

词组 faith
释义 faith /feɪθ/ SEE ALL
bad ˈfaith1. lack of trust between two people (两人之间的)互不信任The dispute was the cause of a lot of bad faith and bitterness.
2. dishonest behaviour 欺诈行为;不诚实的行为There were many accusations of bad faith on the part of the government.
break/keep ˈfaith with sbbreak/keep a promise that you have made to sb; stop/continue being loyal to sb 对某人失信/守信;背弃/忠诚于某人The government claims they have kept faith with the people by reducing the crime rate.
good ˈfaiththe intention to do sth right 诚意;善意They handed over their weapons as a gesture of good faith.
in bad ˈfaithknowing that what you are doing is wrong 明知故犯地;存心不良地She insists that she did not act in bad faith, and that the mistakes were due to a computer error.
in good ˈfaithbelieving that sth is correct; believing that what you are doing is right, especially when it has bad consequences (尤指结果不好时)出于善意,诚心诚意When I recommended Simon for the job, I did it in good faith. I didn’t realize that he had been in trouble with the police.
ˌpin your ˈfaith/ˈhopes on sb/sthput your trust in sb/sth; hope for sb/sth 寄希望于;指望He’s pinning his faith on the revival of the economy.他寄希望于经济复苏。The idea that he’ll be out of prison in five years is all she’s got to pin her hopes on.她只能指望他能在五年后出狱。




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