balance /ˈbæləns/► SEE ALL(be/hang) in the balance(catch/throw sb) off balanceon balanceredress the balancestrike a balance (between A and B)tip the balance/scales ●(be/hang) in the ˈbalance(be) at a point where sth could either develop well or badly; be uncertain(是好是坏)尚未决定;悬而未决;不能确定◆With the election results due to be announced this afternoon, the future of the country still hangs very much in the balance. 选举结果要到今天下午才会宣布,所以这个国家的未来现在仍然悬而未决。NOTE A balance is an instrument for weighing things. It has a bar that is supported in the middle and dishes hanging from each end. * balance 本义是“天平”。●(catch/throw sb) off ˈbalance1.make sb/sth unsteady and in danger of falling使站立不稳;使失去平衡◆I was thrown off balance by the sudden gust of wind. 突如其来的一阵风差点把我吹倒。2.make sb surprised and no longer calm使不知所措◆The senator was clearly caught off balance by the unexpected question. 参议员显然被这个意想不到的问题弄得不知所措。●on ˈbalancewhen advantages and disadvantages, successes and failures, etc. have been compared权衡利弊之后;总的看来◆It has been decided that, on balance, she is the best person for the job despite her lack of experience. 大家觉得尽管她缺乏经验,但总的来说还是这项工作最合适的人选。●redress the ˈbalancemake a situation equal or fair again重加权衡;恢复平衡;恢复公平合理的情况◆They have won the last two games, so today we’ll be trying to redress the balance.他们已经赢了前两场比赛,所以今天我们要竭力拉平与他们的差距。●strike a ˈbalance (between A and B)find a sensible middle point between two demands, extremes, courses of action, etc.(在两者之间)权衡轻重得失,找到折中办法;使两全其美◆We need to strike a balance between protecting him and letting him become more independent.我们需要在保护他和让他更独立这两者之间找到一个平衡点。◆Children need to strike a balance between work and play at school.孩子们在学校里既要学好,也要玩好,两者要摆平位置。●tip the ˈbalance/ˈscales ( swing the ˈbalance) be the reason that finally causes sb to do sth or sth to happen in one way rather than another使天平倾斜;使结果向某方倾斜;起决定性作用◆They were both very good candidates for the job but she had more experience and that tipped the balance.他俩都是这个职位的最佳人选,可是她更有经验,这使她处于更有利地位。