释义 |
wear BrE /weə(r)/ NAmE /wer/► SEE ALLwear and tearwear your heart on your sleevewear thinwear the trousersthe worse for wear ●ˌwear and ˈteardamage or loss of quality because of normal use (正常使用造成的)磨损,损耗◆After having the car for five years you expect some wear and tear. 这辆车已经开了五年,肯定会有一些磨损。◆The guarantee does not cover normal wear and tear. 正常磨损不在保修范围之内。●wear your ˌheart on your ˈsleeveshow other people your emotions, especially love 公开表露自己的感情(尤指爱情)◆He wears his heart on his sleeve and often gets hurt. 他是个感情外露的人,常常受到伤害。 ORIGIN This phrase is from Shakespeare’s play Othello. 这个短语源于莎士比亚戏剧《奥塞罗》。●wear ˈthinbegin to become less; become less interesting or amusing 开始变薄(或变弱);变得兴趣索然◆My patience is beginning to wear very thin. 我开始失去耐心了。◆Don’t you think that joke’s wearing a bit thin?(= we have heard it many times before) 你难道不觉得重复讲这个笑话有点乏味吗?●wear the ˈtrousers (BrE) (NAmE wear the ˈpants) (often disapproving) (especially of a woman 尤指女人) be the partner in a marriage who makes the decisions and tells the other person what to do (在婚姻关系中)处于支配的位置,当家作主◆It’s not difficult to see who wears the trousers in their house! 他们家里谁说了算,一眼就能看出来!●the ˌworse for ˈwear (informal) 1. in a poor condition because of being used a lot 用旧了;用坏◆Your dictionary is looking a bit the worse for wear. Isn’t it time you bought a new one?你的词典用得有点旧了,是不是该买本新的了?2. drunk 喝醉的◆Ellen came back from the pub rather the worse for wear.埃伦从酒吧回来,喝得醉醺醺的。 |