

词组 mind
释义 mind /maɪnd/ SEE ALL
at/in the ˌback of your ˈmindin your thoughts, but not your main interest or concern 隐约地;模模糊糊地;下意识地I think your father knew at the back of his mind that he was being deceived.
be all in sb’s/the ˈmindnot be true or real; be imagined 只是凭空想象She’s not really ill — it’s all in the mind.
be of one/the same ˈmind (about/on sb/sth)have the same opinion about sb/sth (对…)看法一致Doctors are of one mind about the dangers of smoking.
I am afraid that he and I are not of the same mind.
be/go ˌout of your ˈmind1. be/go crazy 疯癫;发疯You want to go on a parachuting holiday? Are you out of your mind?
2. confused and upset because of worry, illness, etc. (因焦虑、疾病等)心智混乱,发狂She’s out of her mind with worry.
bear/keep sb/sth in ˈmindbear/keep in ˈmind that…not forget about sb/sth 将…记在心中We’ll bear you in mind if a job becomes available.
I’ll keep your advice in mind.
Do bear in mind that the tickets are usually sold very quickly.
bring/call sb/sth to ˈmindremind you of sb/sth 使想起;使记起Her paintings bring to mind hot summer days in Provence.
come/spring to ˈmindif sth comes or springs to mind, you suddenly remember or think of it 突然记起(或想到)‘Have you any suggestions?’ ‘Nothing springs to mind, I’m afraid.’
Just say whatever comes to mind — it doesn’t matter.
do you ˈmind (if…)?1. used to ask permission or make a polite suggestion to do sth (用于征求允许或礼貌地提出建议)(如果…)你介意吗Do you mind if I smoke?
Do you mind if we discuss this later?
2. (ironic) used to show that you are annoyed about sth that sb has just said or done (表示对某人的言语或行为不满)别这样好不好This man pushed into me without apologizing so I turned round and said, ‘Do you mind?’ and he looked very embarrassed.
这个男士推了我,却不道歉。于是我转过身去对他说:“别这样好不好?” 这使他很尴尬。
don’t mind ˈme1. used when you ask people to ignore you because you do not want to disturb a meeting, lesson, meal, etc. (表示不愿打扰某人)不用管我,不用为我操心Don’t mind me. Carry on with your supper.
2. (ironic) used for showing your anger at not being included in sth or being asked about sth (表示愤怒)你想怎么做就怎么做吧,你还管我干什么What’s the matter with Joanna this morning? I opened the window in the office and she said, ‘Don’t mind me, will you,’ in a really unpleasant voice.
give your ˈmind to sththink hard about sth 专心致志;认真考虑某事He hadn’t really been giving his mind to the problem.
I’m sure you’ll learn it if you give your mind to it.
go over sth in your ˈmindthink very carefully about sth that happened to you 仔细回顾;反思I go over that terrible moment in my mind every day.
have a good mind to ˈdo sthhave half a mind to ˈdo sth1. used to say that you think you will do sth, although you are not sure 很想做某事,可能会做某事(但不确定)I’ve got half a mind to sell my car and buy a new one.
I’ve a good mind to give up this stupid job.
2. used to say that you disapprove of what sb has done and should do sth about it, although you probably will not 很想做某事(用于吓唬某人,表示不赞同其行为)I’ve got a good mind to write and tell your parents about it.
have sb/sth in ˈmind (for sth)be planning to ask sb to do a job, or use sth to do a job 心中有适当人选;想好要用某物(做某事)I need a secretary, but I haven’t got anyone in mind.
I’ve got a picture by Hockney in mind for the front cover of the book.
have it in mind to do sthhave sth in mindplan or intend to do sth 打算做某事;有心做某事How long have you had this in mind?
have a mind of your ˈown1. (of people ) have your own opinion and make your own decisions without being influenced by other people 有主见;行事果断She certainly doesn’t need your advice; she’s got a mind of her own, that girl.
2. (humorous) (of machines, etc. 机器等) behave in a way that you do not expect 运行异常;不听使唤This photocopier has a mind of its own. If I ask for ten copies it does one; if I ask for five, it does fifteen.
have your ˌmind on other ˈthingsyour ˌmind is on other ˈthingsnot give sb/sth your full attention because you are thinking about sth else 走神;心有旁骛;心不在焉‘He’s made a few mistakes today. What’s the matter with him?’ ‘He’s got his mind on other things. Family problems mainly.’
have a mind to do sthwant to do or achieve sth 想要做某事;有意做某事He could pass the exam easily, if he really had a mind to.
