

词组 well
释义 well /wel/ SEE ALL
ˌall being ˈwellif everything happens as you expect and hope 如果一切如愿We’ll see you in July then, all being well.
ˌall very ˈwell/ˈfine (for sb) (to do sth) but… (informal) used to criticize or reject a remark that sb has made, especially when they were trying to make you feel happier about sth (用于批评或反驳)说来容易,但是…;好倒是好,可是…‘Why don’t you try to relax more?’ ‘Look, it is all very well to say that, but how can I possibly relax with four small children in the house?’
ˌall well and ˈgood (informal) good but not completely satisfactory 固然好(但不完全令人满意)That’s all well and good, but why didn’t he call her to say so?
all’s well that ˈends well (saying) if the final result is good, earlier difficulties and problems are not important 只要结局好一切就都好 ORIGIN This is the title of a play by Shakespeare. 这个习语源于莎士比亚戏剧标题《皆大欢喜》。as well (as sb/sth)in addition to sb/sth; too 除…之外;也;还Are they coming as well?
They sell books as well as newspapers.
She’s a talented musician as well as being a photographer.
be (just) as ˈwell (to do sth)be sensible or wise (to do sth) 做…明智(或聪明)之举It’s just as well to lock the door, even if you only go out for a short while.
be doing ˈwellbe getting healthier after an illness; be in good health after a birth (病后)康复,恢复良好;(产后)平安,健康Mother and baby are both doing well.
be ˌwell aˈware of sthbe ˌwell aˈware that…know very well about sth 对…十分清楚;熟知I’m well aware of the dangers involved.
She’s well aware that not everyone agrees.
be ˈwell away (BrE, informal) 1. be making good progress; be succeeding 有很大进步;大有进展If I had another £10 000 to invest in this business, I’d be well away.
假如我能再筹集到10 000英镑投资这项生意,我就会大有作为。
2. be drunk 酒醉He’s well away; he’s been drinking all evening.
be ˌwell ˈin (with sb) (informal) be good friends with sb, especially sb important 为(尤指要人)的知己;同…过往甚密She seems to be well in with all the right people.
be ˌwell ˈoff1. be rich enough to have a high standard of living 有钱;富裕Her parents are both doctors so they’re quite well off.
OPP be hard up
2. be in a fortunate situation 处境幸运Some people don’t know when they’re well off. If they realized how millions of people in this world live, they wouldn’t complain so much.
OPP be badly off
be well ˈoff for sthhave as much of sth as you need or want 充裕;有很多We’re very well off for computers in this school.
OPP be/run short of sth
be ˌwell ˈout of sth (BrE, informal) be lucky that you are not/no longer doing sth or involved in sth 幸而与…没有关系;幸亏没有卷入‘I’ve left my job in advertising.’ ‘You’re well out of it, John. The firm is in terrible financial trouble.’
be ˌwell ˈup on sthknow a lot about sth 精通;熟悉Are you well up on the latest developments?
She’s very well up on modern Chinese literature.
can’t/couldn’t very well do sth (informal) used to say that sth is not the right thing to do 不应该;不妥You can’t very well change the arrangements now. It’s too late to inform people.
do ˈwell by sbtreat sb generously 善待;慷慨对待He did well by me when I needed money, and I shall always be grateful to him.
do ˈwell for yourselfbecome successful or rich 成功;发家致富He’s done very well for himself in the last few years — you should see his new car!
do ˈwell out of sb/sthmake a profit or get money from sb/sth 获利于;从…中获取钱财He’s not doing very well out of the business at the moment, but he hopes that next year things will improve.
do ˈwell to do sthbe sensible or wise to do sth 做…很明智(或聪明)You’d do well to remember that I’m paying the bill.
They did well to sell when the price was high.
it’s (just) as ˈwell (that …)it is a good thing (that …); it is lucky (that …) 幸好…;幸亏…It’s as well that we brought an umbrella.
‘She was wearing a crash helmet, fortunately.’ ‘Just as well.’
leave/let well aˈlone (BrE) (NAmE let well enough aˈlone) not try to change sth or get involved in sth 不作变动;不管闲事Arguments between other couples should be let well alone.
may/might as well (do sth)used for saying that you will do sth because it seems best in the situation that you are in, although you may not really want to do it 只好(做某事);(做某事)也无妨Since nobody else wants the job, I might as well give it to him.
(you, etc.) may/might as well be hanged/hung for a ˌsheep as (for) a ˈlamb (saying) if you are going to be punished for doing sth wrong, whether it is a big or small thing, you may as well do the big thing 反正都是死,不如死得其所;反正要挨罚,索性一错到底I’m already late but I’ll stay and have another drink. May as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.
ORIGIN In the past, the punishment for stealing farm animals such as sheep was death by hanging. 旧时偷盗绵羊等牲畜会被绞死。
only too ˈwellused for emphasizing that you already know about sb/sth or have already experienced sth unpleasant, etc. (用于强调熟悉某人/某事或有过不愉快的经历)太,非常‘Do you know Alex Humber?’ ‘Only too well. He’s not one of my favourite people, I’m afraid.’
very ˈwell (BrE, formal) used to accept sth or agree to sth, especially when you do not really want to (尤表示不情愿地接受)好吧,可以‘Please could I go home 10 minutes early today, Mrs Smith?’ ‘Very well Emma, if you really must.’
ˌwell and ˈtruly (informal) completely 彻底;完全We were in the middle of the forest, and well and truly lost.
ˌwell I ˈnever (ˈdid)! (old-fashioned, informal) used to express surprise (表示惊讶)噢,我可从未做过(或听说过等)这样的事Well I never! Fancy meeting you here!
well ˈsaid! (spoken) I agree completely 我完全同意‘We must stand up for ourselves.’ ‘Well said, John.’
bode ˈwell/ˈill (for sb/sth) (formal) be a good/bad sign for sb/sth (对某人/某事)是吉兆/凶兆These figures do not bode well for the company’s future.这些数据预示着公司的前景不妙。ˈjolly well (old-fashioned, BrE) used to emphasize a statement when you are annoyed about sth (表示生气)当然,无疑If you don’t come now, you can jolly well walk home!你要是还不来,那你就走回家去吧!could/might just as well…used to say that you/sb would have been in the same position if you had done sth else, because you got little benefit or enjoyment from what you did do 不如;也许最好还是…The weather was so bad we might just as well have stayed at home.天气实在太糟糕了,我们还不如呆在家里呢。know sth ˌfull/ˌperfectly/ˌvery ˈwellused when you wish to indicate that the person you are speaking to already knows sth you have just said or are about to say 非常清楚;完全明白You know full well that smoking is forbidden in this room.你很清楚这个房间里禁止吸烟。You know perfectly well what I am referring to.你非常清楚我指的是什么。ˌyou know as well as ˈI doused when you are trying to convince sb that sth is true (用于想要说服别人时)我们都很清楚You know as well as I do that if she finds out, she’ll stop us going.我们都很清楚,如果她发现了就会阻止我们去的。ˈmean well (usually disapproving) have good intentions, although their effect may not be good 本意是好的;出于好心Your father means well, I know, but I wish he’d stop telling us what to do.我知道你父亲本意是好的,但是我希望他不要再对我们唠叨该干什么了。She’s always suggesting ways I could improve my cooking. I know she means well but it really annoys me.她总是给我提建议,让我如何如何改善厨艺。我知道她本意是好的,但这种做法使我感到厌烦。 ˌwell-ˈmeaning


