

词组 close
释义 close1BrE /kləʊz/
NAmE /kloʊz/
close the ˈbook on sthstop doing sth because you no longer believe you will be successful or will find a solution 放弃某事The police have closed the book on the case (= they have stopped trying to solve it).
close your ˈmind (to sth)be unwilling or unable to consider new ideas, proposals, etc. (对新想法、提议等)拒不考虑,置之不理,置若罔闻His mind is closed to the possibility of reform.


(disapproving) She was accused of being closed-minded and intolerant of other people’s opinions.
close ˈranks (of the members of a profession, group, etc. 行业或集团等的成员) co-operate closely to protect and defend each other 紧密团结;携手合作Although the family quarrelled a good deal among themselves, they quickly closed ranks against any outsider who criticized one of them.
shut/close the ˈdoor on sthmake it unlikely that sth will happen; refuse to consider an idea, a plan, etc. 拒…于门外;把…的门堵死;对(想法、计划等)不加考虑I think this company should remain open to ideas and not shut the door on change.我认为这家公司应该对某些想法持开明态度,而不应关上改革的大门。She was careful not to close the door on the possibility of further talks.她十分注意留下进一步商谈的余地。shut/close your ˈears to sb/sthrefuse to listen to sb/sth; ignore sb/sth 拒绝听;对…充耳不闻;忽视The government has shut its ears to our protests.政府对我们的抗议不加理睬。shut/close your ˈeyes to sthpretend that you have not noticed sth so that you do not have to deal with it 闭眼不看;对…视而不见;装作不知My son has his faults — and I’ve never closed my eyes to them — but dishonesty isn’t one of them.我儿子是有缺点 - 我也从来没有假装看不见 - 但他绝不会不诚实。Politicians seemed to be shutting their eyes to corruption in the police force.政客们似乎对警察队伍中的腐败现象视而不见。shut/lock/close the stable door after the horse has ˈbolted (BrE) (NAmE shut, etc. the barn door after the horse has eˈscaped) take action to prevent sth bad from happening after it has already happened 马跑了才去关厩门;贼走关门Last week all their silver was stolen; this week they’re putting in a burglar alarm! That’s really shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.上星期他们的银器全被偷走了,这星期他们才安装防盗报警器!这可真是马跑了才去关厩门。
close2BrE /kləʊs/
NAmE /kloʊs/
at ˌclose ˈquartersfrom/within a very short distance 从近处;近距离地You have to examine the paint at close quarters in order to see the tiny scratches on it.
close but no ciˈgar (NAmE, informal) used to say that the answer, result, etc. is not quite good enough 接近了,但还没答对;还不够好;离成功还差一点儿 ORIGIN This expression comes from the old US custom of giving a cigar as a prize in fairground games of skill, such as shooting games. 这个表达法源于美国旧俗,当时常以一支雪茄烟作为射击等露天比赛的奖品。close ˈby (sb/sth)at a short distance (from sb/sth) (离…)不远;在…近旁Our friends live close by.
The route passes close by the town.
close onclose toalmost; nearly 几乎;接近;差不多It’s close on midnight.
They made a profit close to €20 000.
他们获得了将近 2 万欧元的利润。
a ˌclose ˈshave/ˈcall (informal) a situation where a disaster, an accident, etc. almost happens 侥幸避免事故;侥幸脱险;幸免于难We didn’t actually hit the other car, but it was a close shave.
Phew! That was a close call — she nearly saw us!
close ˈtoclose ˈupin a position very near to sth 在很近处;很近地The picture looks very different when you see it close to.
close to ˈhomeif a remark or topic of discussion is close to home, it is accurate or connected with you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed (话语或讨论的话题)触及某人要害,使人局促不安(或尴尬)Her remarks about me were embarrassingly close to home.
come ˈclose (to sth/to doing sth)almost reach or do sth 几乎达到;差点儿做某事He’d come close to death.
We didn’t win but we came close.
keep a close ˈeye/ˈwatch on sb/sthwatch sb/sth carefully 密切注视;严密监视Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales.
run sb/sth ˈclose (BrE) be nearly as good, fast, successful, etc. as sb/sth else 几乎赶上…;与…不相上下Germany ran Argentina very close in the final.
too close for ˈcomfortso near that you become afraid or anxious 太近了而令人不自在The exams are getting a bit too close for comfort.
close to/near the ˈbone (informal) likely to offend or upset sb because, for example, a remark contains elements of truth (话语)过于直率,不留情面Some of the things she said to him about his failure to find work were a bit close to the bone.关于他找不到工作的事情,她对他说的有些话太直白了。keep/hold/play your cards ˌclose to your ˈchestnot tell others what you are intending to do (对意图)守口如瓶,秘而不宣He keeps his cards pretty close to his chest. I don’t know whether he plans to buy the house or not.他捂着牌不亮,我不知道他是否准备买下那座房子。 OPP show/reveal your hand be close/dear/near to sb’s ˈheartbe a person or thing that sb is very fond of, concerned about, interested in, etc. 为某人喜爱;被某人所关注The campaign to keep our local hospital open is something that is very close to my heart.争取本地医院继续开诊的运动非常符合我的意愿。be close to/near the ˈmarkalmost correct or accurate 接近准确;几乎无误The estimate of the total cost had been pretty close to the mark, in fact.事实上,总成本的评估相当准确。She thinks it will take six months to complete the job, but I think eight would be nearer the mark.她认为用六个月时间就可以完成这项工作,但我觉得可能要八个月。sail close to the ˈwindbehave in a way that is almost illegal or socially unacceptable 迎风而驶;冒风险(干可能违法或不为社会所接受的事)She’s been late for work three times this week, which is sailing close to the wind, I think.本周她已经迟到三次了,她这不是在顶风作案嘛。a close/near ˈthinga close-run ˈthing (informal) 1. a competition, an election, a race, etc. which you only just succeed in winning (在比赛、选举等中)险胜,侥幸获胜I know we won, but believe me, it was a near thing. They could easily have beaten us.我知道我们赢了,可是我要说我们只是侥幸获胜。他们本来可以轻而易举地打败我们。2. a punishment, an accident, etc. which you only just avoided 侥幸逃脱;死里逃生The police searched the house but they didn’t find him. It was a close-run thing.警方搜查了屋子但是没有找到他,他侥幸躲过了。




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