

词组 your heart bleeds for sb
释义 your heart ˈbleeds for sb (ironic) used to say that you do not feel sympathy or pity for sb (表示不感到同情或怜悯)这难道需要同情吗‘I have to get up at 6 o’clock tomorrow!’ ‘Oh, my heart bleeds for you — I have to do that every single day!’“明天我 6 点就要起床!”“是吗,我的心真为你滴血啊。我天天都得起那么早呢!” ˌbleeding ˈheart


a person who is too kind and sympathetic towards people that other people think do not deserve kindness 过于善良的人;滥好人a bleeding-heart liberal心肠太软的开明人士




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