

词组 first
释义 first BrE /fɜːst/
NAmE /fɜːrst/
at first ˈglance/ˈsightas things seem at first; judging by first appearances 一见之下;乍看上去At first glance, the exam paper looked fairly difficult, but once I got started I found it quite easy.
come ˈfirstbe treated as the most important person or thing in sb’s life 看得最重;成为第一考虑His work always came first with Joe, which upset his wife a lot.
ˌfirst among ˈequalsthe person or thing with the highest status in a group 地位最高者;首要的事情Our history classes were usually open discussion-groups between us and our teacher, with the teacher as first among equals.
ˌfirst and ˈforemostbefore everything else; most importantly 最重要地;首先First and foremost, we must ensure that the children are safe.
Don’t forget, he is first and foremost an actor, not a singer.
ˌfirst and ˈlastmainly; only 主要地;仅仅The book is, first and last, an account of a poet’s development.
I saw him for the first and last time at his father’s funeral.
ˌfirst ˈcome, ˌfirst ˈserved (saying) people will be dealt with, seen, etc. strictly in the order in which they arrive, apply, etc. 先来者先接待;按先后顺序供应We have 100 tickets for the performance, and they will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.
我们有 100 张演出门票,先到先得。
(in) the first flush of ˈyouth, enˈthusiasm, etc.when sb is young or sth is new (在)青春正盛时,热情高涨时By then, he was no longer in the first flush of youth.
In the first flush of enthusiasm, we were able to get everyone interested in helping.
(at) first ˈhandfrom your own experience or knowledge, rather than from sb else; directly 第一手地;直接地I know at first hand what it is like to be poor; we always had very little money at home.
We have a first-hand account of the raid from a witness.
ˌfirst of ˈall1. before doing anything else; at the beginning 首先;第一First of all, let me ask you something.
2. as the most important thing 最重要地The content of any article needs, first of all, to be relevant to the reader.
first ˈoff/ˈup (informal) before anything else; to begin with 首先;第一First off, we will choose the teams, then we can start the game.
(give sb, have, etc.) (the) first reˈfusalthe opportunity to buy sth before it is offered for sale to others (给某人或拥有)优先购买权She promised to give me first refusal if she ever decides to sell the flat.
first ˈthing (tomorrow, in the morning, etc.)at the beginning of the period of time mentioned, before doing anything else (明天、早上等)头等大事,第一件事I always like a cup of tea first thing in the morning.
Can you lend me some money? I’ll pay you back first thing tomorrow.
OPP last thing (at night)
ˌfirst things ˈfirst (often humorous) the most important or necessary duties, matters, etc. must be dealt with before others 要紧的事先做First things first. We must make sure the electricity is turned off before we start repairing the cooker.
We have a lot to discuss, but, first things first, let’s have a cup of coffee!
(be) the ˈfirst/ˈlast (person) to do sthbe very willing or likely/unwilling or unlikely to do sth (是)最愿意(或最可能)做某事的人;(是)最不愿意(或不可能)做某事的人I’d be the first person to admit that I’m not perfect.
Mary is the last person you’d see in a pub — she hates pubs.
from the (very) ˈfirstfrom the beginning 从一开始They were attracted to each other from the first.
from ˌfirst to ˈlastfrom beginning to end; during the whole time 从头到尾;从开始到结束It’s a fine performance that commands attention from first to last.
get to first ˈbase (with sb/sth) ( reach/make first ˈbase (with sb/sth)) (informal, especially NAmE) successfully complete the first stage of sth 成功地完成第一阶段;顺利做完第一步The project hasn’t even reached first base yet. Why all this delay?
NOTE This idiom comes from baseball. First base is the first of four positions (= bases) that a player must reach in order to score points. 这个习语源于棒球。first base 指“一垒”。
have first ˈcall (on sb/sth)be the most important person or thing competing for sb’s time, money, etc. and be dealt with or paid for before other people or things 需要首先应付的;最需关心的人(或事)The children always have first call on her time.
in the ˈfirst instance (formal) as the first part of a series of actions 第一步;首先In the first instance, notify the police and then contact your insurance company.
in the ˈfirst place1. used at the beginning of a sentence to introduce the different points you are making in an argument (用于句首,引出不同论点)第一In the first place it’s not your car, and in the second you’re not old enough to drive it. Is that clear?
2. used at the end of a sentence to talk about why sth was done or whether it should have been done or not (用于句尾,谈论做某事的原因或必要性)一开始,当初I should never have taken that job in the first place.
make the first ˈmovedo sth before sb else, for example in order to end an argument or to begin sth 先发制人;采取主动If he wants to see me, he should make the first move.
put sb/sth ˈfirsttreat sb/sth as the most important person or thing 首先考虑(或处理)…;把…置于首位A politician should always put the needs of the country first and not his personal ambitions.
He never put his family first.
there’s a ˌfirst time for ˈeverything (saying, humorous) the fact that something has not happened before does not mean that it will never happen 过去没发生的事并不意味着将来就不会发生;凡事都有第一次‘The flood water has never reached the house before.’ ‘Well, there’s a first time for everything.’
ˌfeet ˈfirst (informal) dead or unconscious 死去;失去意识If you want me to leave this house, you’ll have to carry me out feet first (= you’ll have to kill me first).你要是想让我离开这所房子,还是先把我杀了吧。in the first/top ˈflightamong the best of a particular group 属于佼佼者;位居前列Everybody hopes that the new manager will be able to keep the team in the top flight next year.大家都希望新来的主教练能够让球队明年继续保持领先地位。ˌhead ˈfirst1. moving forwards or downwards with your head in front of the rest of your body 头在前;头朝下He fell head first down the stairs.他一头栽下了楼梯。2. without thinking carefully about sth before acting 仓促地;鲁莽地She got divorced and rushed head first into another marriage.她离婚后又仓促再婚。see sb in ˈhell first (informal) used to emphasize that you have no intention of agreeing to or doing what sb has suggested (用于强调不同意)决不,死也不You want me to invite that woman to this house? I’ll see her in hell first.你想让我请那个女人到这个房子里来?见她个鬼,我才不会呢。not know the first thing aˈbout sb/sthknow nothing at all about sb/sth 对…一无所知;对…一窍不通I don’t know the first thing about Chinese history.我对中国历史一窍不通。ˌlast ˈin, ˌfirst ˈoutused, for example in a situation when people are losing their jobs, to say that the last people to be employed will be the first to go (形容裁员等情况)最后雇用的人最先被解雇,后来者先走love at first ˈsightfalling in love with sb the first time you meet them 一见钟情I never really believed in love at first sight until I met my husband.在遇见我丈夫之前,我从不相信一见钟情这种事。of the highest/first ˈorderof a high ˈorderof the best, worst, most extreme, etc. type 高品质的;一流的;最差的It was a scandal of the first order.这是桩特大丑闻。




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