

词组 whistle
释义 whistle /ˈwɪsl/ SEE ALL
you, etc. can ˈwhistle for it (BrE, spoken) used to say that you are not going to give sb sth that they have asked for (表示不打算给某人所要的东西)休想得到‘The boss wants that sales report this afternoon.’ ‘Well, he can whistle for it.’
whistle in the ˈdarktry not to show that you are afraid, are in danger, etc. 借吹口哨壮胆;故作镇静He seems confident we’ll get the money we need, but I think he’s just whistling in the dark.
blow the ˈwhistle (on sb/sth) (informal) stop sb doing sth illegal or wrong by telling a person in authority about it 检举,揭发(某人/某事)(使某人停止干违法的事或错事)One of the police officers blew the whistle on his colleagues when he found out they were taking bribes.一名警察发现自己的同事受贿后检举了他们。 ˈwhistle-blower


a person who informs people in authority or the public that the company they work for is doing sth wrong or illegal 检举揭发舞弊内情的人;举报人The company has denied a whistle-blower’s allegations of poor security.这家公司否认了一名检举者有关安全防范薄弱的指控。
NOTE This idiom probably comes from football, where a referee blows a whistle to stop the game when a player breaks the rules. 这个习语或许源于足球。球员犯规时裁判就吹哨中止比赛。
(as) clean as a ˈwhistle (informal) 1. ( (as) clean as a new ˈpin) very clean 干干净净She scrubbed the kitchen floor until it was clean as a whistle.她把厨房的地板擦得干干净净。2. if sb is as clean as a whistle, they are not involved in anything illegal 清白无罪I don’t know why the police want to talk to me. I’m as clean as a whistle!我不知道为什么警方找我谈话,我可是清清白白的!wet your ˈwhistle (old-fashioned, informal) have an alcoholic drink 喝酒




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