

词组 far
释义 far /fɑː(r)/ SEE ALL
as/so ˈfar as…as much as; to the extent that 尽…所能;就…而言;到…程度I will help you as far as I am able.
As far as I’m concerned, the whole matter is no longer my responsibility and is now with the police.
as far as the eye can/could ˈseeto the horizon 在视力范围内;视线所及之处There was only sand as far as the eye could see.
as/so far as it ˈgoesto a limited degree, usually less than is satisfactory (通常暗指不够好)在有限的程度上,就其本身而言It’s a good plan as far as it goes, but there are a lot of things they haven’t thought of.
by ˈfarby a very great amount; much …得多;远远地;显然This is by far the best painting / This is the best painting by far.
Our holiday this year was better by far than last year’s.
carry/take sth too, etc. ˈfarcontinue doing sth beyond reasonable limits 做得过分;超出常理Of course we should show him respect, but I think expecting us to stand up whenever he walks into the room is taking things a bit far.
(by) far and aˈway (used with superlative adjectives 与形容词最高级连用) very much; by a very great amount 远为;大大地The company has by far and away the biggest share of the car market in this country.
Her painting is far and away the best.
far and ˈwideeverywhere and many places; over a large area 到处;广泛地People come from far and wide to visit the monument.
The police were searching far and wide for the missing child.
far be it from me to do sth, but… (informal) used when you are just about to disagree with sb or criticize them and you would like them to think that you do not really want to do this (提出相反或批评意见时的谦词)我决不是想,我决不会Far be it from me to interfere, but don’t you think you’ve been arguing for long enough?
a far cry from sthvery different from sth 与…有天壤之别;和…大相径庭This house is a far cry from our little flat.
Her designs are a far cry from the eccentric clothes she used to make.
far from sth/doing sthalmost the opposite of sth or of what is expected 远非(或决不会)做某事It is far from clear (= it is not clear) what he intends to do.
Far from being grateful for our help, she said we had ruined the evening.
far ˈfrom it (informal) not at all; certainly not 一点儿也不;绝非如此‘Isn’t he generous with money?’ ‘Far from it! He spends it all on himself.’
‘Are you ready, Alex?’ ‘Far from it, I’m afraid.’
far ˈgone (informal) very drunk, ill, tired, etc. 醉得(或病得、累得)很厉害When we arrived, she was already too far gone to recognize us, and she only lived for a few more hours.
She seemed quite far gone, even though she’d only had two glasses of sparkling wine.
go as/so far as to do sthbe willing to go to extreme or surprising limits in dealing with sth (走极端)以至于做某事She’s a brilliant painter, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say she is the best in the country.
I don’t like people smoking but I wouldn’t go so far as to forbid it.
go ˈfar (of people ) be successful in the future 前程远大;大有出息Linda is an excellent manager. She should go far.
go too ˈfargo a bit ˈfarsay or do sth which is considered too extreme or socially unacceptable 做(或说)得过分Getting a bit drunk at a party is OK, but arriving completely drunk — that’s really going too far.
You’ve gone too far this time, Joanna.
in so ˈfar as ( insoˈfar as) to the extent that 到…的程度;在…范围内;就…来说In so far as I am a judge of these things, the repairs to the car have been done very well.
It was a good report in so far as it showed what needs to be done.
not far ˈoff/ˈout/ˈwrong (informal) almost correct 差不太多;几乎正确She said she thought it would be sold for $200, and she wasn’t far wrong: someone paid $235 for it.
她说这能卖到 200 美元,她说得差不多:有人出价 235 美元。
The original sales’ estimate was not far off.
not go ˈfar1. (of money ) not be enough to buy a lot of things 不够买(很多东西)$20 doesn’t go very far these days.
如今 20 美元买不到什么东西。
2. (of a supply of sth 某物的供给) not be enough for what is needed 不够用One loaf won’t go far among ten people.
ˌso ˈfarup to this point; up to now 到目前为止;迄今为止There haven’t been any accidents in this factory so far, and let’s hope that none happen in future.
ˌso far, so ˈgood (saying) used to say that things have been successful until now and you hope they will continue like this, but you know the task, etc. is not finished yet 到目前为止一切顺利‘How’s the operation going?’ ‘So far, so good.’
far/farther/further aˈfieldfar away from home; to or in places that are not near 远离家(乡);到远方;在远处You can hire a car if you want to explore further afield.你要是还想游览更远的地方,可以租辆车。Journalists came from as far afield as China and Brazil.来的新闻记者中有远自中国、巴西等国的。the apple doesn’t fall/never falls far from the ˈtree (saying, especially NAmE) a child usually behaves in a similar way to his or her parent(s) 有其父必有其子‘You have an adorable daughter.’ ‘Ah, well, you know what they say. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.’“你的女儿很可爱。”“啊,你要知道俗话说得好:有其母必有其女。”few and far beˈtweennot frequent; not happening often 少见;稀少;不常发生Since her illness, the former Senator’s public appearances have been few and far between.这位前参议员自从患病以来,就很少公开露面。Apartments for hire are few and far between in this part of town.镇上这个地方鲜有房屋出租。so ˌnear and ˌyet so ˈfarused to describe a situation in which sb is very near to success, but finally fails 功亏一篑;功败垂成He came second in the piano competition, only one point behind the winner. So near and yet so far.他在钢琴大赛中获得第二名,比获胜者只差一分,可谓功亏一篑。be far/further/furthest reˈmoved from sthbe very different from sth; not be connected with sth 与…大相径庭;与…毫不相干Many of these books are far removed from the reality of the children’s lives.这些书很多都远远脱离了孩子们的现实生活。




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