

词组 wish
释义 wish /wɪʃ/ SEE ALL
(just) as you ˈwish (formal, especially BrE) I will do what you want; I will agree with your decision 由你决定;悉听尊便We can meet at my house or yours, as you wish.
I ˈwish! (spoken) used to say that sth is impossible or very unlikely, although you wish it were possible; if only 但愿如此(但几乎没有可能)‘You’ll have finished by tomorrow.’ ‘I wish!’
the wish is father to the ˈthought (saying) we believe a thing because we want it to be true 愿望是信念之父;希望什么就会相信什么 ORIGIN This phrase was used in Shakespeare’s play Henry IV. 这个短语曾用于莎士比亚戏剧《亨利四世》中。wish sb/sth ˈwellwish sb/sth ˈill (formal) hope that sb/sth succeeds or has good luck; hope that sb/sth fails or has bad luck 祝愿某人成功(或幸运);希望某人遭殃(或倒霉)I wish you well in your new job.
She said she wished nobody ill.
wouldn’t wish sth on my, etc. worst ˈenemy (informal) used for saying that sth is so unpleasant, painful, etc. that you would not like anyone to experience it 希望谁都不会经历这种痛苦的事It’s a terrible job — it’s dirty, noisy and boring. I wouldn’t wish a job like that on my worst enemy.
your wish is my comˈmand (humorous) I am ready to do anything you ask me to do 悉听阁下吩咐‘Put the kettle on, will you?’ ‘Your wish is my command.’
ORIGIN These are the words of the genie (= a spirit with magical powers) in the story about Aladdin in The Thousand and One Nights. 这些习语原为《天方夜谭》中阿拉丁的故事里神怪的话。




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