

词组 words
释义 words BrE /wɜːdz/
NAmE /wɜːrdz/
have/exchange ˈwords (with sb) (about sth) (especially BrE) argue or quarrel with sb because you do not like the way they have behaved (与某人)争论,争吵I had to have words with him about his behaviour.
They both got angry and had words.
in ˈother wordsexpressed in a different way; that is to say 换句话说;也就是说;换言之‘I don’t think this is the right job for you, Pete.’ ‘In other words, you want me to leave. Is that it?’
(not) in so/as many ˈwords(not) in exactly the same words that sb says were used (并非)一字不差地,原原本本地Did he actually say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure?
in words of one ˈsyllableusing very simple language so that sb will understand 简言之;简单明了地说They didn’t seem to understand my explanation, so I explained it all again in words of one syllable.
a play on ˈwordsa clever or amusing use of a word that has more than one meaning, or of words that have different meanings but sound similar/the same; a pun 语带双关;双关语;俏皮话When Elvis Presley had his hair cut off in the army he said, ‘Hair today and gone tomorrow’. It was a play on words — the usual expression is ‘here today and gone tomorrow.’
当埃尔维斯∙普雷斯利在军队里把头发剪短的时候,他说hair today and gone tomorrow(今日有头发,明天就没了)。这是一个双关语,通常的说法是here today and gone tomorrow(今日在此,明日离开)。


Many of the jokes are based on puns and wordplay.
put ˈwords in/into sb’s mouthsay or suggest that sb has said sth, when they have not 硬说某人说过某些话You’re putting words in my mouth. I didn’t say the whole house was dirty, I just said the living room needed a clean.
take the words (right) out of sb’s ˈmouthsay exactly what another person was going to say 说出某人想说的话;说中别人的意思‘The speed limit on motorways should be raised.’ ‘I agree completely! You’ve taken the words right out of my mouth!’
too funny, sad, etc. for ˈwordsextremely funny, sad, etc. 有趣(或悲伤等)得无法形容The man in the post office was too stupid for words.
words ˈfail meI cannot express how I feel (because I am too surprised, angry, etc.) (因过于吃惊、生气等)我不知道该如何说Words fail me! How could you have been so stupid?
ˌactions speak ˌlouder than ˈwords (saying) what you do is more important than what you say 行动胜于言辞;事实胜于雄辩You said you’d help me, but you know what they say: actions speak louder than words!你说过会帮助我,但你应该知道有这样一句俗话:行动胜于言辞!eat your ˈwordsbe forced to admit that what you have said before was wrong (被迫)收回前言,承认说错Nick told everyone that he’d be picked for the team, but when he wasn’t chosen he had to eat his words.尼克本来对大家说,他肯定会被挑进球队,结果没被选上,他只得承认自己说错了。ˌfamous ˌlast ˈwords (informal, humorous) used when you think sb has been too optimistic about sth and is likely to be wrong 鬼才相信的漂亮话‘The journey will only take an hour on the high-speed train.’ ‘Famous last words! That train is always late!’“坐高速列车的话,整个行程只要一个小时。”“说得好听!那趟车总是晚点!” NOTE Last words in this idiom refers to words spoken by somebody just before they die. 这个习语中的 last words 原指人的临终遗言。 a man/woman of few ˈwordsa person who does not talk much 少言寡语的人Mr Robins was a man of few words, but his opinions were always respected.罗宾斯先生话不多,但他的意见总是得到人们的重视。hang on sb’s ˈwords/every ˈwordlisten to what sb says with great attention 倾听;仔细听The professor was talking to a group of students, who hung on her every word.教授在讲话,学生们都在全神贯注地听她说的每一个字。at a ˌloss for ˈwordsunable to say anything 无言以对;找不到话说He’s never at a loss for words, in fact it’s difficult sometimes to stop him talking.他从不会找不到话说。事实上,有时候他一打开话匣子就停不下来。I was completely at a loss for words. I had never been spoken to like that in my whole life.我一句话也说不出来。在我的一生中,从来没有人这样对我讲过话。be lost for ˈwordsbe so surprised, confused, etc. that you do not know what to say (惊讶、困惑等得)不知说什么才好When he told me what she’d done to him I was lost for words.他告诉我她对他的所作所为时,我惊讶得说不出话来。ˌmark my ˈwords (old-fashioned, spoken) (often used for introducing a warning 常用于提醒) listen carefully to what I am saying 注意听我讲话;留心听我的话He’ll be back, mark my words! He never stays away for long.听我说!他很快就会回来,他从不离开太久。not mince your ˈwords ( not ˈmince matters) speak openly or directly; say what you think, even though you may offend sb 说话不隐讳;直言不讳Sir John, never a man to mince his words, said in a TV interview that the government had lied.约翰爵士是个直言不讳的人,他在一次电视采访中说政府欺骗了民众。I won’t mince matters: I think it’s a stupid idea.我实话实说,这是个愚蠢的主意。 OPP pull your punches a ˌwar of ˈwordsa fierce argument or disagreement over a period of time between two or more people or groups 舌战;论战the political war of words over tax有关税收问题的政治论战weigh your ˈwordscarefully choose the words you use when you speak or write 推敲;斟酌词句He spoke very slowly, weighing his words.他说话慢条斯理,字斟句酌。




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