

词组 return
释义 return BrE /rɪˈtɜːn/
NAmE /rɪˈtɜːrn/
by reˈturn (of ˈpost) (BrE) using the next available post; as soon as possible 通过下一班邮递;尽快Please reply by return of post.
in reˈturn (for sth)1. as a way of thanking sb or paying them for sth they have done 作为(对…的)感谢(或回报)What will you give me in return for this information?
2. as a response or reaction to sth 作为回应I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return.
reˌturn the ˈcomplimentdo or say the same pleasant thing that sb else has done or said to you 回报恩惠;回敬别人的称赞Thanks for a lovely meal. We’ll try and return the compliment very soon.
reˌturn to the ˈfold (literary) come back to a group or community (especially a religious or political society) 重返团体(尤指宗教或政治团体)She left the party 10 years ago but has recently returned to the fold.
她在 10 年前退党,但最近又重新回到党内。
NOTE A fold is a place where sheep are kept and so can mean a group of people who share the same ideas and beliefs. * fold 指羊圈,因而也可指志趣相同的一群人。
pay sth back/return sth with ˈinterestreact to the harm sb has done to you by doing sth even worse to them 加倍回击(或惩罚)Peter pushed his sister, so she paid him back with interest by kicking him hard.彼得推了妹妹一下,妹妹连本带利,反过来狠狠踢了他一脚。 NOTE Interest is the extra money you receive or pay when you lend or borrow money. * interest 指利息。 (get to, reach, etc.) the ˌpoint of ˌno reˈturnthe time when you must continue with what you have decided to do, because it is not possible to get back to an earlier situation (到了)欲罢不能的时刻,已无退路的状态,不可能回头的临界点We’ve invested so much in the project that we simply must finish it. We’ve reached the point of no return.我们已经在这个项目上投入了那么多,只能背水一战了。




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