

词组 take
释义 take /teɪk/ Most idioms containing the verb take are at the entries for the nouns or adjectives in the idioms, for example take sth with a pinch of salt is at pinch . 大多数含动词 take 的习语列在该类习语中的名词或形容词相关词条下,如 take sth with a pinch of salt 在词条 pinch 下。 SEE ALL
be on the ˈtake (informal) accept money from sb for helping them in a dishonest or illegal way 收受贿赂;贪赃枉法It now seems that some of the officials were on the take, accepting bribes and then issuing fake passports.
I, you, etc. can’t take sb ˈanywhere (informal, often humorous) used to say that you cannot trust sb to behave well in public (表示对某人在公众场合的表现没有信心)没法带某人出去,到哪儿都拿不出手You’ve got soup all over your shirt — I can’t take you anywhere, can I?
take sth as it ˈcomesdeal with difficulties as they happen, without worrying too much 顺其自然;从容应付;安于接受I don’t plan for the future. I like to take life as it comes.
ˈtake it (informal) (often used with can/could 常与 can / could 连用) be able to bear or tolerate sth difficult or unpleasant such as stress, criticism or pain 忍受;容忍They argued so much that finally he couldn’t take it any more and he left her.
People are rude to her in her job, and she feels she’s taken it for long enough.
ˈtake it (that…)think or suppose (that sth is true, will happen, etc.) 认为;猜想;假定‘I take it that you won’t be back for lunch,’ she said as they left.
You speak French, I take it?
take it from ˈhere/ˈthere1. continue doing sth that sb else has started 继续做往后的事;承担余下的事I explained how to start the machine, and let him take it from there.
You work out who you want in your team and I’ll take it from there.
2. if sb says that they/we will take it from here/there, they mean that they/we will do sth and then decide what to do next 做某事以决定下一步计划We’ll work out a business plan, see what the bank says, and then take it from there.
take it from ˈme (that…) (informal) you should believe me, because I have personal experience of… 相信我;我敢担保Take it from me that it’s not easy to become a professional writer.
take it on/upon yourself to do sthdecide to do sth without asking anyone for permission 自作主张;未经同意就做某事He took it upon himself to dismiss my secretary, which he had no right to do.
take it ˈout of sbtake a lot ˈout of sbmake sb very tired or weak 使筋疲力尽;使十分虚弱Driving all day really takes it out of you.
That flu bug has really taken it out of her.
take it ˈout on sb (informal) behave in an unpleasant way towards sb because you feel angry, disappointed, etc., although it is not their fault 拿某人出气(或泄愤)I know you’ve had a bad day at work, but don’t take it out on me.
take sb ˈout of himself, herself, etc.amuse or entertain sb and so make them feel less worried about their problems or less unhappy 给…解闷;使…忘忧She was very depressed when they split up. We took her away for a few days to try to take her out of herself.




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