I have a mind to find out the truth behind all this.
have sth on your ˈmindsth is on your ˈmindbe worried about sth; be thinking a lot about a problem, etc. 想着某事;牵挂;惦念His daughter’s very ill, so he’s got a lot on his mind just now.
She asked me if there was anything on my mind.
I don’t mind adˈmitting, ˈtelling you…, etc.used to emphasize what you are saying, especially when you are talking about sth that may be embarrassing for you 我不在乎承认…;不妨告诉你…I was scared, I don’t mind telling you!
I don’t mind if I ˈdo (spoken, informal) used to say politely that you would like sth you have been offered (礼貌地表示愿意接受)我倒不反对,可以,好的‘Another glass of wine, Gary?’ ‘I don’t mind if I do.’
if you ˌdon’t ˈmindif you ˌwouldn’t ˈmind (spoken) 1. used to check that sb does not object to sth you want to do, or to ask sb politely to do sth (用于确保对方不反对,或礼貌地请求某人做某事)如果你不介意I’d like to ask you a few questions, if you don’t mind.
Can you read that form carefully, if you wouldn’t mind, and then sign it.
2. (often ironic) used to show that you object to sth that sb has said or done (表示对他人言语或行为不满)如蒙你不介意I give the orders around here, if you don’t mind.
3. used to refuse an offer politely (用于委婉地拒绝)对不起得很‘Will you come with us tonight?’ ‘I won’t, if you don’t mind — I’ve got a lot of work to do.’
if you ˌdon’t mind me/my ˈsaying so… (spoken) used when you are going to criticize sb or say sth that might upset them (用于批评对方或者言语可能使对方不快时)你不介意我这样说吧That colour doesn’t really suit you, if you don’t mind my saying so.
in your ˌmind’s ˈeyeas a picture in your mind or in your imagination 在记忆中;在脑海中;在想象中I can see his face quite clearly in my mind’s eye.
Try to picture in your mind’s eye the scene that day.
I wouldn’t mind… (spoken) used to say that you would like sth or would like to do sth (表示愿意接受某物或做某事)我不介意I wouldn’t mind a coffee.
I wouldn’t mind living abroad for a few years.
keep your mind on sthyour mind is on sththink about sth; concentrate on sth 专心于;全神贯注于I’ll write her a letter later. I can’t keep my mind on anything today.
Your mind’s not on your work today, is it?
(take) a load/weight off sb’s mindgreat relief, because a problem has been solved (使人感到)如释重负;(使人)心里一块石头落地Selling the house was an enormous weight off my mind.
‘I’ve finished all my essays.’ ‘I bet that’s a load off your mind.’
It took a load off my mind when the doctor said I was free from infection.
lose your ˈmindbecome mentally ill 发疯make up your ˈmindmake your ˈmind updecide sth 作出决定;下定决心I’ve made up my mind to be a doctor.
She’s finally made her mind up.
My mind is made up and nothing will change it.
Come on! It’s make your mind up time (= time to make a decision).
the mind ˈboggles (at sth)it boggles the ˈmind (informal) you find it difficult to imagine sth because it is so surprising, strange or complicated 真难想象;使人摸不着头脑The mind boggles at the thought of a boxer dressed up as a fairy.
The vastness of space really boggles the mind.


Distances in space are mind-boggling.
ˌmind how you ˈgo (informal) 1. used to tell sb to be careful 小心Mind how you go with that knife — it’s very sharp!
2. used when saying goodbye to sb (用于告别)路上小心Goodbye then! Mind how you go!
ˌmind over ˈmatterthe influence of the mind on the body; the power to change things by thinking 精神胜过物质;思想改变事物的能力‘How does he manage to work when he’s so ill?’ ‘Mind over matter.’
ˌmind your own ˈbusiness (spoken, informal) think about your own affairs and not ask questions about or try to get involved in other people’s lives 别管闲事;管好你自己的事‘Who was the girl I saw you with last night?’ ‘Mind your own business!’
I was sitting in a cafe minding my own business when a man came up to me and hit me in the face.
mind your ˌP’s and ˈQ’s (informal) be careful how you behave; remember to be polite 注意礼貌;谨言慎行Sally’s got very strict ideas about how her children should behave, so mind your P’s and Q’s.
