

词组 wedge
释义 wedge /wedʒ/ SEE ALLdrive a wedge between A and Bmake two people become less friendly or loving towards each other 使不和;离间;挑拨The disagreements over money finally drove a wedge between them, and they ended up getting divorced.在钱财上的分歧使他俩感情不和,最终离婚了。 NOTE A wedge is a piece of wood, metal, etc. with one thick end and one thin pointed end that you use to keep two things apart or to split wood or rock. * wedge 指木头或金属等制作的楔子,用于使两样东西保持分开状态,或劈开木头、石头等。 the thin ˌend of the ˈwedge (especially BrE) used for saying that you fear that one small request, order, action, etc. is only the beginning of sth larger and more serious or harmful (不好的事情的)开始,端倪,苗头The government says it only wants to privatize one or two railway lines, but I think it’s the thin end of the wedge. They’ll all be privatized soon.政府声称只打算把一两条铁路线私有化,可是我觉得这只是个开头,很快所有的铁路都会私有化。 NOTE A wedge is a piece of wood, metal, etc. with one thick end and one thin pointed end that you use to keep two things apart or to split wood or rock. * wedge 指楔子。




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