释义 |
put /pʊt/ Most idioms containing the verb put are at the entries for the nouns or adjectives in the idioms, for example put your foot in it is at foot . 大多数含动词 put 的习语列在该类习语中的名词或形容词相关词条下,如 put your foot in it 在词条 foot 下。 ► SEE ALLput it aboutput it onput it there!put it to sb that…put sb through itput together ●put it aˈbout (BrE, informal) have many sexual partners 私生活不检点;乱搞男女关系◆He was a man who had always put it about. 他私生活一向不检点。●put it ˈon (informal) pretend that you are hurt, angry, etc. 装腔作势;夸张◆She’s not really scared. She’s only putting it on. 她不是真的害怕,只不过在装腔作势。●put it ˈthere!used when you are offering to shake hands with sb because you agree with them or want to praise them (用于主动与别人握手以示同意或称赞)太对了,来握握手吧●ˈput it to sb that… (formal) suggest sth to sb to see if they can argue against it 向…挑明;对…提出◆I put it to you that you are the only person who had a motive for the crime. 我跟你说白了,你是唯一有作案动机的人。●put sb ˈthrough it (especially BrE, informal) force sb to do sth difficult or unpleasant 折磨;使经受严峻考验◆During the training they really put you through it; I was exhausted! 训练可真折腾人,我已经筋疲力尽了!●put toˈgetherused when comparing or contrasting sb/sth with a group of other people or things to mean ‘combined’ or ‘in total’ (用于与另一组人或事物作比较)总计,合起来◆Your department spent more last year than all the others put together. 你们部门去年的花费比所有其他部门加起来还多。 |