

词组 raise
释义 raise /reɪz/ SEE ALL
raise ˈCain/ˈhell (informal) complain or protest noisily and angrily, often as a way of getting sth you want (常为了达到要求)大声抱怨(或抗议),大吵大闹He’ll raise hell if we don’t finish on time.


a violent and destructive person 凶残的人;具破坏性的人 ORIGIN Cain was the first murderer in the Bible. * Cain (该隐)是《圣经》中的第一个杀人者。
raise your ˈeyebrows (at sth)show, by the expression on your face, that you disapprove of or are surprised by sth 扬起眉毛(表示不赞同或惊讶)Eyebrows were raised when he arrived at the wedding in jeans.
When he said he was leaving, there were a lot of raised eyebrows.
raise your ˈglass (to sb)hold up your glass and wish sb happiness, good luck, etc. before you drink 举杯(向某人)祝酒Now, would everybody please raise their glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom.
raise a ˈlaugh/ˈsmiledo or say sth that makes other people laugh/smile 逗人发笑If the speeches are not going well, ask Paula to speak; she can always raise a laugh.
His jokes didn’t even raise a smile, which was embarrassing.
raise the ˈspectre of sth (BrE) (NAmE raise the ˈspecter of sth) make people afraid that sth unpleasant might happen 引起对…的恐惧The news of more cuts has raised the spectre of redundancies once again.
NOTE A spectre is an old word for a ghost. * spectre 是旧词,意为“鬼”。
raise sb’s ˈspiritsmake sb happier 使精神振奋;使高兴Good weather always raises her spirits.
raise your ˈvoicespeak in a louder voice, often because you are angry (常指因愤怒)提高嗓门,高声说话Don’t raise your voice at me. It wasn’t my fault.
They heard raised voices and saw two men engaged in an argument.
raise a/your voice aˈgainst sb/sthsay publicly that you do not agree with sb’s actions, plans, etc. 大声疾呼抗议;公开反对(某人的行动、计划等)He was the only person to raise his voice against the plan.
raise/up the ˈanteincrease the level of sth, especially demands or sums of money 加大筹码;提出更高的要求;要更多的钱His ex-wife has upped the ante in her alimony suit against him.他的前妻在赡养费诉讼中提高了要求。 NOTE The ante is the amount of money that players bet in a card game such as poker. * ante 是扑克牌等纸牌游戏中玩家所下的赌注。 make sb’s ˈhackles riseraise ˈhacklesmake sb angry 激怒某人He really makes my hackles rise, that man. He’s so rude to everybody.那人真让我生气,他对谁都那么无礼。Her remarks certainly raised hackles.毫无疑问,她的言论激怒了某些人。 NOTE Hackles are the hairs on the back of a dog’s neck that rise when it is angry or excited. * hackles 是狗的后颈毛,狗发怒或兴奋时会竖起。 lift/raise a ˈhand against sbto hit or threaten to hit sb 举手要打;威胁要攻击She never raised a hand against her daughter because she didn’t believe in hitting children.她从不威胁要打自己的女儿,因为她觉得体罚孩子没什么用。rear/raise its (ugly) ˈhead (used of sth considered unpleasant 不受欢迎的事物) appear again after being hidden or forgotten 再次露头;再次出现Political corruption has reared its ugly head again.政治腐败再次抬头。Famine has raised its head again in many parts of the world.世界上许多地方又开始闹饥荒。build up/raise sb’s ˈhopesmake sb feel hopeful about sth or persuade them that sth good is going to happen 使某人充满希望;使某人相信会出现好的情况Don’t raise her hopes too much. She may not win.不要让她抱太大希望,她不一定会赢。lift/raise the ˈroof ( bring the ˈroof down) (informal) (of a large group of people 一大群人) make a very loud noise, for example by shouting or singing 闹翻天The audience raised the roof when the band played their favourite song.乐队奏响观众最喜欢的一首歌时,他们欢声雷动。The crowd brought the roof down when the home team scored. I had never ever heard such cheering.主队得分时,人群欢声震天。我还从没听过这么大的欢呼声。raise/lower your ˈsightsincrease/reduce your hopes and ambitions 提高/降低期望;眼光提高/变低You should raise your sights and apply for the director’s job.你应该把期望值定得高一点,申请主管一职。Some women feel that staying at home and having a family means lowering their sights.有些女性觉得居家生子意味着进取心的减退。kick up/make/create/raise a ˈstink (about sth) (informal) show that you are angry about a situation, often by protesting in public (通常指通过公开抗议)制造事端,大吵大嚷,引起骚动He kicked up a stink about the noise from the new nightclub, writing to all the papers and complaining to the council.他就新开的那家夜总会噪音扰民一事大做文章,给各家报纸写信并向政务会投诉。raise/lower the ˈtemperature (informal) increase/decrease the amount of excitement, emotion, etc. in a situation 升/降温;增加/减少兴奋(或热烈)的程度His angry refusal raised the temperature of the meeting.他愤怒地拒绝了,这使得会议的气氛紧张起来。The government tried to lower the political temperature by agreeing to some of the demands.政府试图通过答应部分要求来给紧张的政治气候降温。




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