

词组 strings
释义 strings /strɪŋz/ SEE ALL
(with) no ˈstrings attached ( without ˈstrings) with no special rules, conditions or limits 不带附加条件;无任何限制I got a loan of $5 000 with no strings attached.
我得到了一笔 5 000 美元的贷款,无任何附加条件。
It was a relationship without strings (= without responsibility or commitment) which suited them both.
(tied to) your mother’s, wife’s, etc. ˈapron strings(too much under) the influence and control of sb, especially your mother, wife, etc. (深受)母亲(或妻子等)的影响及控制The British prime minister is too apt to cling to Washington’s apron strings.英国首相对华盛顿政府简直唯命是从。have another string/more strings to your bow (BrE) something else that you can use or do if the thing you are using or doing fails 另有办法;有几手准备If I don’t succeed as an actor, I’ve got another string to my bow because I’m a trained music teacher.要是当不成演员,我还有另一条路可走,因为我还是个训练有素的音乐教师。pull ˈstrings (for sb) (NAmE also pull ˈwires) (informal) use your influence in order to get an advantage for sb 在幕后拉线;暗中施加影响;(为某人)走后门She doesn’t want me to pull any strings for her; she says she prefers to be offered a place on her own merit.她不让我为她托人帮忙,她说她想凭自己的实力找工作。I’m sure his uncle in the BBC must have pulled strings for him.我相信他在英国广播公司的叔叔一定为他打通了关系。pull the ˈstrings(secretly) control the actions of other people (幕后)操纵;(暗中)控制I don’t understand this situation at all. I want to know exactly who is pulling the strings.我完全搞不懂这里的情况,我想知道是谁在幕后操纵。 NOTE These two expressions refer to the strings that are attached to a puppet (= a model of a person or an animal) that you pull to make different parts of its body move. 这两个表达法源于木偶(puppet)戏里的拉线,线一动,木偶就跟着动。 control/hold the ˈpurse strings (informal) be the person who controls the amount of money spent and the way in which it is spent 掌握经济大权;掌管钱财I’m the one who controls the purse strings in this office, and you must come to me if you want any more money.办公室里由我控制经济大权,要是你需要更多资金就得来找我。




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