ORIGIN This expression probably refers to the P in ‘please’ and the pronunciation of ‘thank you’ which sounds like Q. 这个表达法中的 P 和 Q 可能指英语 please 的头一个字母和 thank you 的发音。
mind the ˈshop (BrE) (NAmE mind the ˈstore) be in charge of sth for a short time while sb is away 料理事务;临时照看Who’s minding the shop while the boss is abroad?
ˌmind ˈyou (spoken) 1. used to add to what you have just said, especially sth that makes it less strong (对前面的话加以补充,尤用于缓和语气)请注意,留心It’s a fantastic restaurant. Expensive, mind you.
I’ve heard they’re getting divorced. Mind you, I’m not surprised — they were always arguing.
2. used after a word you want to emphasize (用在需要强调的词语之后)请注意,记住When we were children, we used to walk, walk mind you, five miles to and from school every day.
ˌmind your ˈbacks! (informal) used to tell people to move out of your way, for example when you are carrying something 请让开路Mind your backs! I’m coming through!
never ˈmind1. (especially BrE) used to tell sb not to worry or be upset (用于安慰)没关系You failed your driving test? Never mind, the best drivers always fail the first time.
2. used to suggest that sth is not important (表示某事并不重要)没关系,无所谓This isn’t the place I wanted to take you to — but never mind, it’s just as good.
3. used to emphasize that what is true about the first thing you have said is even more true about the second (用于强调)更不用说I never thought she’d win once, never mind twice!
never mind (about) (doing) sthused to tell sb that they should not think about sth or do sth because it is not as important as sth else, or because you will do it 别理会,先别管(因为某事是次要的,或因为你自己将会去做)Never mind the washing-up — we haven’t got time.
Never mind saying how sorry you are, who’s going to pay for the damage you’ve done?
ˌnever you ˈmind (informal) used to tell sb not to ask about sth because you are not going to tell them 不要问;不关你的事‘How much did you pay for it?’ ‘Never you mind.’
Never you mind why I want it, just give it to me.
put you in mind of sb/sth (old-fashioned) remind you of sb/sth 使某人想起Her way of speaking puts me in mind of my mother.
That music always puts me in mind of holidays in Turkey.
put/set sb’s ˈmind at ease/restdo or say sth to sb which stops them worrying about sth 宽慰;安慰;使某人放心(或安心)If you’d phoned me it would have put my mind at ease.
He was nervous about meeting my parents, so I tried to set his mind at rest.
put/set/turn your ˈmind to sthgive all your effort and attention to sth or to achieving sth 集中精力做;专心做You could be a very good writer if you put your mind to it.
He can turn his mind to the detail if he has to.
put/get sth out of your ˈmindstop thinking about sth; try to forget sth 把…置之脑后;不再想;有意忘记Let’s put the problems with the bank out of our minds and try to enjoy ourselves a bit. There’s no point worrying all the time.
take sb’s ˈmind off sthmake sb forget about sth unpleasant for a short time 让某人转移注意力;让某人暂时忘记某事I went out to see a movie to try to take my mind off my problems.
We’re trying to take his mind off things a bit.
to ˈmy mind (spoken) in my opinion 依我看;以我之见To my mind, his earlier works are better.
a practical, scientific, etc. turn of ˈminda practical, scientific, etc. way of thinking about things 务实(或科学等)的思维方式He’s got a very practical turn of mind. He can fix anything.
turn sth over in your ˈmindthink about sth, for example an offer, a plan, etc., very carefully before you make a decision 仔细考虑;反复思量I’ve been turning over the job offer in my mind all weekend. I really don’t know what to do.
with sth in mindfor a particular reason 心里想着;为了He wrote the book with his son in mind (= for his son).
I went out for a drive, with no particular destination in mind.
