

词组 hang/lie heavy (on sb/sth)
释义 hang/lie ˈheavy (on sb/sth)1. (of a feeling or sth in the air 情感或空气中的物体) be very noticeable in a particular place in a way that is unpleasant 明显郁积;明显悬浮于Smoke lay heavy on the far side of the water.对岸的水面上悬浮着黑沉沉的烟雾。Despair hangs heavy on the air.空气中弥漫着绝望的氛围。2. make sb/sth feel uncomfortable or anxious 使不安;使焦虑;使担忧The crime lay heavy on her conscience.犯下的罪行使她内疚不安。




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