

词组 beat
释义 beat /biːt/ SEE ALL
ˌbeat about the ˈbush (BrE) (NAmE ˌbeat around the ˈbush) take too long before saying what you want to say; avoid saying sth directly 转弯抹角地说;绕圈子Don’t beat about the bush. Tell me exactly what you think is wrong with my work.
OPP call a spade a spade
beat sb at their own ˈgamebe more successful than sb in their special activity, sport, etc.; defeat sb using their own methods 赢某人的看家本领;在某人拿手的方面超过某人;以其人之道还治其人之身If you thought someone was trying to cheat you, would you challenge him or try to beat him at his own game?
beat your ˈbrains out (informal, especially NAmE) think very hard about sth for a long time 绞尽脑汁;费尽心思;反复推敲I was beating my brains out all weekend trying to write the script.
beat the ˈbushes (especially NAmE) try very hard to find, obtain or achieve sth 到处寻觅;努力获取Telephone companies are beating the bushes for new customers.
beat the ˈclockfinish a task, race, etc. before a particular time 提前完成任务(或比赛等)beat sb/sth ˈhollowbeat sb easily in a contest, etc.; be much better than sb/sth (在竞赛等中)把某人打得落花流水,彻底打败;远远胜过As a cook he beats the professionals hollow.
ˈbeat it (informal) (usually used as a command 通常用作命令) go away 走开;滚You’re not wanted here, so beat it.
beat a path to sb’s ˈdoorif a lot of people beat a path to sb’s door, they are all interested in sth that person has to sell, or can do or tell them 纷纷前往;纷纷把目光投向Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager’s door.
beat the ˈrap (NAmE, slang) escape without being punished 逃脱惩罚This time he didn’t beat the rap, and got three years in jail for robbery.
beat a (hasty) reˈtreatgo away quickly from sb/sth (仓皇)撤退;(匆匆)离开I had a terrible headache from all the noise and smoke at the party, so my wife and I beat a hasty retreat.
ORIGIN In the past, the beat of a drum was sometimes used to keep soldiers marching in the same rhythm when they were retreating (= moving away from the enemy). 旧时,有时用敲鼓让士兵在撤退时保持步伐一致。
beat ˈtimeshow the rhythm of a piece of music by striking sth, moving your hands, etc. (随着音乐节奏)打拍子She beat time with her fingers.
ˌcan you ˈbeat it/ˈthat? (spoken) used to express disbelief, surprise, annoyance, etc. (表示不相信、惊讶、恼怒等)竟有这等事,岂非咄咄怪事Can you beat that? He’s just broken another glass.
if you can’t ˈbeat them, ˈjoin them (saying) if you cannot defeat sb or be as successful as they are, then it is more sensible to join them in what they are doing and perhaps get some advantage for yourself by doing so 如果不能打败他们,就和他们联合;打不赢,就加入Everybody else seems to be leaving early today, so I think I will too. After all, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!
a rod/stick to ˈbeat sb witha fact, an argument, etc. that is used in order to blame or punish sb (用以怪罪或惩罚某人的)事实依据,理由The results of the national exams this year are being used as another stick to beat teachers with.
beat/scare the (living) ˈdaylights out of sb (informal) hit sb/sth very hard and repeatedly; frighten sb very much 把某人狠揍一顿;死命击打某物;把某人吓得灵魂出窍He said if I did it again he’d beat the living daylights out of me!他说要是我再这样的话就狠狠揍我一顿!I don’t think I’ll go to see that new horror film at the cinema. Jane said it scared the daylights out of her.我想我不会去电影院看那部新上映的恐怖片,简说她差点被吓死。bang/beat the ˈdrum (for sb/sth) (especially BrE) speak with enthusiasm in support of sb/sth (为…)鼓吹,摇旗呐喊She’s really banging the drum for the new system.她拼命为新制度摇旗呐喊。win (sth)/beat sb ˌhands ˈdownwin (sth)/beat sb very easily 轻易取胜Holland won the match hands down. The score was five nil.荷兰队赢得易如反掌,比分是 5: 0。your ˌheart misses a ˈbeatused to say that you have a sudden feeling of fear, excitement, etc. (因惊恐、兴奋等)心跳停了一下For a moment she thought she saw the dead man’s face looking in through the window and her heart missed a beat.有一瞬间,她以为自己看见那个死去的人的脸从窗外往里看,吓得心都停跳了一下。beat/knock/kick the ˈhell out of sb/sth (informal) ( beat/knock/kick the ˈshit out of sb/sth , slang ) beat, etc. sb/sth very hard 猛击;狠打If the crowd had managed to get hold of the robber, they would have beaten the hell out of him.要是人们抓住了强盗,一定会把他狠揍一顿。The gang knocked the hell out of him for no reason at all.那帮人无缘无故地痛打了他一顿。beat/turn swords into ˈploughshares (literary) stop fighting and return to peaceful activities 铸剑为犁;化干戈为玉帛 ORIGIN This comes from the Bible. A ploughshare is a blade that forms part of a plough (= a large piece of farming equipment used for cutting the soil). 这个习语源于《圣经》。犁铧(ploughshare)是犁(plough)上的刀片。




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