

词组 neck
释义 neck /nek/ SEE ALL
be up to your ˈneck in sthbe in sth up to your ˈneck1. have a lot of sth to deal with 忙于;埋头于I’ve been up to my neck in job applications for weeks.
2. be deeply involved in sth, especially sth dangerous or criminal 深陷于(尤指危险或犯罪行为)He says he knows nothing about the drug smuggling, but the police are sure he’s in it (= trouble) up to his neck.
break your ˈneck (doing sth/to do sth) (informal) make a great effort 拼命(做某事)There’s no need to break your neck trying to get here by five. We can always wait for you.
by a ˈneckif a person or an animal wins a race by a neck, they win it by a short distance (比赛中)以微弱优势(获胜)The final was very close, with Molina finally winning by a neck.
ˌget it in the ˈneck (BrE, informal) be shouted at or punished because of sth that you have done 受到严厉责骂;受重罚Look at the time! I really should get back to work, or I’ll get it in the neck.
ORIGIN This refers to the punishment of being killed by hanging or having your head cut off. 这个习语原指绞刑或斩首。
in your, this, etc. ˌneck of the ˈwoods (informal) in a particular area or part of the country 在那一带;在某地区Hi, Jim! What are you doing in this neck of the woods?
Not much happens in our neck of the woods. It’s very quiet.
ˌneck and ˈneck (with sb/sth) ( ˌnip and ˈtuck (with sb) especially NAmE) (in a race, competition, etc.) level with each other (比赛、竞赛等中)势均力敌,不分上下,并驾齐驱With another 100 metres to go, Jones and Saville are neck and neck.
赛跑还剩 100 米时,琼斯和萨维尔不相上下。
put/lay your head/neck on the blockrisk defeat, failure, etc.; put yourself in a situation where you might be blamed, criticized, etc. 冒失败的危险;将自己置于有可能受到指责(或批评等)的境地The government laid its head on the block and said that if it loses this vote in Parliament tonight it will call an election.政府冒风险称,如果在议会今晚的投票中失利的话将要求举行选举。I’m prepared to put my neck on the block and promise that the new building will be ready by the end of the year.我愿意拿自己的人头担保新楼将在年底竣工。 ORIGIN In the past when people were executed (= killed as a punishment), they had to lay their head on a block so that it could be chopped off. 旧时被处死刑的人将头置于 block (木墩)上引颈断头。ˌbrass ˈneck/ˈnerve (BrE, informal) a combination of confidence and lack of respect 厚颜无耻;傲慢无礼I didn’t think she would have the brass neck to do that.我以为她不会胆大妄为到敢做那种事。breathe down sb’s ˈneck (informal) watch sb too closely, and so make them feel uncomfortable 紧盯着某人看;看得某人发毛;监视I can’t work with people breathing down my neck the whole time.要是旁边总有人紧盯着,我没办法工作。a millstone around/round sb’s ˈnecksth which limits your freedom or makes you worry 难以摆脱的沉重负担;累赘;包袱My debts are a millstone round my neck.债务成了我难以摆脱的负担。 ORIGIN A millstone is a very large heavy flat stone used to crush grain to make flour. This phrase refers to an old form of punishing people by tying a heavy stone around their necks and dropping them into deep water to drown. * millstone 指磨石。这个短语原指旧时的一种刑罚,即将一块重石挂在受刑人的脖子上并将其沉入深水中,使其淹没。a pain in the ˈneck (BrE also a pain in the ˈarse[taboo]/ˈbum/ˈbackside) (NAmE also a pain in the ˈass[taboo]/ˈbutt) (informal) a person or thing that you find annoying 极讨厌的人(或事物)Her new boyfriend is a real pain in the neck — he never stops talking.她的新男友可真讨厌,说起话来总是喋喋不休。risk your ˈneck (informal) take a big risk by doing sth dangerous, stupid, etc. 冒极大的风险I’m not going to risk my neck complaining about the boss.我才不会甘冒风险,抱怨老板的不是呢。 OPP save sb’s/your (own) neck/skin/hide save sb’s/your (own) ˈneck/ˈskin/ˈhide (informal) save sb or yourself from a dangerous or unpleasant situation 保住一条命;使某人(或自己)摆脱困境Don’t rely on him for help, he’s only interested in saving his own skin.别指望他,他只管保自己的命。 OPP risk your neck by the scruff of sb’s/the ˈneck(hold sb or an animal) by the back of the neck 揪住人(或动物)的颈背The barman took her by the scruff of the neck and threw her out.酒吧男招待一把揪住她的脖子,将她扔了出去。stick your ˈneck out (informal) do or say sth which other people are afraid to do, and as a result attract attention or trouble 出头;冒险;做(或说)别人不敢做的事(或说的话)Joe stuck his neck out at the meeting; he told the boss that the new sales policy wasn’t working.乔在会上说了别人不敢说的话,他告诉老板新的销售政策行不通。ˌwring sb’s ˈneck (spoken, informal) used as an expression of anger or as a threat (表示愤怒或威胁)拧断…的脖子,掐死…If I find the person who did this, I’ll wring his neck!要是我查出是谁干的,非拧断他脖子不可! NOTE If you wring a bird’s neck, you twist it in order to kill the bird. * wring指拧断鸟的脖子致其死亡。




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