bend your ˈmind/ˈefforts to sth (formal) think very hard about or put a lot of effort into one particular thing 专心于某事物;竭尽全力干某事blow your/sb’s ˈmind (informal) make you/sb feel extreme pleasure, excitement, etc. 使极度高兴(或兴奋等)This new game will blow your mind!这款新游戏会让你欣喜若狂的! ˈmind-blowing


We were stunned by the mind-blowing beauty of the landscape.看到这惊人的美景,我们都呆住了。
bore sb to ˈtearsbore sb ˈstiffbore sb out of their ˈmind (informal) (often used in the passive 常用于被动语态) bore sb very much (使某人)厌烦透顶,极其厌倦He bored me to tears with stories about his childhood.他又给我讲他童年的事情,我都腻了。After listening to the speech for three hours I was bored stiff.听了三个小时的演讲,我厌烦透了。cast your ˈmind back to sththink about sth in the past 回顾;回想Cast your mind back to when you were a child.回顾一下你的童年。change your ˈmindchange your decision or opinion 改变主意(或看法)He was intending to go to the party but now he’s changed his mind and decided to stay in.他本想去参加聚会,不过现在改变主意了,决定在家里呆着。close but no ciˈgar (NAmE, informal) used to say that the answer, result, etc. is not quite good enough 接近了,但还没答对;还不够好;离成功还差一点儿 ORIGIN This expression comes from the old US custom of giving a cigar as a prize in fairground games of skill, such as shooting games. 这个表达法源于美国旧俗,当时常以一支雪茄烟作为射击等露天比赛的奖品。ˌconcentrate the ˈmindmake you think very clearly and seriously about sth 使精力集中;使慎重考虑Being informed that you are likely to lose your job unless you work harder concentrates the mind wonderfully.被告知如果不加劲儿工作就会丢饭碗能立刻让人集中精神。cross sb’s ˈmind (often used in negative sentences 常用于否定句) (of a thought, etc. 想法等) come into sb’s mind for a short time 掠过心头;在脑海中闪现He intended to marry her and the thought never crossed his mind that she might refuse.他想与她结婚,但从来没有想过她可能会拒绝。It had crossed my mind that I hadn’t seen her for a long time so I decided to ring her.我突然想到很久没见她了,于是决定给她打个电话。drive sb out of their ˈmind/ˈwits (informal) make sb crazy, or very nervous or worried 让人发疯(或紧张、担心)That noise is driving me out of my mind!那噪音简直让我发疯!be engraved on/in your ˈheart/ˈmemory/ˈmindbe sth that you will never forget because it affected you so strongly 铭记在心;难以忘记Although he was very young at the time, the date of his father’s funeral was engraved on his heart.虽然当时还小,但他永远都记得父亲下葬的那一天。 NOTE Engrave means ‘cut words or designs on wood, stone, etc.’. * engrave 指“在木头、石头等上雕刻文字或图案”。 be etched on your ˈheart/ˈmemory/ˈmindbe sth that you will never forget because it affected you so strongly 铭记在心;难以忘怀The image of their son holding up the championship trophy would be etched on their memories forever.他们永远也不会忘记儿子高举冠军杯的样子。a frame of ˈminda particular way of thinking, mood, etc. 精神状态;情绪You should ask her for permission when she’s in a better frame of mind.你应该趁她心情好些的时候征求她的许可。I wonder what frame of mind he was in when he wrote the letter.我不知道他写这封信的时候心情如何。set your ˈheart/ˈmind on sth/on doing sthhave your heart/mind ˈset on sth/on doing sthwant sth very much; want to do or achieve sth very much 渴望得到,一心想要(做某事)When she was a small girl, her heart was set on a horse of her own.小时候,她一心想要一匹属于自己的马。He set his mind on becoming a doctor.他渴望成为一名医生。I have my heart set on a new guitar.我很想有一把新吉他。know your own ˈmindknow what you want or like 知道自己想做什么;有主见;有决断At 25 you’re old enough to know your own mind and make these decisions for yourself.你已经 25 岁了,该有主见了,自己作这些决定吧。mind/watch your ˈlanguagebe careful about what you say in order not to upset or offend sb 谨慎措辞;留神言辞Watch your language, young man!年轻人,说话注意点!have a ˌone-track ˈmindthink only about one subject 一门心思只想一件事;思维单一狭隘James will always bring sex into a conversation if he can. He’s got a one-track mind.詹姆斯总是想把话题扯到性方面去,他脑子里只有一样东西。have/keep an ˌopen ˈmind (on/about sth)be willing to change your opinion (on/about sth) 愿意聆听(或接受)意见;(对…)不怀成见;思想开明I’ve still got an open mind on the question of nuclear defence.对于核防御我没有任何成见。 ˌopen-ˈminded


