

词组 change
释义 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ SEE ALL
change ˈhandspass to a different owner 换主人;易主;转手The house has changed hands several times.
change your ˈmindchange your decision or opinion 改变主意(或看法)He was intending to go to the party but now he’s changed his mind and decided to stay in.
a ˌchange of ˈhearta change in your attitude and feelings, especially becoming kinder, more friendly, etc. 改变态度,改变看法(尤指变得更亲切、更友好等)The Government has had a change of heart over the proposed tax reforms and is now prepared to listen to public opinion.
change the ˈsubjectstart to talk about something different, especially because what was being discussed was embarrassing or difficult to talk about 转换话题(尤指当话题令人尴尬或难以进行下去时)I don’t like talking about the war. Can’t we change the subject?
change your ˈtune (informal) change your opinion about or your attitude to sb/sth 改变看法;改变态度;改变口气Tom used to say that parents worry too much about their children, but he soon changed his tune when he became a parent himself!
change your ˈwaysstart to live or behave in a different way from before 改变生活方式;换个活法I’ve learned my lesson and I’m going to try to change my ways.
It’s unlikely your boss will change his ways.
for a ˈchangefor variety; as an improvement on what usually happens 换换花样;为了改变一下We usually go to Cyprus on holiday but this year we’ve decided to stay at home for a change.
Oh good! She’s on time for a change.
get no change out of sbnot get much/any change out of sb (BrE, spoken) get no/little help or information from sb (从某人处)得不到帮助,打听不到消息If you need any help, ask Manuel. You’ll get more change out of him than the others.
a wind/the winds of ˈchangean event or a series of events that has started to happen and will cause important changes or results 会导致重要改变(或后果)的(一系列)事件;变化征兆There’s a wind of change in the attitude of voters.
Winds of change were sweeping over the country.
ORIGIN The British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan used this phrase in a speech he made in 1960. 英国首相哈罗德 ∙ 麦克米伦在 1960 年的一次演讲中曾用到这个短语。
ˌchop and ˈchange (BrE, informal) change your plans, opinions or methods too often 变化无常;反复变换I wish he’d make up his mind — I’m tired of all this chopping and changing.我希望他能打定主意,我挺烦他总是这样变化无常。change/swap horses in midˈstreamchange to a different or new activity while you are in the middle of sth else; change from supporting one person or thing to another 过河途中换马;中途改变计划(或支持另外的人)‘I don’t believe in changing horses in midstream,’ he said. ‘Give this policy a chance before you think of changing it.’“我觉得中途换马不可行,”他说,“在考虑改变之前不妨给这个政策一个机会。”a leopard cannot change its ˈspots (saying) a person’s character does not change 本性难移A dictator is unlikely to become a good leader in a democracy. A leopard cannot change its spots.独裁者不太可能成为民主制度下优秀的领导人。江山易改,本性难移。change/swap ˈplaces (with sb) (of two people, groups, etc. 两人、两个团体等) exchange seats, positions, situations, etc. 交换位置;交换处境The Smiths can afford to go away a lot because they haven’t got a family to bring up. But I wouldn’t want to change places with them.史密斯家有钱经常出去,因为他们没有孩子要养,不过我可不想跟他们换。Can you see the whiteboard where you are, or would you like to swap places?你在那里能看到白板吗?要不要换个位子?plus ça ˈchange (, plus c’est la même ˈchose)BrE /ˌpluː sæ ˈʃɒ̃nʒ/
NAmE /ˈʃɔː̃ʒ/
(from French, saying) some things never really change, even though details such as time and people involved may be different 万变不离其宗Despite assurances that this year’s competition would welcome new talent and new ideas, none of the newcomers have reached the final round. Plus ça change…尽管今年的比赛号称欢迎新人新想法,可是没有一位新手进入决赛,变来变去还是老样子… NOTE The meaning of the full expression in French is ‘the more it changes, the more it stays the same’. 这个法语表达法的完整形式意为“越变越不离原样”。




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