

词组 death
释义 death /deθ/ SEE ALL
at death’s ˈdoor (often ironic) so ill that you might die 走近死亡门槛;生命危在旦夕;行将就木Come on, get out of bed. You’re not at death’s door yet!
be the ˈdeath of sb (often humorous) cause sb a lot of harm or worry 使某人受到很大伤害;让某人担心得要命;使某人深感不安You children are so badly behaved! You’ll be the death of me one day!
be ˌin at the ˈdeath/ˈkillbe there when sth ends or fails 亲见事情结束;目睹事情失败I was in at the kill when she finally lost her job.
ˌdo sth to ˈdeath (informal) talk or write about a subject, or perform a play, etc. so often that it is no longer interesting 做烦了;看腻了;听厌了Some people think that the theme of romantic love has been done to death in poetry.
like death warmed ˈup (BrE) (NAmE like death warmed ˈover) (informal) very ill or tired 病得厉害;累得要命I feel like death warmed up this morning, but I’m going to go to work anyway.
You should really go home to bed. You look like death warmed up.
put sb to ˈdeathkill sb as a punishment; execute sb (作为惩罚)杀死,处死The prisoner will be put to death at dawn.
to ˈdeathextremely; very much 极度;非常to be bored / frightened / scared / worried to death
I’m sick to death of your endless criticism.
to the ˈdeathuntil sb dies or is defeated 至死方休;直至(某人)被打败There was a fight to the death between two men armed with knives.
ˌwork yourself/sb to ˈdeath (informal) work, or make sb work, very hard (使)累死累活地干That company is working him to death.
She works herself to death and nobody ever thanks her for anything.
catch your ˈdeath (of cold) (old-fashioned, informal) (usually said to emphasize how cold it is 通常用于强调天气很冷) get a very bad cold 患重感冒Don’t go out without your coat — you’ll catch your death.别不穿外套就出门,你会感冒的。ˌdice with ˈdeath (informal) risk your life by doing sth very dangerous 冒生命危险;玩命Racing drivers dice with death every time they race.赛车手每次比赛都是在玩命。 NOTE Dice means play dice or gamble. * dice 意为 play dice (玩骰子)或 gamble (赌博)。 die a/the ˈdeath (BrE, informal) end suddenly and completely; fail 突然结束;彻底终结;失败Our fund-raising appeal died a death when the government failed to support it.我们的筹款号召没得到政府的支持,所以彻底失败了。He died the death as Othello, and never got another role after that.他演奥赛罗演砸了,自那之后再也没得到什么角色。a ˌfate worse than ˈdeath (often humorous) a terrible experience 糟糕透顶的经历;生不如死的经历Go on a trip with the Trumans? You’re joking. It would be a fate worse than death.跟杜鲁门一家去度假?你在开玩笑吧。那还不如去死。ˌflog sth to ˈdeath (BrE, informal) talk/write about or deal with a subject so often that there is no longer any interest in it 滥用;使成为陈词滥调The word ‘new’ has really been flogged to death in advertisements, and nobody believes it any more.“新式”这个词在广告里都用滥了,没人再相信了。hang on/hold on (to sb/sth) like grim ˈdeathhold sb/sth very tightly, usually because you are afraid or determined not to let go (因害怕或决意不松手而)牢牢抓住,拼命抓住,死不放手As the horse galloped off, you could see poor Sarah hanging on like grim death.马跑开时,你可以看见可怜的萨拉死死地抓住马缰绳。The robbers tried to steal my bag, but I held on to it like grim death.劫匪想抢走我的包,我死死地抓住不松手。 NOTE The word grim (= very serious or unpleasant) is often used to describe death. * grim (严肃的;令人不快的)一词常用来描述死亡。 the kiss of ˈdeath (informal, often humorous) an action or event that seems good, but is certain to make sth else fail 死亡之吻(表面友善但导致不幸结果的行动);表面有利实则有害的事物When the chairman said he had every confidence in me, I knew it was the kiss of death. A week later I was looking for another job.董事长说他对我很有信心时,我知道大事不妙了,一周之后我便另谋出路了。(a matter of) ˌlife and/or ˈdeath (informal) used to describe a situation that is very important or serious 性命攸关(的事情)We need that business deal, it’s a matter of life or death to the company.我们需要做成那笔生意,这是有关公司存亡的大事。It’s hardly a life-and-death decision whether we drive or take the train, is it?我们是自己开车还是坐火车去并不是一个十分重要的问题,不是吗?life after ˈdeaththe possibility or belief that people continue to exist in some form after they die 死后再生Do you believe in life after death?你相信死后再生吗?sign your own ˈdeath warrantdo sth that results in your own death, defeat or failure 做出使自己丧命(或失败)的事;自寻毁灭By refusing to play pop music this new radio station is signing its own death warrant.这家新成立的电台拒绝播放流行音乐,这是在自寻死路。sound the ˈdeath knell of sthbe the reason why sth ends, goes out of fashion, or is replaced 敲响了…的丧钟;宣告…的死亡;取代The arrival of large supermarkets sounded the death knell of many small local shops.大型超市的出现宣告了许多当地小商店的终结。 NOTE The death knell is the ringing of a bell to announce a person’s death. * death knell 指丧钟。 ˌsudden ˈdeatha way of deciding the winner of a game when scores are equal at the end. The players or teams continue playing and the game ends as soon as one of them gains the lead 突然死亡法(在加时赛中一方领先即结束比赛)If no one scores in the next five minutes the game will go to sudden death.如果再过五分钟没有人得分,比赛将采用突然死亡法决定胜负。They won the match after an exciting sudden-death play-off.他们在加时赛中以紧张激烈的突然死亡法赢得了比赛。be tickled ˈpink ( be tickled to ˈdeath) (old-fashioned, informal) be very pleased or amused 非常高兴;乐不可支My grandmother will be tickled pink to get an invitation to the wedding.要是能获邀参加婚礼,我祖母肯定会乐开花。 OPP (as) sick as a parrot




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