You can talk to her about anything — she’s very open-minded.你什么事都可以跟她谈,她思想很开明。
peace of ˈmindfreedom from worry, anxiety, guilt, etc. 心境的安宁;安心He seemed to find peace of mind in the last few weeks of his life.在生命的最后几周,他似乎找到了心灵的宁静。give sb a piece of your ˈmind (informal) angrily tell sb your true opinion of them; criticize sb angrily 生气地对…直言;斥责If he doesn’t turn that music down soon, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.如果他不快点把音乐关小,我就要说说他了。 OPP bite your tongue ˌpresence of ˈmindthe ability to react quickly and stay calm in a difficult or dangerous situation 危难中镇定自若;遇事不慌A little girl from Leeds showed remarkable presence of mind yesterday when she saved her brothers from a fire in their home.利兹城的一位小女孩昨天沉着冷静地从着火的家中救出了她的几个弟弟。The boy had the presence of mind to switch off the gas.这个男孩毫不慌张地关掉了煤气。ˌprey on sb’s ˈmind ( ˌplay on sb’s ˈmind) worry or trouble sb very much 萦绕心头;使困扰;使耿耿于怀The death of his father is really preying on his mind at the moment. He thinks it was his fault.眼下,父亲的去世成为他的一块心病,他认为那是自己的过错。The question of whether to accept the new job and move to Scotland had been playing on his mind for days.是否接受新工作并搬到苏格兰去,数天来这个问题在他心头萦绕不去。push sth to the ˌback of your ˈmindtry to forget about sth unpleasant 把…抛到脑后;刻意忘掉(不愉快的事)I tried to push the thought to the back of my mind.我努力把这个念头忘掉。ˌread sb’s ˈmind/ˈthoughts (informal) understand what sb is thinking, feeling, planning, etc. 清楚某人的想法(或感受、计划等);看出某人的心思I can’t read your mind! If you don’t tell me what’s worrying you, I can’t help you.我可不是你肚子里的蛔虫!你不把自己的烦恼说出来,我也帮不了你。(not) in your right ˈmind(not) mentally normal 精神正常(或不正常)Nobody in their right mind would buy a used car without driving it first.任何一个脑子正常的人买二手车前都会试开一下。have a mind/memory like a ˈsieve (informal) forget things easily or quickly 丢三落四;记性差;健忘I’m terribly sorry I didn’t remember your birthday — I’ve got a memory like a sieve.真抱歉,我把你的生日给忘了,我的记性真是太差了。 NOTE A sieve is a kitchen tool with small holes in it, used for separating solids from liquids or very small pieces of food from larger pieces. * sieve (筛子)是一种厨具,上面有许多小眼,用于把固体从液体中分出或将食物按大小分开。 ˌout of ˈsight, ˌout of ˈmind (saying) used to say that sb will quickly be forgotten when they are no longer with you 眼不见,心不念 OPP absence makes the heart grow fonder slip sb’s ˈmemory/ˈmindforget about sth or forget to do sth 忘掉;不记得I was supposed to go to the dentist today, but it completely slipped my mind.我本来打算今天去看牙医,可是却忘记得干干净净。speak your ˈmindsay exactly what you think, in a very direct way 说心里话;实话实说;直言不讳I like a man who speaks his mind.我喜欢直言不讳的人。 OPP bite your tongue mind/watch your ˈstep1. walk carefully 走路小心Mind your step, it’s wet there.留神脚底下,那里湿。2. behave or act carefully 言行小心谨慎You’ve got to watch your step with Simon. He gets angry very quickly.你跟西蒙相处要谨慎小心,他脾气很爆。stick in your ˈmind (of a memory, an idea, a picture, etc. 记忆、念头、画面等) be remembered for a long time because it made a strong impression on you 经久不忘;印在脑海里The image of the dead child’s face stuck in my mind for years.多少年过去了,那个死去的孩子的面容依然历历在目。That poem has always stuck in my mind.那首诗我一直铭记在心。ˌstoned out of your ˈmind (slang) not behaving or thinking normally because of the effects of an illegal drug such as marijuana (在大麻等毒品的作用下)头脑不清醒,晕晕乎乎of ˌunsound ˈmind (law 法律) not responsible for your actions because of a mental illness or condition 精神失常(无须对自己的行为负责)He escaped a prison sentence by reason of unsound mind at the time the crime was committed.他以犯罪时精神不正常为由逃过了监禁刑罚。weigh on your ˈmind (of a problem or difficulty 问题或困难) make you feel worried and anxious 压在心头;成为负担The safety of the missing children was weighing on their minds.失踪儿童的安全问题重重地压在他们的心头。




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