

词组 earth
释义 earth BrE /ɜːθ/
NAmE /ɜːrθ/
bring sb/come (back) down to ˈearth (with a ˈbang, ˈbump, etc.)have to deal, or make sb deal, with sth unpleasant, especially after a time when things seemed to be going well or life was enjoyable (使)回到现实中来;(使某人)心情变坏After such a wonderful trip, losing all her money certainly brought her back down to earth with a bump.


sensible and practical 务实的;实际的Even though she’s a movie star, she’s still friendly and down-to-earth.
cost/pay/charge the ˈearth (BrE, informal) cost/pay/charge a lot of money 花/付/索要一大笔钱It needn’t cost the earth to refurbish your offices.
go to ˈearth/ˈground (BrE) hide, especially to escape from sb who is chasing you 躲藏起来(以免被捉住);逃避His family never saw him again. He went to ground and they heard nothing else of him until he died last year.
NOTE This expression refers to a fox hiding underground when it is hunted. 这个表达法原指狐狸躲到地下逃避猎捕。
how, what, why, etc. on ˈearth…how, why, etc. in the ˈworld… (informal) used with questions to express the speaker’s surprise, anger, etc. (用于疑问句,表示惊讶或愤怒等)到底,究竟How on earth did you know I was coming today when I didn’t know myself until the last minute?
Why on earth would anyone give up such a good job?
like nothing on ˈearthvery ill or unattractive 病得很重;难看极了After two hours in that tiny boat I felt like nothing on earth.
I hadn’t slept for 48 hours. I must have looked like nothing on earth.
我整整 48 小时没睡觉,脸色肯定难看极了。
nothing on ˈearth (informal) absolutely nothing 没有任何东西Nothing on earth would make me tell anyone our secret.
run sb/sth to ˈearth/ˈground (informal) find sb/sth after a long, difficult search (长期搜寻后)终于找到I spent years looking for the stolen picture but eventually ran it to ground in London.
The escaped prisoner was run to ground within a couple of days.
NOTE This comes from hunting and means to chase an animal to its earth (= its home or hiding place). 这个习语源于打猎,指追赶猎物直至其躲入洞穴。
to the ˌends of the ˈeartha very great distance 天涯海角;很远的地方He would go to the ends of the earth to be with her.就是到天涯海角,他也要和她在一起。disappear/vanish off the face of the ˈearthdisappear completely 彻底消失;从地球上消失Keep looking — they can’t just have vanished off the face of the earth.继续找吧,他们不可能一下子就消失得踪影全无。the four ˌcorners of the ˈearththe parts of the world furthest away 天涯海角;世界各地People come from the four corners of the earth to attend the annual festival.人们从世界各地赶来参加一年一度的节日庆典。a heaven on ˈeartha place or situation where everything is perfect 人间天堂The island is a real heaven on earth.这座岛真是人间天堂。 OPP a hell on earth a ˌhell on ˈeartha place or situation that is extremely bad or unpleasant 人间地狱Life for the ordinary soldiers was hell on earth.普通士兵的生活真是糟糕透顶。 OPP a heaven on earth move heaven and ˈearth (to do sth) ( move ˈmountains (to do sth)) do everything you can in order to help sb, achieve sth, etc. 竭尽全力;尽一切可能His friends moved heaven and earth to free him from prison.他的朋友们竭尽全力救他出狱。Faith can move mountains (= achieve the impossible).信仰坚定山可移。promise (sb) the ˈmoon/ˈearth/ˈworld (informal) make very big or impossible promises that you are unlikely to keep 作出不可能兑现的承诺He promised her the moon, but after ten years of marriage they hardly had enough to live on.他向她作了许多空头承诺,可是结婚十年了,他们几乎入不敷出。the salt of the ˈeartha very good and honest person that you can always depend on 诚实可信的人Tim’s the salt of the earth — he’d do anything he can for you.蒂姆这人很可靠,他会为你竭尽所能。 OPP the scum of the earth ORIGIN This expression comes from the Bible. 这个表达法源于《圣经》。the ˌscum of the ˈearth (informal) a person or a group of people thought to be worthless, evil or completely without good qualities 人渣;社会渣滓Drug dealers are the scum of the earth.毒品贩子是社会的渣滓。 OPP the salt of the earth NOTE Scum is a layer of dirt on the surface of water. * scum 指水面的一层浮垢。 wipe sth off the ˌface of the ˈearth ( wipe sth off the ˈmap) completely destroy sth 使…从地球上消失;彻底消除If a meteor hit us, whole cities would be wiped off the face of the earth.如果流星击中我们,整座城市都会毁灭。The fall in prices wiped a lot of small businesses off the map.价格的下降彻底击垮了很多小企业。




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