

词组 deep
释义 deep /diːp/ SEE ALL
deep ˈdown (informal) in your most private thoughts; in reality rather than in appearance 在内心深处;实际上She’s very generous deep down, but this only comes out when you get to know her.
He seems very confident but deep down I think he’s quite shy.
go/run ˈdeep (of emotions, beliefs, etc. 情感、信仰等) be felt in a strong way, especially for a long time 强烈;深厚;深入内心Dignity and pride run deep in this community.
go off the ˈdeep end (informal) suddenly become very angry or emotional (突然)火冒三丈,大发脾气,非常激动Don’t tell your father that you lost the money — he’ll just go off the deep end.
in deep ˈwater(s)in trouble or difficulty 处于困境;陷于危难She was getting into deep water when she tried to argue that murder is sometimes justified for political reasons.
jump in/be thrown in at the ˈdeep end (informal) try to do sth difficult without help when you are not prepared or know very little about it (使)陷入未曾料到的无助的困境;(由于无准备或了解甚少而)一筹莫展On the first day of her new teaching job, she was thrown in at the deep end and was told to teach the most badly-behaved class.
她没想到教书的第一天就遇上了大难题 - 被安排教最调皮的班级。
I didn’t know anything about business when I started. I just had to jump in at the deep end.
NOTE This phrase refers to the deep end of a swimming pool, where it is too deep to stand. 这个短语原指游泳池的深水区,那里水很深,人无法站立。
between the ˌdevil and the deep blue ˈseain a situation where you have to choose between two things that are equally bad 进退维谷;左右为难In this situation, the government finds itself caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.在这种形势下,政府左右为难。dig ˈdeep1. search thoroughly for information 深挖,探究,细察(信息)You’ll need to dig deep into the records to find the figures you want.你必须仔细查阅档案才能找到你需要的数据。2. try hard to provide the money, equipment, etc. that is needed 尽力提供(所需的资金、设备等)We’re asking you to dig deep for the earthquake victims.我们请求你们尽力为地震灾民提供财物。be in the ˈshitbe in ˌdeep ˈshit (, slang) be in a lot of trouble 遇到许多麻烦;陷入困境I’ll be in the shit if I don’t get this work finished today.我要是今天完不成这活可就惨了。You’re in deep shit now.你现在麻烦可大了。still waters run ˈdeep (saying) a person who seems to be quiet or shy may surprise you by knowing a lot or having deep feelings 静水流深;木讷寡言者也许胸藏丘壑(或感情深厚)I know he seems very quiet and content with his life, but still waters run deep, you know.我知道他看起来很平静,对生活安于现状,可是你要知道,静水流深。




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