

词组 number
释义 number /ˈnʌmbə(r)/ SEE ALL
do a ˈnumber on sb/sth (informal, especially NAmE) hurt, damage or criticize sb/sth seriously 严重地伤害(或毁坏);严厉地批评Sun and pollution can really do a number on your skin.
To the delight of Republicans, the press did a number on your senator (= criticized him severely).
have sb’s ˈnumber (informal) really understand what type of person sb is and what they plan to do 了解某人的底细;对某人心中有数;看透某人Don’t worry, I’ve got his number. I shall be very careful in any business I do with him.
You can’t fool me, you know. I’ve got your number.
your/sb’s (lucky) ˈnumber comes up (informal) sb is very lucky in a competition, etc. (在比赛等中)走运,交好运If my lucky number comes up, we’ll spend a weekend in Venice.
your/sb’s number is ˈup (informal) sb is about to die or experience sth very unpleasant 劫数已到;死期已近There’s no point worrying about getting killed in a plane crash. When your number’s up, your number’s up.
The police have the evidence they need to arrest him, so it looks as if his number’s up.
ˌnumber ˈone (informal) 1. the most important or best person or thing 最重要(或最好)的人(或事物);头号人物We’re number one in the used car business.
He’s the world’s number one athlete.
2. (often disapproving) yourself 自己She doesn’t care about other people and their problems. She just looks after number one.
Take care of number one and forget everybody else. That’s his philosophy.
your/sb’s number ˈtwo (informal) the second most important person in a company, an organization, etc. (公司、组织等中)第二重要的人,二把手,二号人物Brian Jones is the new number two at the ministry.
布赖恩 ∙ 琼斯是该部新上任的二把手。
any aˈmount/ˈnumber of stha large quantity of sth 大量There was any amount of food and drink at the party.聚会上有的是吃的喝的。You won’t have any difficulty selling your car — there are any number of people who would buy it.要卖掉你的车不是件难事,愿意买的人多的是。a cushy ˈnumber (BrE) an easy job; a pleasant situation that other people would like 舒适的工作;安逸的环境Sarah’s new job sounds like a right cushy number — she only has to go to the office three days a week.萨拉的新工作听起来很轻松,她每周只需上三天班。 ORIGIN Cushy means ‘easy’ or ‘pleasant’ and comes from Hindi. * cushy 源于印地语,意为“轻松的”或“愉快的”。your ˌopposite ˈnumbera person who holds the same position as you in another country, organization, company, etc. (地位、职位等)与自己对等的人The American Secretary of State will meet his Russian opposite number tomorrow.美国国务卿将于明日会见俄罗斯的同级官员。She’s my opposite number in IBM.她在 IBM 工作,和我职位相当。public ˌenemy number ˈonea person or a thing that is thought to be the greatest threat to a group or community 头号人民公敌;危害最大的人(或事物)Genetically modified foods have replaced nuclear power as public enemy number one.转基因食品取代核武器成为人类的最大威胁。The gangster Kline became America’s public enemy number one during the Depression.大萧条时期,强盗克兰成为美国的头号公敌。




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