

词组 dark
释义 dark BrE /dɑːk/
NAmE /dɑːrk/
a dark ˈhorse (BrE) a person who does not tell other people much about their life, and who surprises other people by having interesting qualities 黑马;深藏不露的人You’re a dark horse! I had no idea you could play the piano so well.
ORIGIN This phrase comes from horse racing. A dark horse was a horse that nobody knew much about and later came to mean somebody who wins a race unexpectedly. 这个短语源于赛马。黑马原先是没有名气的马,后来指爆冷赢得比赛的人。
in the ˈdark (about sth)knowing nothing about sth (对某事)全然不知Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.
She arrived at the meeting as much in the dark as everyone else.
keep it/sth ˈdark (from sb) (BrE, informal) keep sth secret 对…保密;隐瞒;隐藏I’ve got a new job, but keep it dark, won’t you?
a shot/stab in the ˈdarka guess; sth you do without knowing what the result will be 瞎猜;盲动;盲干The figure he came up with was really just a shot in the dark.
a leap in the ˈdarkan action or a risk that you take without knowing anything about the activity or what the result will be 冒险举动;后果不可预料的行动The government is being accused of taking a leap in the dark as it prepares to radically change the education system.人们指责政府准备对教育制度进行重大变革是冒险行为。whistle in the ˈdarktry not to show that you are afraid, are in danger, etc. 借吹口哨壮胆;故作镇静He seems confident we’ll get the money we need, but I think he’s just whistling in the dark.对于我们会筹到所需钱款的事,他看上去信心十足,但我觉得他不过是故作镇静罢了。




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