

词组 door
释义 door /dɔː(r)/ SEE ALL
be on the ˈdoorwork at the entrance to a theatre, club, etc., for example collecting tickets from people as they enter 把门(在戏院、夜总会等门口检票)We should be able to get in free because I know the guy on the door.
by/through the back ˈdoorin an indirect or unofficial way 走后门;通过非正当途径She has powerful friends, so she got into the diplomatic service by the back door.
(from) ˌdoor to ˈdoor1. from the place of departure to the place you are going to; from building to building 从起点到终点;从一处到另一处The whole journey took me four hours from door to door.
2. from one house, flat/apartment, etc. to the next 从一家到另一家;挨家挨户The church distributes leaflets from door to door.
a door-to-door salesman
leave the ˈdoor open (for/on sth)make sure that there is still the possibility of doing sth 不把门堵死;(为某事)留有余地The management were intelligent enough to leave the door open for further negotiations with the union.
shut/close the ˈdoor on sthmake it unlikely that sth will happen; refuse to consider an idea, a plan, etc. 拒…于门外;把…的门堵死;对(想法、计划等)不加考虑I think this company should remain open to ideas and not shut the door on change.
She was careful not to close the door on the possibility of further talks.
beat a path to sb’s ˈdoorif a lot of people beat a path to sb’s door, they are all interested in sth that person has to sell, or can do or tell them 纷纷前往;纷纷把目光投向Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager’s door.顶尖的演艺经纪人纷纷把目光投向那个十几岁的少年。not/never darken sb’s ˌdoor aˈgain (old-fashioned or humorous) not/never come to sb’s home again because you are not welcome 再不要跨进我的门槛;再不许踏进我的家门Go! And never darken my door again!滚!不许再跨进我的门槛!at death’s ˈdoor (often ironic) so ill that you might die 走近死亡门槛;生命危在旦夕;行将就木Come on, get out of bed. You’re not at death’s door yet!起来,下床吧,你还没有到行将就木的时候!get/have a/your ˌfoot in the ˈdoorstart/have started to be accepted in an organization, a group, a profession, etc. that could bring you success 开始被某组织(或团体、行业等)接受It’s difficult to get your foot in the door as a young actor without any experience.作为一名毫无经验的年轻演员,要打进这个圈子很难。 ˌfoot-in-the-ˈdoor


aggressive, foot-in-the-door sales techniques积极强行的推销技巧
lay sth at sb’s door (formal) blame sb for sth 把…归咎于某人The failure of the talks cannot be laid at the government’s door.会谈失败不能归咎于政府。lie at sb’s door (formal) (of the responsibility for a mistake, etc. 失误等的责任) belong to sb 归于某人;由某人承担The main problem is the design of the building and the responsibility for that lies clearly at the architect’s door.主要问题在于大楼的设计上,责任显然在建筑师。open the ˈdoor to/for sb/sthprovide sb with the chance or opportunity to do sth new, interesting, etc. 为…敞开大门;给…提供良机Going to university opened the door to a whole new world for her.上大学为她敞开了通往一个崭新世界的大门。show sb the ˈdoor (informal) tell sb to leave because of an argument or bad behaviour 叫某人离开;对某人下逐客令If she spoke to me like that, I’d show her the door!要是她那样对我说话,我就轰她出门!shut/lock/close the stable door after the horse has ˈbolted (BrE) (NAmE shut, etc. the barn door after the horse has eˈscaped) take action to prevent sth bad from happening after it has already happened 马跑了才去关厩门;贼走关门Last week all their silver was stolen; this week they’re putting in a burglar alarm! That’s really shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.上星期他们的银器全被偷走了,这星期他们才安装防盗报警器!这可真是马跑了才去关厩门。keep the ˈwolf from the door (informal) make sure that you have enough money to pay for the basic things like food, rent, heating, etc. 勉强度日;免于挨饿Their wages are just enough to keep the wolf from the door.他们的工资仅够糊口。




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