She’s very well-meaning, but she only makes the situation worse.她虽然出于好心,但是却帮了倒忙。
pretty ˈmuch/ˈwell (BrE also pretty ˈnearly) (NAmE also pretty ˈnear) (spoken) almost; just about 几乎;差不多This nightclub is pretty much the best this town can offer.这家夜总会算是城里最好的了。I’m pretty well disgusted by your behaviour.我对你的所作所为颇为反感。It’s worth pretty near a thousand dollars.这差不多值 1 000 美元。he, it, etc. promises ˈwellsb/sth seems likely to do well in future 很有希望;前景很好The new trainee promises well.新来的见习生应该很有前途。The harvest promises well this year.今年的收成前景不错。sit comfortably/easily/well (with sth) (written) seem right, natural, suitable, etc. in a particular place or situation (在某位置或某场合)显得自然,显得合适His views did not sit comfortably with the management line.他的观点同管理层的方针不大吻合。wish sb/sth ˈwellwish sb/sth ˈill (formal) hope that sb/sth succeeds or has good luck; hope that sb/sth fails or has bad luck 祝愿某人成功(或幸运);希望某人遭殃(或倒霉)I wish you well in your new job.我希望你在新的岗位上工作顺利。She said she wished nobody ill.她说她从不诅咒他人。




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