roof /ruːf/► SEE ALLgo through the rooflift/raise the roofa roof over your headunder one/the same roofunder your rooflike a cat on hot brickshit the roof/ceiling ●go through the ˈroof (informal) 1.become very angry暴跳如雷;火冒三丈◆He went through the roof when I told him I’d lost the money. 我告诉他我把钱弄丢了时,他气得火冒三丈。2. (of prices, numbers价格、数字等) rise or increase very high very quickly快速上涨;猛增◆Prices have gone through the roof since the oil crisis began. 自从石油危机爆发以来,物价飞涨。●lift/raise the ˈroof ( bring the ˈroof down) (informal) (of a large group of people一大群人) make a very loud noise, for example by shouting or singing闹翻天◆The audience raised the roof when the band played their favourite song. 乐队奏响观众最喜欢的一首歌时,他们欢声雷动。◆The crowd brought the roof down when the home team scored. I had never ever heard such cheering. 主队得分时,人群欢声震天。我还从没听过这么大的欢呼声。●a ˈroof over your head (informal) a place to live; a house居住的地方;栖身之所◆Everyone needs a roof over their heads but thousands remain homeless. 每个人都需要一个居住的地方,可是还有成千上万的人无家可归。●under one/the same ˈroof (informal) in the same house, etc.在同一屋檐下;住在同一个地方◆There were three generations of the family living under one roof. 这家人三代同堂。●under your ˈroofin your home在家里◆I don’t want that woman under my roof ever again! 我再也不准那个女人进我的门!●like a ˌcat on hot ˈbricks (BrE) (NAmE, less frequentlike a ˌcat on a hot tin ˈroof) (informal) very nervous局促不安;如坐针毡;像热锅上的蚂蚁◆He’ll be like a cat on hot bricks till he gets his exam results.他在知道考试结果前会一直局促不安。●hit the ˈroof/ˈceiling (informal) suddenly become very angry勃然大怒◆Every time I mention Patricia, Sam hits the roof.每次我提到帕特里夏,萨姆就暴跳如雷。