

词组 rule
释义 rule /ruːl/ SEE ALL
as a (general) ˈruleusually 通常;一般来说It’s lucky for you that I’m still awake. As a rule I’m in bed by eleven.
make it a ˈrule to do sthalways do sth because you think it is a good idea or the right thing to do 总是做某事;使…成为习惯I make it a rule to invite all my students to a party at my house once a year.
a rule of ˈthumba quick, practical, but not exact, way of measuring or calculating sth 快速实用的估算方法;根据经验进行的粗算As a rule of thumb you need a litre of paint to every 12 square metres of wall.
根据经验粗算一下,每 12 平方米墙面需要一升涂料。
ORIGIN This phrase may come from the fact that people often used their thumbs to estimate measurements. 这个习语源于过去用拇指估测的做法。
rule the ˈroost (informal) be the person who controls a group, family, community, etc. 充当首领;主宰;当家作主It is a family firm, where the owner’s mother rules the roost.
NOTE A roost is a place where birds sleep. * roost 指鸟类栖息的地方。
rule (sb/sth) with a rod of ˈiron/with an iron ˈhand (informal) control sb/sth in a very strong or strict way 实行铁腕统治;严格管制They ruled the country with an iron hand and anybody who protested was arrested.
rule/throw sth out of ˈcourtmake sth not worth considering; completely reject or exclude sth 不予考虑;断然拒绝(或排除)The committee ruled any further discussion out of court.委员会拒绝进一步讨论此事。My suggestion was ruled out of court because it was too expensive.我的提议因耗资太大而被否决。diˌvide and ˈrulekeep control over people by making them disagree with and fight each other, therefore not giving them the chance to unite and oppose you together 分而治之a policy of divide and rule分而治之的政策the exˈception that proves the ˈrule (saying) people say that sth is the exception that proves the rule when they are stating sth that seems to be different from the normal situation, but they mean that the normal situation remains true in general 正因为有例外才证明普遍规律的存在;证明普遍规律存在的例外English people are supposed to be very reserved, but Pete is the exception that proves the rule — he’ll chat to anyone!一般都认为英国人很矜持,可是皮特却是个例外,他跟谁都聊得来!the golden ˈrulethe most important rule, principle, etc. to remember when you are doing sth 黄金准则;金科玉律;行为准则When you’re playing a stroke in golf, the golden rule is to keep your eye on the ball.打高尔夫球时,最重要的是眼睛要紧盯着球。let your ˌheart rule your ˈheadact according to what you feel rather than what you think is sensible 情感胜过理智;感情用事Don’t let your heart rule your head. I know you like him but are you sure you can really trust him?不要感情用事。我知道你喜欢他,可是你能确定自己真的信任他吗?




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