

词组 cover
释义 cover /ˈkʌvə(r)/ SEE ALL
cover all the/your ˈbases (especially NAmE) consider and deal with all the things that could happen or could be needed when you are arranging sth 考虑周全;面面俱到Are you sure we covered all our bases on this?
We cover all the bases from creating a market for your business through closing the sale.
cover your ˈback (informal) (NAmE also cover your ˈass , slang ) realize that you may be attacked or criticized for sth later and make sure you avoid this (为以后可能受到的攻击或批评)做好准备,未雨绸缪Cover your back by getting everything in writing.
OPP (lay/leave yourself) wide open (to sth)
cover your ˈtracksbe careful not to leave any signs of sth secret or illegal that you have been doing 隐匿行踪;掩盖行径He didn’t want his wife to know he’d met an old girlfriend so he invented a story to cover his tracks.
from ˌcover to ˈcoverfrom the beginning to the end of a book, magazine, etc. (书、杂志等)从头至尾I’ve read the newspaper from cover to cover, but I can’t find any mention of yesterday’s accident.
under ˈcover1. pretending to be sb else in order to do sth secretly (为进行秘密活动而)伪装,冒名顶替a police officer working under cover
2. under a structure that gives protection from the weather 在…下(避风雨)We’d better get under cover or we’ll get very wet in this rain.
under cover of sthhidden or protected by sth 在…的掩护(或保护)下They hoped to get into the enemy fortress under cover of darkness.
blow sb’s ˈcover (informal) discover or reveal the real identity of sb, especially of a spy, etc. 发现(或泄露)某人(尤指间谍等)的身份She had been posing as a diplomat, but her cover was blown when she was found sending coded messages to agents.她原来对外的身份一直是外交官,可是因为给特工发送密码电报被发现,暴露了真实身份。don’t judge a ˌbook by its ˈcover (saying) used to say that you should not form an opinion about sb/sth from their appearance only 不要以貌取人;勿以外表作评判When we arrived we found that the hotel we’d booked looked awful, but as they say, you should never judge a book by its cover.我们抵达后发现预订的酒店看起来简直不堪入目。不过,人们常说不要光看外表。cover/hide a ˌmultitude of ˈsins (often humorous) used to say that sth is not as good as it looks, sounds, etc. (用于指没有看起来或听上去那么好)掩藏各种实情,掩盖真相The term ‘abstract art’ covers a multitude of sins.“抽象艺术”这个术语可真是冠冕堂皇。A coat of paint can hide a multitude of sins.一层油漆可以掩盖许多瑕疵。 ORIGIN This expression comes from the Bible. A multitude is a very large number of things. 这个表达法源于《圣经》。multitude 意为“大量”或“众多”。




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