

词组 sweat
释义 sweat /swet/ SEE ALL
be in a ˈsweat1. ( be all of a ˈsweat) (informal) be wet with sweat because it is hot or you have been running, etc. 满身大汗;汗流浃背I had to run to work this morning because I got up late. I was in a real sweat when I arrived.
2. ( be in a cold ˈsweat) be very frightened or worried about sth (害怕或焦急得)一身汗,直冒冷汗I woke up during the night in a cold sweat worrying about the exam.
break ˈsweat (BrE) (NAmE break a ˈsweat) (informal) use a lot of physical effort 花大气力;苦干He hardly needed to break sweat to reach the final.
by the sweat of your ˈbrow (literary) by your own hard work or physical effort 靠自己的汗水;凭自己的艰苦努力They had to live by the sweat of their brow.
don’t ˈsweat it (NAmE, spoken) used to tell sb to stop worrying about sth 别担心;别发愁If we’re a few minutes late he’ll wait for us, so don’t sweat it.
don’t sweat the ˈsmall stuff (NAmE, spoken) used to tell sb not to worry about small details or unimportant things 不要为鸡毛蒜皮的事伤脑筋no ˈsweat (spoken) used as a way of saying that sth is not difficult or any trouble 没什么;小事一桩‘Thanks for driving me to the station.’ ‘No sweat (= it is no trouble).’
‘How was the exam?’ ‘I passed that one, no sweat.’
sweat ˈblood (informal) 1. work very hard; make a very great effort 苦干;卖命地工作I sweated blood to get that essay finished on time.
2. be very worried or afraid 十分担心;担惊受怕He sweats blood every time the telephone rings, in case it’s the police.
sweat it ˈout (informal) suffer an unpleasant situation; wait for sth unpleasant to end 忍受到最后;坚持下去I hate this job, but I’m going to sweat it out and hope something better comes along.
After the competition we just had to sit there and sweat it out until the result was announced.
sweat like a ˈpig (informal) sweat very much 大汗淋漓;汗淋淋It’s 35 degrees inside the factory, and the workers are sweating like pigs.
工厂里的温度高达 35 度,工人们一个个汗淋淋的。
ˌblood, sweat and ˈtearsvery hard work; a lot of effort 血汗;艰苦工作The only way to succeed is through old-fashioned blood, sweat and tears.成功的唯一途径还是老办法:艰苦奋斗。slog/sweat/work your ˈguts out (informal) work very hard 呕心沥血;拼命干活I’ve slogged my guts out digging this ditch, and I’m completely exhausted.我拼了老命挖这条沟,现在累得要死。You sweat your guts out all your life and what do you get when you retire? Next to nothing.你一辈子任劳任怨,退休的时候能得到什么?几乎什么也没有。 OPP not do a stroke (of work)




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