

词组 done
释义 done /dʌn/ SEE ALL
be ˈdone for (informal) be in serious trouble 处境艰难;注定完蛋;肯定不行The supplies are so low that we will be done for in a few days if help doesn’t come soon.
I think the project is done for — the money’s almost gone and we’ve got no results after three years’ hard work.
be/get ˈdone for sth/for doing sth (BrE, informal) be caught and punished for doing sth illegal but not too serious 因轻微违法受处罚I got done for speeding on my way back home.
be/have ˈdone with sb/sth (especially BrE) no longer be involved with sb/sth or do sth, especially sth unpleasant 与(某人)断绝关系;结束,了结(尤指令人不快的事情)I’m fed up with you lot! I’m done with you for ever!
Let’s have done with this silly argument.
be ˌover and ˈdone with (often used of sth unpleasant, upsetting, etc. 常用于令人不快或苦恼的事等) be completely finished 了结Well I’m glad that’s over and done with. I was so nervous.
done and ˈdusted (informal) if a project, an activity, etc. is done and dusted, it is completely finished or ready (项目、活动等)已经完全结束(或准备好了)Everybody else seems to think the deal will be done and dusted by lunchtime, but I’m not so sure.
a done ˈdeal (especially NAmE) used to describe a decision, an arrangement, a project, etc. that is completed and cannot be changed 木已成舟的事情;无法改变的决定(或安排、计划等)The managing director denied that the merger was a done deal, and said they were still in negotiations.
done ˈin (informal) extremely tired 筋疲力尽I feel absolutely done in!
OPP full of beans
the done ˈthing (BrE) the socially correct way to behave 合乎礼仪的行为;得体的举止Smoking while somebody else is eating is not the done thing.
It’s the done thing to dress for dinner in this hotel.
done to a ˈturn (BrE) cooked for exactly the right amount of time 烹调得恰到火候We had a wonderful dinner, with chicken done to a turn and home-grown vegetables.
he, she, etc. has gone/been and done sth (informal) used to express surprise, annoyance, etc. at sb’s actions (表示惊奇、烦恼等)怎么搞的Someone’s gone and locked the door and I haven’t got a key!
What’s he been and done now?
ˌbeen ˈthere, ˌdone ˈthat (informal) used to show that you think a place or an activity is not very interesting or impressive because you have already experienced it 去过了;经历过了;没有新意Not camping again! Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.不要再提野营了!去过了,还得了一件 T 恤衫,再去就没劲了。ˌeasier ˌsaid than ˈdone (saying) it is easier to suggest doing sth than actually to do it 说时容易做时难‘All you have to do is climb a ladder and mend the roof.’ ‘Easier said than done — I’m terrified of heights!’“你要做的不过是爬上梯子修修房顶罢了。”“说得容易,我有恐高症!”be/feel hard ˈdone by (informal) be/feel unfairly treated 受到不公平的对待;感到委屈I think you’ve been hard done by — you worked twice as long as anyone else.我觉得这对你不公平,你比其他人的工作时间要多一倍。ˌno ˈharm done (spoken) used to tell sb not to worry because they have caused no serious damage or injury (用于安慰做错了事的人)没有什么大不了,没事Forget it, Dave, no harm done.别放在心上,戴夫,没事儿的。when ˌall is said and ˈdonewhen all the facts are considered 说到底;毕竟She doesn’t have a lot of experience but, when all is said and done, she’s the best person for the job.她没有多少经验,不过,她毕竟是做这份工作最合适的人选。no ˌsooner ˌsaid than ˈdone (of a request 要求) done immediately 一说就办;说了就立即做When he said he wanted to go to the zoo on his birthday it was no sooner said than done.他一说他生日那天想去动物园,立刻就照做了。




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