

词组 send
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send sb ˈpacking (informal) tell sb firmly or rudely to go away because they are annoying or disturbing you; dismiss sb from a job 撵某人走;叫某人卷铺盖走人He wanted to borrow money off me, but I sent him packing.
They caught him stealing company property and he was sent packing.
send sb to ˈCoventry (BrE) refuse to speak to sb, as a way of punishing them for sth they have done 不理睬某人;拒绝与某人交往Joe worked all through the strike, so when it was over, the other workers sent him to Coventry.
ORIGIN This may come from the English Civil War when the city of Coventry was a strong supporter of Parliament. Supporters of the King who were taken prisoner were sometimes sent there. 这个习语或许源于英国内战,当时的考文垂市强烈支持议会,因而被俘的国王的支持者有时被送到那里。
a ˈchill runs/goes down sb’s spinesend a ˈchill up/down sb’s spinefeel, or make sb feel, horror and fear (令人)毛骨悚然,不寒而栗When I read the details of the murder, a chill ran down my spine.我读到这起谋杀案的细节,不禁毛骨悚然。The picture sent a chill up my spine.这幅画令我不寒而栗。 ˈspine-chilling


a spine-chilling horror novel令人毛骨悚然的恐怖小说
put/turn/send sb out to ˈgrass (informal, humorous) force sb to stop doing their job, especially because they are old (尤指因为年老)迫使某人离职Old Harry doesn’t seem able to remember anything nowadays. Isn’t it time he was put out to grass?老哈里现在好像什么也记不住了,该让他退休了吧? NOTE This expression refers to old farm horses or other animals, which no longer work and stay in the fields all day. 这个表达法原指农场的老马或其他牲畜不再干活儿,整天呆在草场。 give/send my love to sb (informal) used to send friendly greetings to sb 向某人问候(或致意)Give my love to Mary when you see her.见到玛丽代我向她问好。Bob sends his love.鲍勃向你致意。a ˈshiver runs/goes down sb’s spinesend a ˈshiver up/down sb’s spinefeel, or make sb feel, excitement or anxiety (使)(由于兴奋或焦虑而)脊背发凉,战栗This piece of music sends shivers down my spine.这首乐曲听得我脊背发凉。When I heard all those people shouting and screaming, a shiver ran down my spine.听到那些人欢呼喝彩,我浑身战栗。drive/send sb up the ˈwall (informal) make sb very annoyed; drive sb crazy 激怒;把某人逼疯That noise is driving me up the wall.那噪音快把我逼疯了。




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