

词组 hell
释义 hell /hel/ SEE ALL
all ˈhell breaks/is let loose (informal) there is suddenly an angry, noisy reaction to sth; suddenly everything becomes confused, noisy, etc. 突然喧闹起来;顿时乱作一团When soldiers fired shots into the crowd, all hell broke loose.
All hell broke loose when they heard that their pay had been cut.
beat/knock/kick the ˈhell out of sb/sth (informal) ( beat/knock/kick the ˈshit out of sb/sth , slang ) beat, etc. sb/sth very hard 猛击;狠打If the crowd had managed to get hold of the robber, they would have beaten the hell out of him.
The gang knocked the hell out of him for no reason at all.
(just) for the ˈhell of it (informal) just for fun, with no particular reason 只是闹着玩;没有真正动机The youths had nothing to do so they went round breaking windows just for the hell of it.
from ˈhell (informal) used to describe a very unpleasant person or thing; the worst that you can imagine 十分讨厌;最糟糕They are the neighbours from hell.
get the hell ˈout (of…) (spoken) get out of or leave a place very quickly 迅速离开Here come the police. Let’s get the hell out of here.
Get the hell out of my house and don’t come back!
(Some people find the use of this idiom offensive. 有人认为这个习语的用法含冒犯意。 )
give sb ˈhell (informal) 1. make life unpleasant for sb 让某人吃苦头;使某人不好受Her back is giving her hell at the moment; she’s in constant pain.
2. shout at or speak angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong 呵斥;训斥His mother gave him hell for coming home so late.
go to ˈhell (spoken, offensive) used to tell sb to go away or to stop saying/doing sth because it is annoying (用于要求某人走开、停止说或做某事)见你的鬼,去你的He wanted to come back but she told him to go to hell.
‘Why don’t you answer my question, Jim?’ ‘Oh, go to hell, will you? I’m tired of your stupid questions.’
hell for ˈleather (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) with the greatest possible speed, energy, etc. 飞快地;拼命地I saw a man going hell for leather down the street, with two policemen running after him.
ORIGIN This is from horse riding. A rider can hit a horse with a strip of leather to make it run faster. 这个习语源于骑马,骑手用皮鞭抽打让马快跑。
hell hath no ˈfury (like a woman ˈscorned) (BrE, saying) used to refer to sb, usually a woman, who has reacted very angrily to sth, especially the fact that her husband or lover has been unfaithful (= has had a sexual relationship with another woman) (尤指女人因丈夫或情人不忠而)大发雷霆;醋意大发He should have known better than to leave her for that young girl. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
NOTE Hath is an old form of has. * hath 是 has 的旧词形。
a/one hell of a… (spoken, slang) sb/sth that is very bad, good, unusual, impressive, etc. 极其;非常We had a hell of a good time at the night club.
I had one hell of a hangover the next morning.
NOTE This is sometimes written as ‘a/one helluva’. 这个习语有时写成“ a/one helluva ”。
a ˌhell on ˈeartha place or situation that is extremely bad or unpleasant 人间地狱Life for the ordinary soldiers was hell on earth.
OPP a heaven on earth
(come) ˌhell or high ˈwaterwhatever the difficulties or opposition may be 不论有什么困难;无论如何Come hell or high water, we’ve got to reach the injured men tonight.
Hell’s ˈteeth (old-fashioned, BrE, spoken) used to express anger or surprise (表示愤怒或惊讶)见鬼Hell’s teeth, look at the time! I’m going to be late for work!
like ˈhell1. (informal) very hard, very much, very fast, etc. in an effort to do sth 拼命地;飞快地I had to run like hell to catch the bus.
2. (spoken) used to give emphasis when saying no to a suggestion, idea, etc. (用于强调)绝不,肯定不‘He thinks you’re going to lend him your car this weekend.’ ‘Like hell I am.’
(Some people find this use offensive. 有人认为这种用法含冒犯意。)
