

词组 a turn-up for the book(s)
释义 a ˌturn-up for the ˈbook(s) (BrE, informal) an unusual or unexpected event 很不寻常的事;出乎意料的事情Everyone thought John would win, so when Richard won it was a real turn-up for the books.所有人都以为约翰会赢,所以理查德获胜实在是出乎大家的意料。 ORIGIN This expression comes from gambling. A turn-up was a horse, etc. that won unexpectedly, to the benefit of bookmakers, and books are the records of bets. 这个表达法源于赌博。turn-up 指爆冷赢得比赛、从而使赌注登记经纪人获利的马或其他动物,books 则指赛马赌注记录。




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