

词组 nose
释义 nose BrE /nəʊz/
NAmE /noʊz/
cut off your ˈnose to spite your ˈface (informal) do sth, for example because you are angry or proud, that is intended to hurt sb else but in fact harms you 因一时恼怒(或骄傲)害了自己;想伤害他人结果反倒害了自己Keeping your class in after school as a punishment is cutting off your nose to spite your face, because you have to stay with them!
ORIGIN This may come from the story of a Viking attack on a monastery. The nuns in the monastery cut off their own noses so that they would not be attractive to their attackers. 这个习语或许源于维金人袭击修道院的故事。修道院中的修女为了让袭击者觉得自己难看而割掉自己的鼻子。
get up sb’s ˈnose (BrE, informal) annoy sb 烦扰某人It gets right up my nose, the way they keep telling you how successful they are.
have a ˈnose for sth (informal) have a natural ability in finding or recognizing sth 对…很敏感;有发现(或辨别)…的能力Don’t worry about your money, he’ll invest it wisely. He’s got a nose for that sort of thing.
She seems to have a nose for good restaurants.
have your nose in a ˈbook, magaˈzine, etc. (informal) be reading sth and giving it all your attention 专心致志地读书(或看杂志等)She’s always got her nose in a book.
have a nose ˈround (BrE, informal) look around a place; look for sth in a place 环视(某地);在(某地)寻找Let’s have a quick nose round before we leave.
keep your ˈnose clean (informal) do nothing that will get you into trouble with the police or other authorities 循规蹈矩;安分守己After he came out of prison, he was determined to keep his nose clean.
keep your nose out of sth (informal) not interfere in sth that does not concern you 避免插手(他人的事);尽量不介入;不过问Keep your nose out of my business affairs, will you? It’s nothing to do with you.
keep your ˌnose to the ˈgrindstone (informal) continue to work very hard 持续辛勤地工作;努力不懈Keep your nose to the grindstone and you should pass the exam easily.
OPP put your feet up NOTE A grindstone is a machine used for grinding, sharpening and polishing knives and tools. * grindstone (砂轮)是用来磨快、磨尖和磨光刀具和其他工具的机器。
look down your ˈnose (at sb/sth) (informal, especially BrE) behave in a way that suggests that you think that you are better than sb, or that sth is not good enough for you 蔑视;(对…)嗤之以鼻Why do you always look down your nose at people who have less money than you?
ˌnose to ˈtail (BrE) if cars, etc. are nose to tail, they are moving slowly in a long line with little space between them (汽车等)首尾相连(缓缓行进)I’m sorry I’m late — the traffic was nose to tail going through the town centre.
on the ˈnose (informal, especially NAmE) exactly 准确地;确切地The budget should hit the $136 billion target on the nose.
预算应正好达到 1 360 亿元的目标。
OPP be/fall wide of the mark
poke/stick your nose in/into sth (informal) interfere in the affairs or business of other people 多管闲事;探听(与己无关的事)She’s always sticking her nose into other people’s affairs. It’s really annoying.
What happens in this department does not concern him. Why does he have to poke his nose into everything all the time?
put sb’s ˈnose out of joint (informal) upset or annoy sb, especially by not giving them enough attention (冷落而)使难堪;使某人气歪鼻子The new teacher speaks much better German than he does. That’s going to put his nose out of joint.
NOTE If a bone is out of joint, it is pushed out of its correct position. * out of joint 指骨头脱节。
turn your ˈnose up at sth (informal) refuse or reject sth because you do not think it is good enough for you 对…嗤之以鼻;看不起The cat turned up his nose at the food.
(right) under sb’s ˈnose (informal) 1. very close to sb, even though they cannot see it 就在某人鼻子底下(却看不见)‘Where are the car keys?’ ‘There, right under your nose.’
2. used to talk about sth bad that happens over a period of time, but which nobody has noticed (不良行为)就在某人眼皮底下(却没有被察觉)Stealing from the kitchen has been going on right under their noses for years.
with your ˈnose in the air (informal, disapproving) in a way that is unfriendly and suggests that you think that you are better than other people 目中无人;傲慢;看不起人I hate the way she walks round with her nose in the air. She thinks she’s better than us just because her family is rich.
He sat with his nose in the air and never bothered to speak to anybody.
not see beyond/past the ˌend of your ˈnosenot notice anything apart from what you are doing at present 只看见自己鼻子底下的事;只注意眼前的事I’m so busy running the office that I can’t see beyond the end of my nose.我整日里忙着办公室里的一摊子事,无暇他顾。follow your ˈnose1. be guided by your sense of smell 靠嗅觉指引He followed his nose to the kitchen, and found Marina making tomato soup.他一路闻着到了厨房,发现玛丽娜在做番茄汤。2. go straight forward 直走;朝正前方走The garage is a mile ahead up the hill — just follow your nose.汽车修理站在前面一英里处的山坡上,直走就行了。3. act according to what seems right or reasonable, rather than following any particular rules 凭直觉行事;跟着感觉走In situations like this, I think all we can do is follow our noses.在这种情况下,我想我们只能凭直觉了。lead sb by the ˈnosemake sb do everything you want; control sb completely 牵着某人的鼻子走;完全控制某人Unfortunately, she’s allowed herself to be led by the nose for years, so it doesn’t surprise me that she isn’t happy.很不幸,这么多年她一直让人牵着鼻子走,所以她不开心我并不感到意外。pay through the ˈnose (for sth) (informal) pay a very high price for sth 付过高的价钱;被敲竹杠;挨宰Why pay through the nose for a used car? Come to Smith’s for prices you can afford!为什么要花那么多钱买辆二手车呢?来史密斯公司买你能买得起的车吧!(as) plain as a ˈpikestaff(as) plain as ˈday(as) plain as the nose on your ˈface (informal) easy to see or understand; obvious 一清二楚;一目了然;显而易见It’s as plain as a pikestaff; this government is ruining the economy.很显然,这个政府正在摧毁经济。You can’t miss the sign, it’s right there, as plain as the nose on your face.你不会错过指示牌的,就在那里,一眼就能看得见。(go to) powder your ˈnose (old-fashioned or humorous) a polite way of referring to the fact that a woman is going to the toilet (女士如厕的委婉说法)补妆,净手I’m just going to powder my nose and I’ll be with you in a minute.我去补补妆,一会儿就回来。rub sb’s ˈnose in it ( rub it ˈin) (informal) continue reminding sb about a mistake they have made or an unpleasant truth 老是揭某人疮疤;不断提起某人的过失(或伤心事)She’s always rubbing my nose in it. She’s never forgiven me for not taking that job.她总是跟我念叨,一直没有原谅我当初没接受那份工作的事。I know I made the wrong decision, but there’s no need to rub it in, is there?我知道我作了一个错误的决定,但是也没有必要老是揪住这点不放吧,对吗?it’s no skin off ˈmy, ˈyour, ˈhis, etc. nose (informal) used to say that sb is not upset or annoyed about sth because it does not affect them in a bad way 不会影响到某人;不会对某人造成损失It’s no skin off my nose if the price of cigarettes goes up. I don’t smoke.香烟价格上涨影响不到我,我不吸烟。thumb your ˈnose at sb/sthshow that you have no respect for sb/sth, sometimes by making a rude sign with your thumb on the end of your nose 对…嗤之以鼻(或不屑一顾)A photograph shows one of the crowd thumbing his nose at the speaker.有张照片上显示一位听众对讲演人做出不屑一顾的动作。




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