

词组 wall
释义 wall /wɔːl/ SEE ALL
drive/send sb up the ˈwall (informal) make sb very annoyed; drive sb crazy 激怒;把某人逼疯That noise is driving me up the wall.
go to the ˈwall (informal) fail because of lack of money (因缺少资金)走投无路,陷于绝境Smaller companies are always the first to go to the wall in an economic recession.
have your ˈback to the wallbe in a difficult situation with no easy solution 被逼得没有退路;处于困境Inflation and unemployment have risen this year and the Government has lost a lot of support. The Prime Minister really has his back to the wall now.
off the ˈwall (informal) unusual and amusing; slightly crazy 异常奇妙;有点怪诞Some of his ideas are really off the wall.
They’ve both got a rather off-the-wall sense of humour.
be/come up against a brick ˈwall ( hit a brick ˈwall) be unable to make any progress because there is a difficulty that stops you 遇到难以逾越的障碍Since he had no more money to spend on the project, he was up against a brick wall.他拿不出更多的钱投资这项工程,为此陷入了困境。Plans to build a new road around the town hit a brick wall when local residents protested.由于当地居民反对,修建新环城公路的计划遇到了难以逾越的障碍。a fly on the ˈwalla person who watches others without being noticed 不为人觉察的旁观者I’d love to be a fly on the wall when the committee is discussing the report I wrote!在委员会讨论我写的报告时,我真希望能暗中在一旁听一听!fly-on-the-wall documentaries (= in which people are filmed going about their normal lives as if the camera were not there) 反映真实生活的纪实片be banging, etc. your head against a brick ˈwall (informal) try for a long time to achieve sth, persuade sb to do sth, etc. without success 徒劳无益;枉费心机I realized they weren’t even listening to my protests. I was just banging my head against a brick wall.我意识到他们压根儿没有听我的抗议,我不过是在白费劲。nail sb to the ˈwall (informal) punish sb and/or make them suffer because you are very angry with them 狠狠教训某人;严惩某人I’m going to nail him to the wall for what he’s done!他做得太过分了,我要狠狠惩罚他!talk to a brick ˈwall (informal) used when sb refuses to listen to your advice, ideas, explanations, etc. (用于指某人听不进他人意见、解释等)像对墙说话,白说Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall. He just won’t listen.跟他讲话只是白费口舌,他就是不听。the ˌwriting (is) on the ˈwall (NAmE the ˌhandwriting (is) on the ˈwall) (saying) used when you are describing a situation in which there are signs that sb/sth is going to have problems or is going to fail (看出)厄运临头的预兆,不祥之兆The writing is on the wall for the club unless they can find £20 000.这家俱乐部就要大难临头了,除非他们能筹到20 000英镑。The President refuses to see the handwriting on the wall (= that he will soon be defeated).总统不肯直面自己面临的失败局面。 ORIGIN This phrase comes from the Bible story in which strange writing appeared on a wall during a feast given by King Belshazzar, predicting his death and the end of his kingdom. 这个短语源于《圣经》故事,伯沙撒国王大摆酒宴时,墙上出现了奇怪的字迹,预言伯沙撒的死亡及其王国的覆灭。




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