释义 |
walk /wɔːk/► SEE ALL(try to) run before you can walktake a walkwalk all over sbwalk freea walk in the parkwalk ita walk of lifewalk off the jobwalk sb off their feetwalk on eggshellswalk the plankwalk the streetswalk tallfloat/walk on airgo/walk down the aisletread/walk a fine/thin linetread/walk a tightropebe on a tightrope ●(try to) run before you can ˈwalk (informal) try to do sth that is difficult before you have succeeded in doing sth easy 还不会走就想跑;急于求成◆The important thing about cooking is not to try and run before you can walk. Get the basics right and the rest will follow. 烹饪最重要的是不要急于求成。基本功掌握后,接下来的事就顺理成章了。●take a ˈwalk (informal, especially NAmE) used to tell sb to go away when you are angry with them (用于让讨厌的人走开)出去走走吧,走开◆She told him to take a walk. 她叫他走开。●walk all ˈover sb (informal) 1. treat sb badly, without considering them or their needs 苛刻对待;欺凌◆Tell him what you think of him — don’t let him walk all over you like that. 把你对他的看法告诉他,别让他这样盛气凌人地对待你。2. defeat sb easily 轻易击败◆The only time I played chess with my wife, she walked all over me. 我只和妻子下过一局棋,结果被她杀得大败。▸ ˈwalkover noun an easy victory 轻而易举的胜利◆We beat them 12-0: it was a walkover. 12:0,我们大获全胜。●walk ˈfreebe allowed to leave a court of law, etc., without receiving any punishment 获无罪释放;以自由之身走出法院◆Family and friends of the victim were stunned as the man who they believed was guilty walked free. 涉嫌犯罪的那个男人被无罪释放时,受害者的家属和朋友倍感震惊。●a walk in the ˈpark (especially NAmE) used to say that sth is easy to do 轻而易举的事◆We succeeded, but it was not a walk in the park for any of us. 我们成功了,但对我们任何人来说这并非易事。●ˈwalk it (spoken) win easily in a competition 轻易取胜◆If you play like that on the day of the match, you’ll walk it. 要是你在比赛那天也能这样打,你会轻松获胜。●a walk of ˈlifea person’s job or position in society 行业;职业;阶层◆The people at the meeting came from all walks of life — students, writers, business people, and so on. 与会人员来自各个阶层,包括学生、作家、商人等等。●walk off the ˈjob (NAmE) stop working in order to go on strike 罢工◆Engineers and other employees walked off the job Tuesday to demand higher pay and shorter hours. 星期二,工程师及其他雇员举行罢工,要求提高工资,缩短工时。●walk sb off their ˈfeet (informal) make sb walk so far or so fast that they are very tired 使走得筋疲力尽◆She may be over seventy, but I’m sure she could walk some of you younger ones off your feet. 她可能已年过七旬,但是我肯定她走路远胜过你们某些年轻人。●walk on ˈeggshellsbe very careful not to upset sb (不愿让某人不快而)谨慎小心,战战兢兢,如履薄冰◆I always felt as if I had to walk on eggshells around him so that I wouldn’t hurt his feelings. 为了不伤害他的感情,我在他身边时,总是小心翼翼。●walk the ˈplank1. (in the past) walk along a board placed over the side of a ship and fall into the sea, as a punishment 走跳板(旧时强迫受罚人在置于船舷外的木板上行走而致落水的惩罚)2. (informal) be forced to leave your job or position 被迫离职◆The food and the service is terrible in this restaurant. If you ask me, whoever is in charge should be made to walk the plank! 这家餐厅的食物和服务都糟糕透了,要我说这里的经理应该马上走人!●walk the ˈstreetswalk around the streets of a town or city (在城镇里)穿街走巷;在大街上闲逛◆Is it safe to walk the streets alone at night? 夜间独自一人在大街上行走安全吗?●walk ˈtallfeel proud and confident 昂首阔步;趾高气扬◆When I finally got a job after years of unemployment, I felt I could walk tall again. 失业数年后,我终于找到了工作。这下,我终于可以挺直腰杆了。●float/walk on ˈair (informal) be very happy about sth 欢天喜地;喜气洋洋;得意洋洋◆When I passed my driving test, I was walking on air for days.通过了驾照考试以后,我飘飘然高兴了好几天。●go/walk down the ˈaisle (informal) get married 行婚礼;结婚◆I never thought you’d be the first one to walk down the aisle — you used to say you’d never marry!我绝没有想到你会是第一个走向婚姻殿堂的人。你过去常说自己永远也不结婚! NOTE The aisle is the passage down the middle of a church between the two blocks of seats. * aisle 是教堂正中两排座椅之间的通道。 ●tread/walk a fine/thin ˈlinebe in a difficult or dangerous situation where you could easily make a mistake 处于困境(或险境);如履薄冰◆He was walking a fine line between being funny and being rude.他是在幽默和粗鲁之间走钢丝。●tread/walk a ˈtightrope●be on a ˈtightropebe in a situation where you must act very carefully 走钢丝;身处险境◆I’m walking a tightrope at the moment; one more mistake and I might lose my job.我现在处境不妙,再犯一个错误就可能会被开除。 NOTE A tightrope is a rope high up in the air that an acrobat walks along at a circus. * tightrope 指马戏团杂技演员表演时在高空走的钢丝绳。 |