

词组 wrong
释义 wrong BrE /rɒŋ/
NAmE /rɔːŋ/
ˌback the wrong ˈhorse (BrE) support the person, group etc. that later loses a contest or fails to do what was expected 赌马下错了注;押错了宝;选错了人;看走了眼I certainly backed the wrong horse when I said United would win the Cup Final.
Many people who had voted for the party in the election were now feeling that they had backed the wrong horse.
NOTE In horse racing, if you back the wrong horse you bet money on a horse that does not win the race. 在赛马中,back the wrong horse指把赌注错下在了失利的马上。
from/on the ˌwrong side of the ˈtracks (informal) from or living in a poor area or part of town 来自贫民区;住在贫穷的地区(或城区)She married a man from the wrong side of the tracks.
get sb ˈwrong (spoken) not understand correctly what sb means 误会,误解,曲解(某人的意思)Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing you.
get (hold of) the ˌwrong end of the ˈstick (BrE, informal) understand sb/sth in the wrong way 误会;弄错You’ve got the wrong end of the stick. He doesn’t owe me money, I owe him!
OPP get sth right/straight
go ˈwrong1. make a mistake with sth 出错;做错事;弄错It doesn’t work. We must have gone wrong somewhere. Pass me the instruction manual.
Where did we go wrong (= what mistakes did we make for things to be so bad)?
2. (of a machine 机器) stop working correctly 发生故障;出毛病This television keeps going wrong. I’m fed up with it.
3. not progress or develop as well as you expected or intended 出现问题;遇到困难Their marriage started to go wrong when he lost his job.
What else can go wrong (= what other problems are we going to have)?
in the ˈwrongresponsible for a mistake, an accident, a quarrel, etc. (在错误、事故、争吵等中)有错,负有责任She is clearly in the wrong. She had no right to take the book.
The accident wasn’t my fault. The other driver was totally in the wrong.
OPP in the right
on the ˌwrong side of the ˈlawin trouble with the police 触犯法律;违法The TV presenter found himself on the wrong side of the law after hitting a cyclist while driving.
take sth the wrong ˈwaybe offended by a remark that was not intended to be offensive 误会(本意良好的话)Don’t take this the wrong way, but don’t you think you should get your hair cut?
you can’t go ˈwrong (with sth) (spoken) used to say that sth will always be acceptable in a particular situation 绝对不会出错;决不会有问题For a quick meal you can’t go wrong with pasta.
be barking up the wrong ˈtreebe mistaken about sth 把某事搞错了;错怪某人The police are barking up the wrong tree if they think I had anything to do with the crime. I wasn’t even in the country when it happened!警方要是认为我同这宗案子有牵连,那就大错特错了,案发时我根本就不在国内!get out of bed on the wrong side (BrE) (NAmE get up on the wrong side of the bed) be bad-tempered from the moment when you get up 一起床就脾气不好Why is Pete so irritable this morning? Did he get out of bed on the wrong side again?皮特今天早上怎么脾气这么差?他是不是又犯了“下床气”?not far ˈoff/ˈout/ˈwrong (informal) almost correct 差不太多;几乎正确She said she thought it would be sold for $200, and she wasn’t far wrong: someone paid $235 for it.她说这能卖到 200 美元,她说得差不多:有人出价 235 美元。The original sales’ estimate was not far off.最初的销售预测大致正确。get/start off on the right/wrong ˈfoot (with sb) (informal) start a relationship well/badly 一开始就相处得好/不好I seem to have got off on the wrong foot with the new boss.似乎我和新老板的关系一开始就不好。not/never put/set a foot ˈwrong (informal) never make a mistake 从来不犯错误;从不走错一步According to her colleagues, she never put a foot wrong.据她同事说,她从没出过差错。hit/strike the right/wrong ˈnote (especially BrE) do, say or write sth that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occasion 做事(或说话、写作等)得体/不得体Somehow, he managed to strike just the right note in his final election speech.无论如何,他在最后的选举演说中让自己表现得十分得体。right a ˈwrongdo sth to correct an unfair situation or sth bad that you have done 纠正错误;弥补过失;平反昭雪The families have now been given back their land, in an attempt to right a wrong that was committed generations ago.为了纠正几代前所犯的过失,现在已将土地返还给这几家。rub sb up the wrong ˈway (BrE) (NAmE rub sb the wrong ˈway) (informal) make sb annoyed or angry, often without intending to, by doing or saying sth that offends them (无意中)冒犯某人,惹恼某人She’s a very good lawyer but she does sometimes rub clients up the wrong way.她是个出色的律师,但有时她也会无意中触怒委托人。be on the ˌright/ˌwrong side of ˈ40, ˈ50, etc. (informal, often humorous) be younger/older than 40, 50, etc. 不到/超过 40 岁(或 50 岁等)‘How old is she?’ ‘On the wrong side of forty, I’d say.’“她有多大年龄了?”“我看有四十出头了吧。”get/keep on the right/wrong ˈside of sbtry to please sb and not annoy them/annoy sb and make them dislike you 讨某人的欢心/惹某人生气;使某人高兴/不高兴She got on the wrong side of her boss after criticizing him in a meeting.在一次会议上指责过老板之后,她就得罪了他。be on the right/wrong ˈtrackbe thinking or acting in the right/wrong way to find the answer to a problem 想法(或做法)对路/不对路We haven’t found a solution to the problem yet, but I think we’re on the right track.我们还没找到解决问题的办法,但是我想我们的思路是对的。You’re on the wrong track, I’m afraid. The information you want isn’t here.恐怕你找错路子了,这儿没有你要的信息。




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