

词组 roots
释义 roots /ruːts/ SEE ALL
put down (new) ˈrootsgo to live in a place and gradually become part of a local community 扎根;安居下来We’ve moved around a lot because of my job and it seems to get more difficult to put down new roots each time.
OPP pull up stakes
the ˌgrass ˈrootsthe ordinary people in an organization, for example a political party or trade union, and not the officials 草根阶层;基层群众The leaders of this union are losing contact with their members. They need to get back in touch with the grass roots.工会的领导正在逐渐失去与会员的联系,他们有必要重新与基层群众进行接触。 ˌgrass-ˈroots


a grass-roots movement群众运动




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