

词组 double
释义 double /ˈdʌbl/ SEE ALL
at the ˈdouble (BrE) (NAmE on the ˈdouble) (informal) very quickly; immediately 迅速;很快Go and get my boots, on the double!
The boss wants you to go and see her at the double.
do a ˌdouble ˈtakereact to sth surprising or unusual only after a short delay (对令人惊讶或不寻常的事)起初并无反应,过一会儿才恍然大悟I had to do a double take when she walked in — she looked exactly like her mother!
ˌdouble ˈDutch (BrE, informal) language that is impossible to understand 晦涩的语言;莫名其妙的话I wish someone would explain this contract in simple language — it’s all double Dutch to me!
ˌdouble or ˈquits (BrE) (NAmE ˌdouble or ˈnothing) (in gambling 赌博中) a risk in which, if you lose you will have to pay twice the amount of money you owe, or if you win, will not owe anything 输则赔双倍,赢则债务全清 NOTE Quits means that two people are now equal and do not owe each other anything, especially money. * quits 指互不相欠。 ˌdouble ˈquick (BrE, informal) very quick(ly) 非常快(地)If the machine starts making a hissing noise, then turn it off double quick.
a double ˈwhammy (informal) two unpleasant situations or events that happen at the same time and cause problems for sb/sth 雪上加霜;祸不单行With this government we’ve had a double whammy of tax increases and benefit cuts.
ORIGIN This phrase comes from the 1950s American cartoon L’il Abner. One of the characters could shoot a whammy (= use magic power to make something bad happen to somebody) by pointing a finger with one eye open, or a double whammy with both eyes open. 这个短语源于 20 世纪 50 年代美国的动画片《利尔 ∙ 阿布纳》,其中的一个人物睁一只眼并用手指点一下能给人带来诅咒,两只眼睛都睁开能带来双重诅咒。
in a ˌdouble ˈbindin a situation in which it is difficult to choose what to do because whatever you choose will have negative results 处于进退两难的境地Students are caught in a double bind between a lack of jobs if they leave school and a huge bill for higher education if they stay.




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