

词组 hit
释义 hit /hɪt/ SEE ALL
be/make a (big, etc.) ˈhit with sbbe liked very much by sb when they first meet you 首次见面时大受欢迎;投缘You’ve made quite a hit with my mother. She really likes you.
The new teacher is a big hit with all the students as well as the other members of staff.
hit (it) ˈbig (informal) be very successful 非常成功;轰动The band has hit big in the US.
hit the ˈbooks (NAmE) study hard and read a lot about sth 用功学习You’re going to hit the books and make something of yourself.
My exams are soon so I’d better start hitting the books.
hit the ˈbottle (informal) regularly drink too much 贪杯;酗酒She managed to resist alcohol for a year, then hit the bottle again when her husband died.
He’s really hitting the bottle at the moment.
hit the ˈbuffers (informal) if a plan, sb’s career, etc. hits the buffers, it suddenly stops being successful (计划、事业等)突然受挫His big ideas for expanding the business hit the buffers yesterday when the board of directors rejected his proposals.
NOTE Buffers are two round metal devices on the front or end of a train, or at the end of a railway/railroad track, that reduce the shock if the train hits something. * buffer 指火车车头、车尾或轨道末端的减震器。
hit the ˈdeck (informal) 1. fall to the ground suddenly 摔倒在地;躺倒在地When we heard the shooting we hit the deck.
The champion landed another heavy punch and the challenger hit the deck for the third time.
2. (NAmE) get out of bed 起床Come on! It’s time to hit the deck.
ˌhit the ground ˈrunning (informal) start doing sth and continue very quickly and successfully 迅速而顺利地投入某事;一炮打响;雷厉风行What we need for this project is someone who will hit the ground running.
ORIGIN This idiom possibly refers to soldiers who are expected to land from parachutes or from helicopters and get straight into action. 这个习语可能原指跳伞或乘直升机着陆后能迅速作战的士兵。
hit sb/sth ˈhardaffect sb/sth very badly 使…受到沉重打击The death of her daughter hit her very hard.
NOTE In the passive, we usually say ‘hard hit by’ instead of ‘hit hard by’. 在被动语态中通常说 hard hit by,不说 hit hard by:Pensioners have been particularly hard hit by the rise in heating costs.
hit sb in the ˈeye (informal) be very obvious or striking 很显然;一目了然;抢眼The strange combination of colours hits you in the eye as soon as you enter the room.
ˈhit it (spoken) used to tell sb to start doing sth, such as playing music (用于要求某人开始做某事)开始Hit it, Louis!
hit it ˈoff (with sb) (informal) quickly form or have a good relationship with sb (与某人)一见如故,志趣相投I met a girl at the party, and we hit it off straight away.
hit the ˈjackpotsuddenly win, earn, etc. a lot of money; suddenly be very successful 走财运;突然发达She’s hit the jackpot with her latest book — it’s sold millions.
a ˈhit list (informal) a list of people, organizations, etc. against whom some unpleasant action is being planned 黑名单The gang have drawn up a hit list of about 50 politicians.
这个帮派拟定了一个约有 50 名政客的黑名单。
Be careful how you speak to her because I think you’re on her hit list.
hit the nail on the ˈhead (informal) say sth that is exactly right 说到点子上;正中要害‘So you want to move to another department.’ ‘You’ve hit the nail on the head. That’s exactly what I want.’
OPP be/fall wide of the mark
hit the ˈroad ( hit the ˈtrail especially NAmE) (informal) begin a journey 出发;上路Well, we’d better hit the road, we’ve a long way to go.
hit the ˈroof/ˈceiling (informal) suddenly become very angry 勃然大怒Every time I mention Patricia, Sam hits the roof.
hit the ˈsack/ˈhay (informal) go to bed 上床睡觉I think it’s time to hit the sack.
ORIGIN Sack and hay both refer to simple beds. In the past a bed was often just a sack or piece of rough cloth with hay inside. Sailors in the navy also slept in hammocks (= a type of bed hung between two posts, etc.) similar to sacks. * sack 和 hay 均指简易床。旧时的床通常只是塞有干草的麻袋或粗布。海员则睡在与此相似的吊床(hammock)上。
hit the ˈskids (especially NAmE) begin to decline or get worse very quickly 开始衰退;迅速恶化In February shares hit the skids, and in one day $1 bn was wiped off the value of the company.
股价在 2 月急剧下跌,公司市值一天内蒸发 10 亿美元。
hit the ˈspot (informal) if sth hits the spot it does exactly what it should do 发挥作用;适得其用;切合需要I decided I wasn’t really hungry, but the coffee really hit the spot and I drank a whole pot.
hit the ˈstreetshit the ˈshops/ˈstores (informal) become widely available for sale 大量上市The new games console hits the streets tomorrow.
hit sb when they’re ˈdowncontinue to hurt sb when they are already defeated 落井下石;乘人之危You wouldn’t hit a man when he’s down, would you?
hit sb where it ˈhurtsaffect sb where they will feel it most 刺中某人痛处;击中要害After four years of marriage, she really knows how to hit him where it hurts, and isn’t afraid to do it either.
take a ˈhitbe damaged or badly affected by sth 遭受破坏;受到严重影响The airline industry took a hit last year.
be/come up against a brick ˈwall ( hit a brick ˈwall) be unable to make any progress because there is a difficulty that stops you 遇到难以逾越的障碍Since he had no more money to spend on the project, he was up against a brick wall.他拿不出更多的钱投资这项工程,为此陷入了困境。Plans to build a new road around the town hit a brick wall when local residents protested.由于当地居民反对,修建新环城公路的计划遇到了难以逾越的障碍。grab/hit/make the ˈheadlines (informal) be an important item of news in newspapers or on the radio or television 成为报纸(等媒体的)头条新闻;被…大肆宣扬His reputation has suffered a lot since the scandal over his love affair hit the headlines.自打桃色丑闻被媒体曝光后,他的声誉一落千丈。hit/strike ˈhome1. (of an insult, a remark, criticism, etc. 辱骂、话语、批评等) affect or hurt sb in the intended way; make sb really understand sth 正中要害;说到点子上;使某人真正理解His criticism of my work struck home. I knew he was right.他对我工作的批评正中要害,我知道他说得对。My remarks last week obviously hit home because he has not been late for work since.我上周的批评显然很管用,自那以后他就没有迟到过。2. (of a punch, a blow, an arrow, a bullet, etc. 一拳、一击、箭、子弹等) hit sb/sth where you intended; hit the target 击中目标The punch hit home and Ferguson fell to the floor.那一拳打中要害,弗格森倒在地上。not know what ˈhit you (informal) be so surprised by sth that you do not know how to react 因吃惊而不知所措;惊呆了You should have seen his reaction! He didn’t know what had hit him!你真该看看他的反应,他简直惊呆了! OPP see sth coming ˌhit/ˌmiss the ˈmarksucceed/fail in achieving or guessing sth 击中/没有击中目标;达到/没有达到目的;猜测正确/错误He blushed furiously and Robyn knew she had hit the mark.他气得满脸通红,罗宾知道自己的目的达到了。hit/touch a (raw) ˈnervesay sth which upsets sb because they are very sensitive about that subject 触及要害;触动痛处You touched a raw nerve when you talked to the manager about the need for better communications within the company.你跟经理谈到公司内部需要更好的沟通,这触动了他的痛处。hit/strike the right/wrong ˈnote (especially BrE) do, say or write sth that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occasion 做事(或说话、写作等)得体/不得体Somehow, he managed to strike just the right note in his final election speech.无论如何,他在最后的选举演说中让自己表现得十分得体。hit/strike ˈpay dirt (informal, especially NAmE) suddenly be in a successful situation, especially one that makes you rich 骤然成功;(尤指)发现财源,暴富The band hit pay dirt two years ago with their first album, but have since been less successful.这个乐队两年前出第一张专辑时一炮打响,后来却不像当初那么成功。 ORIGIN This comes from mining. Pay dirt is earth that contains valuable minerals or metal such as gold. 这个习语源于采矿。pay dirt 指含诸如金子等贵重矿物或金属的矿砂。hit/reach ˌrock ˈbottombe at ˌrock ˈbottomreach or be at the lowest point or level that is possible 跌至谷底;跌至最低水平Demand for new cars is at rock bottom. This month’s sales figures are the lowest in ten years.对新车的需求已降至最低,本月的销售额是 10 年来最低的。I really hit rock bottom after my marriage broke up.婚姻破裂后我的生活陷入低谷。 ˌrock-ˈbottom


