously 严重地伤害(或毁坏);严厉地批评◆Sun and pollution can really do a number on your skin. 阳光和污染真的会严重伤害你的皮肤。◆To the delight of Republicans, the press did a number on your senator (= criticized him severely). 令共和党人高兴的是,媒体对你的参议员进行了严厉的指责。●have sb’s ˈnumber (informal) really understand what type of person sb is and what they plan to do 了解某人的底细;对某人心中有数;看透某人◆Don’t worry, I’ve got his number. I shall be very careful in any business I do with him. 别担心,我了解他,跟他做生意我会加倍小心的。◆You can’t fool me, you know. I’ve got your number. 别以为你能糊弄我,我已经看透你了。●your/sb’s (lucky) ˈnumber comes up (informal) sb is very lucky in a competition, etc. (在比赛等中)走运,交好运◆If my lucky number comes up, we’ll spend a weekend in Venice. 我要是走运的话,我们就去威尼斯度周末。●your/sb’s number is ˈup (informal) sb is about to die or experience sth very unpleasant 劫数已到;死期已近◆There’s no point worrying about getting killed in a plane crash. When your number’s up, your number’s up. 担心因飞机失事丢掉性命毫无意义,如果你劫数已到,躲也躲不掉。◆The police have the evidence they need to arrest him, so it looks as if his number’s up. 警方掌握了逮捕他所需的证据,看起来他在劫难逃了。●ˌnumber ˈone (informal) 1. the most important or best person or thing 最重要(或最好)的人(或事物);头号人物◆We’re number one in the used car business. 在二手车交易中我们是老大。◆He’s the world’s number one athlete. 他是世界上最优秀的运动员。2. (often disapproving) yourself 自己◆She doesn’t care about other people and their problems. She just looks after number one. 她从不关心其他人及他们的问题,一心只想着自己。◆Take care of number one and forget everybody else. That’s his philosophy. 人不为己,天诛地灭,这是他的人生哲学。●your/sb’s number ˈtwo (informal) the second most important person in a company, an organization, etc. (公司、组织等中)第二重要的人,二把手,二号人物◆Brian Jones is the new number two at the ministry. 布赖恩 ∙ 琼斯是该部新上任的二把手。●any aˈmount/ˈnumber of stha large quantity of sth 大量◆There was any amount of food and drink at the party.聚会上有的是吃的喝的。◆You won’t have any difficulty selling your car — there are any number of people who would buy it.要卖掉你的车不是件难事,愿意买的人多的是。●a cushy ˈnumber (BrE) an easy job; a pleasant situation that other people would like 舒适的工作;安逸的环境◆Sarah’s new job sounds like a right cushy number — she only has to go to the office three days a week.萨拉的新工作听起来很轻松,她每周只需上三天班。 ORIGIN Cushy means ‘easy’ or ‘pleasant’ and comes from Hindi. * cushy 源于印地语,意为“轻松的”或“愉快的”。●your ˌopposite ˈnumbera person who holds the same position as you in another country, organization, company, etc. (地位、职位等)与自己对等的人◆The American Secretary of State will meet his Russian opposite number tomorrow.美国国务卿将于明日会见俄罗斯的同级官员。◆She’s my opposite number in IBM.她在 IBM 工作,和我职位相当。●public ˌenemy number ˈonea person or a thing that is thought to be the greatest threat to a group or community 头号人民公敌;危害最大的人(或事物)◆Genetically modified foods have replaced nuclear power as public enemy number one.转基因食品取代核武器成为人类的最大威胁。◆The gangster Kline became America’s public enemy number one during the Depression.大萧条时期,强盗克兰成为美国的头号公敌。 |