play (merry) ˈhell with sb/sth (BrE, informal) disturb, upset or trouble sb/sth very much 捣乱;(严重)打乱,扰乱These storms play merry hell with our TV reception.
scare, annoy, etc. the ˈhell out of sb (informal) scare, annoy, etc. sb very much 把某人吓得魂不附体;使某人十分恐惧(或恼怒等)The sight of a man with a gun scared the hell out of her.
Louise suddenly surprised the hell out of us by announcing that she was pregnant!
see sb in ˈhell first (informal) used to emphasize that you have no intention of agreeing to or doing what sb has suggested (用于强调不同意)决不,死也不You want me to invite that woman to this house? I’ll see her in hell first.
to ˈhell and back (informal) used to say that sb has been through a difficult situation 经历过劫难We’d been to hell and back together and we were still good friends.
to ˈhell with sb/sth (spoken) used to express anger or dislike and to say that you no longer care about sb/sth and will take no notice of it/them (表示愤怒或厌恶)见鬼去吧To hell with this stupid car. I’m going to buy a new one.
(Some people find this use offensive. 有人认为这种用法含冒犯意。)
what the ˈhell! (spoken) it doesn’t matter; I don’t care 没关系;我不在乎‘Do you want a cigarette?’ ‘No, thanks, I’ve given up. Oh, what the hell! Yes, I will have one, after all.’
(Some people find this use offensive. 有人认为这种用法含冒犯意。)
when ˈhell freezes over (informal) if you say something will happen when hell freezes over, you mean that you think it will never happen 永远不会发生;不可能;除非太阳从西边出来‘They might give you a pay rise soon.’ ‘Yeah, right. When hell freezes over!’
like a ˌbat out of ˈhell (informal) very fast 迅速地;以极快的速度If there were a fire, I wouldn’t try to save any possessions. I’d be off like a bat out of hell!如果发生火灾,我不会想法抢救任何财物,我会赶快逃命的。not have a cat in ˈhell’s chance ( not have a ˈdog’s chance) (informal) have no chance at all 毫无机会You haven’t got a cat in hell’s chance of buying a decent car for that amount.那点钱根本就不可能买到一辆像样的车。 OPP a sporting chance ˈcatch it (BrE) (NAmE catch ˈhell, ˈget it) (spoken) be punished or spoken to angrily about sth 受罚;受斥责If your dad finds out you’ll really catch it!要是你老爸知道了,你肯定要挨罚!go to the ˈdogs (NAmE also go to hell in a ˈhandbasket) (informal) (often used of a company, an organization, a country, etc. 常用于指公司、组织、国家等) become less powerful, efficient, etc. than before 败落;大不如前Many people think this country’s going to the dogs.许多人认为这个国家正走向衰落。not have a ˌhope in ˈhell (informal) not have any chance at all 毫无机会;不抱希望You haven’t got a hope in hell of winning the race — you’re far too slow!你根本无望取胜,你跑得太慢了!ˈhell/the ˈdevil to pay (informal) a lot of trouble 大麻烦;大乱子There’ll be hell to pay when your father sees that broken window.一旦你父亲看到那扇打破的窗子,麻烦就大了。raise ˈCain/ˈhell (informal) complain or protest noisily and angrily, often as a way of getting sth you want (常为了达到要求)大声抱怨(或抗议),大吵大闹He’ll raise hell if we don’t finish on time.如果我们不按时完工的话,他会闹翻天的。 ˈhell-raiser


a violent and destructive person 凶残的人;具破坏性的人 ORIGIN Cain was the first murderer in the Bible. * Cain (该隐)是《圣经》中的第一个杀人者。
the road to ˌhell is paved with good inˈtentions (saying) it is not enough to intend to do good things, behave better, etc.; you must actually do them, be better, etc. 通往地狱的道路是由良好的意图铺成的;光是想,再好也无用(意为必须把好的意愿付诸实际行动)not have a ˌsnowball’s chance in ˈhell (of doing sth) (informal) have no chance at all of doing sth 根本不可能(做某事);机会渺茫Look at this traffic! I’m afraid we haven’t got a snowball’s chance in hell of getting to the airport in time.看看有多少车!恐怕我们根本没有指望能及时赶到机场。 OPP a sporting chance NOTE This idiom refers to the belief that hell is a place of fire. 这个习语原指一种宗教信仰,即认为地狱是火的世界。 (as) sure as ˈhell (NAmE, informal) certainly; without doubt 的确;毫无疑问Joe sure as hell won’t want to dress up in a suit and tie.乔确确实实不愿意穿西服系领带。




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