For rock-bottom prices, come to McArthur’s Furniture Store.要找最低价,请到麦克阿瑟家具店来。
hit/knock sb/sth for ˈsix (BrE) 1. (often of sth unpleasant 常指不愉快的事物) surprise sb a lot 令某人大吃一惊It really hit me for six to find that my father had written about me in his book.我发现父亲居然在他的书里写到了我,这的确令我深感意外。2. completely destroy a plan, an idea, a suggestion, etc.; knock sb/sth over/down 彻底毁掉(计划、主意、建议等);撞倒某人/某物The stock market crash has hit the economy for six.股市崩盘给了经济以沉重的打击。Toby took a step backwards and knocked the vase for six.托比后退了一步,将花瓶撞翻在地。 NOTE In cricket, if you hit the ball a long distance you score six runs. 在板球中,远距离的击球以六分计算。 a ˌsmash ˈhit (informal) (of a record, play or film/movie 唱片、戏剧、电影等) very popular and a great success 轰动之作;巨大的成功Still at number one, it’s The Rubber Band, with their smash hit, ‘Love me’.排在第一位的,仍然是喜宴乐队的轰动力作《爱我》。The actress Donna May has been in 15 Broadway smash hits.到目前为止,女演员唐娜 ∙ 梅已经位居百老汇最受欢迎的 15 位巨星之列。get into your ˈstride (BrE) (NAmE hit (your) ˈstride) begin to do sth with confidence and at a good speed after a slow, uncertain start 开始满怀信心地做某事;进入状态;开始上轨道She found the job difficult at first, but now she’s got into her stride and she loves it.刚开始她觉得这工作很难,可是现在她已经做顺手了,还爱上了这份工作。




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