

词组 nothing
释义 nothing /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ SEE ALL
be/have nothing to ˈdo with sb/sth1. have no connection with sb/sth 与…毫不相干;与…无关Wynne-Williams plc is nothing to do with Owen Wynne-Williams. It’s a completely different company.
温 ∙ 威廉斯股票上市公司与欧文 ∙ 温 ∙ 威廉斯公司一点关系都没有,是家完全不同的公司。
Go away! It’s got nothing to do with you (= you have no right to know about it).
2. avoid or refuse contact with sb/sth 避免(或拒绝)与…接触I want nothing to do with your schemes.
She will have absolutely nothing to do with that organization. She doesn’t approve of it.
for ˈnothing1. without paying; free 不花钱;免费We got into the concert for nothing because my uncle works there.
They were giving packets of sweets away for nothing at the supermarket this morning.
2. (do sth and) not achieve what you wanted; (do sth) for no reason or purpose 徒劳无功;白白地(做某事)All that hard work for nothing!
When I got to Berlin, he’d already left. I’d made the journey for nothing.
have nothing on sb (informal) 1. have much less of a particular quality than sth/sb 远比不上;远不及I’m quite a fast worker, but I’ve got nothing on her!
Although all four children could play the piano well, the three boys had nothing on Joan, who played like an angel.
2. (of the police, etc. 警方等) have no information that could show sb to be guilty of sth 没有某人的罪证Look, they’ve got nothing on you, so stop worrying!
OPP have something on sb
not for ˈnothing do I, will they, etc. …used to emphasize that there is a good reason for sth 并非没有理由;有充分理由;有正当理由Not for nothing did people call him the king of rock and roll.
ˈnothing butonly 只;只有;仅仅Nothing but the freshest vegetables are used in our restaurant.
ˌnothing ˈdoing (informal) used to refuse a request (用于拒绝请求)不行,不可以‘Can you lend me ten dollars?’ ‘Nothing doing!’
ˈnothing if not sth (informal) (used for emphasis 用于强调) very; very much a particular type of person 极其;非常;简直是She’s nothing if not fair.
Her work is nothing if not original.
(there’s) nothing ˈin it1. (informal) used to talk about a contest where the competitors are level and it is hard to say who will win (因势均力敌)结果难以预料Right up to the end of the game, there was nothing in it. Either team could have won.
2. (of a rumour, report, story, etc. 传言、报道、故事等) there’s no truth in it 不可信;不真实There was a rumour that he was about to resign, but apparently there’s nothing in it.
ˈnothing less than (used for emphasis 用于强调) very; completely 不亚于;简直是;极其Their defeat was nothing less than amazing.
Her survival was nothing less than a miracle.
nothing ˈlike (informal) not; not at all like sth 完全不像;根本不像It’s nothing like as bad as he said.
We’ve sold nothing like enough books to make a profit.
OPP something like sb/sth
nothing ˈmore than (used for emphasis 用于强调) only 仅仅;只不过The injury isn’t serious — it’s nothing more than a sprained ankle.
ˌnothing ˈmuchnot a great amount of sth; nothing of great value or importance 数量不多;价值不太大;不太重要There’s nothing much in the fridge.
I got up late and did nothing much all day.
there’s nothing (else) ˈfor it (but to do sth)there is only one possible action in a particular situation (除了做某事)别无他法When the river flooded, there was nothing for it but to move everything upstairs.
There was nothing for it but to try to swim to the shore.
there’s nothing like sthused to say that you enjoy sth very much 没有什么可以比得上…;…非常好;…太棒了There’s nothing like a brisk walk on a cold day!
there’s nothing ˈto it (informal) it is easy to do (这事)轻而易举,非常简单It’s not difficult to use. All you have to do is pull these two switches and it starts. You see, there’s nothing to it!
I finished the work very quickly. There was nothing to it really.




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