

词组 pull
释义 pull /pʊl/ SEE ALL
on the ˈpull (BrE, slang) (of a person ) trying to find a sexual partner 寻觅性伴侣What are you all dressed up for? Are you going out on the pull again tonight?
pull the ˌcarpet/ˌrug out from under sb’s ˈfeet (informal) take the help, support or confidence away from sb suddenly 突然停止帮助(或支持、信任)某人I was just about to ask her out when she pulled the rug out from under my feet by telling me she’s getting married next month.
The bank’s pulled the carpet out from under his feet, unfortunately. It looks as if he’ll have to sell the business.
pull/make ˈfaces/a ˈface (at sb/sth)produce an expression on your face to show that you do not like sb/sth or in order to make sb laugh (向…)做鬼脸(以示不满或使对方发笑)What are you pulling a face at now?
The little girl stood outside the window of the cafe making faces at everybody.


He amazed the audience with his silent mime and face-pulling performance.
pull a ˈfast one (on sb) (slang) tell lies or cheat sb, for example in order to get their money, possessions, etc.; deceive sb 欺骗;诈骗Don’t try to pull a fast one on me. I’m not stupid, you know.
pull sb’s ˈleg (informal) tell sb sth which is not true, as a joke 捉弄;和…开玩笑‘You came first! You’ve won the prize!’ ‘Really? Or are you just pulling my leg?’


The news of his engagement was greeted with much leg-pulling by his friends.
pull the ˈother one (— it’s got ˈbells on!) (BrE, spoken) used to show that you do not believe what sb has just said (表示不相信对方的话)别打哈哈了‘I’ve been offered a job in New York.’ ‘Pull the other one!’ ‘No, really!’
pull out all the ˈstops (informal) do everything you can to make sth successful 竭尽全力;用九牛二虎之力We’ll have to pull out all the stops to get this order ready by the end of the week.
ORIGIN You pull out the stops on an organ when you want to make the music very loud. 把风琴的音栓(stops)拔出来会使音乐的声音变得更大。
pull the ˈplug on sth (informal) destroy or bring an end to sth, for example sb’s plans, a project, etc. 阻止,使中断,终止(计划、项目等)The banks are threatening to pull the plug on the project.
They’ve pulled the plug on that new comedy show on Channel Four.
pull your ˈpunches (informal) (usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句) express sth less strongly than you are able to, for example to avoid upsetting or shocking sb 故意不猛烈攻击(或批评等);言辞婉转Her articles certainly don’t pull any punches.
I don’t believe in pulling punches. If they’re wrong, let’s say so.
OPP not mince your words
pull sth/a ˌrabbit out of the ˈhat (informal) suddenly produce sth as a solution to a problem 突然提出解决方法;突施妙计We had almost given up hope when Mick pulled a rabbit out of the hat by coming up with a great new idea.
NOTE This is a trick that is often done by magicians. 魔术师经常表演这个魔术。
pull ˈrank (on sb)make unfair use of your senior position, authority, etc. in an organization, etc. 以势压人;弄权I was really looking forward to going to Rome on business, but then my manager pulled rank on me and said she was going instead.
NOTE The position, especially a high one, that somebody has in the army, etc. is called a rank. 军队里的军衔(特别是高级军衔)称为 rank。
pull your ˈsocks up (BrE, informal) work harder, be more determined, etc. 振作起来;加油干;努力向上You really must pull your socks up if you want to beat Jackie in the competition.
pull ˈstrings (for sb) (NAmE also pull ˈwires) (informal) use your influence in order to get an advantage for sb 在幕后拉线;暗中施加影响;(为某人)走后门She doesn’t want me to pull any strings for her; she says she prefers to be offered a place on her own merit.
I’m sure his uncle in the BBC must have pulled strings for him.
pull the ˈstrings(secretly) control the actions of other people (幕后)操纵;(暗中)控制I don’t understand this situation at all. I want to know exactly who is pulling the strings.
NOTE These two expressions refer to the strings that are attached to a puppet (= a model of a person or an animal) that you pull to make different parts of its body move. 这两个表达法源于木偶(puppet)戏里的拉线,线一动,木偶就跟着动。
pull up ˈstakes (NAmE) leave your home and go to live in a different place 背井离乡到别处安家When the factories and businesses closed, most of the community were forced to pull up stakes and move south.
OPP put down (new) roots NOTE Stakes in this phrase are the sticks or posts that are put up in order to support a tent, mark a particular place, etc. 这个短语中的 stake 指用以支撑帐篷、标明地理位置等的桩。
pull your ˈweightdo your fair share of the work 尽本分;做好分内的事If everyone pulls their weight we’re going to win this prize with no trouble at all.
She’s annoyed because she feels that certain people are not pulling their weight.
pull the ˈwool over sb’s eyes (informal) deceive sb; hide the truth from sb 蒙蔽;掩人耳目;隐瞒意图It’s no use you trying to pull the wool over my eyes; you didn’t go to school again today, didn’t you?
OPP open your/sb’s eyes (to sth) ORIGIN This idiom may refer to a time in the past when judges and other important people wore wigs made of wool. If somebody pulled the wig over their eyes, they were not be able to see what was happening. 这个习语源于旧时法官等显要人物戴羊毛做的假发,如果有人把他们的假发拉下来遮住眼睛,他们就看不见了。
pull yourself toˈgetherbring your feelings under control and start acting normally; stop feeling sorry for yourself 控制自己的感情;振作起来;恢复常态I know she’s upset but it’s time for her to pull herself together and stop crying.
OPP go (all) to pieces
drag/pull yourself up by your (own) ˈbootstraps (informal) improve your situation yourself, without help from other people 自力更生Nobody helped her get where she is today — she pulled herself up by her own bootstraps.她取得今天的成就没有靠他人帮忙,而是全靠自己的努力。get/pull your ˈfinger out (BrE, informal) used to tell sb to start doing some work or making an effort 开始工作;加把劲I wish the police would get their finger out and solve the crime!我希望警方能迅速行动,侦破这个案子!If you pull your finger out, we might finish on time.如果你能加把劲儿的话,我们还有可能按时完成。draw/pull in your ˈhornsstart being more careful in your behaviour, especially by spending less money than before 收敛;谨慎行事(尤指减少开支)After making huge losses, the company had to draw in its horns by cancelling some major projects.遭受严重亏损后,公司不得不取消一些重大项目以减少开支。bring/pull sb up ˈshortmake sb stop what they are doing because sth attracts their attention or because they suddenly realize sth 使某人突然停下来;使一下子怔住His criticism of my work pulled me up short, because I thought he was pleased with it.他批评我的工作,我一下子愣住了,我本以为他很满意呢。




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