

词组 hand
释义 hand /hænd/ SEE ALL
ask for/win sb’s hand (old-fashioned) ask for/get permission to marry sb 求婚;获许与…结婚‘Did John ask your father for your hand?’ ‘No. Nobody does that any more, do they?’
(close/near) at ˈhandnear in distance or time 近在手边;在附近;即将发生Some people think that the end of the world is at hand.
It’s a very convenient place to live. We’ve got everything close at hand — shops, schools, and a library.
bind/tie sb hand and ˈfootremove or restrict sb’s freedom of action or movement 限制某人的行动自由;束缚某人Staying at home to look after a sick parent often means that a person is tied hand and foot.
I can do nothing to help you because I’m bound hand and foot by my present contract.
by ˈhand1. (of a letter, etc. 信件等) if a letter is delivered by hand, it is delivered by the person who wrote it, or by messenger rather than by post 亲手送递;由专人递送There’s a postal strike on at the moment, so we’ll have to deliver these invitations by hand.
2. made/done without using machinery 手工(制造)Several local farmers still milk their cows by hand.
These wine glasses were made by hand.
get out of ˈhandbecome difficult or impossible to control 变得难以(或无法)控制How can we stop price increases getting out of hand?
The student teacher saw that the class was getting completely out of hand, so he asked for help.
OPP be under control
give sb a ˈhand (with sth)help sb to do sth 帮助某人(做某事)I can’t lift this piano on my own. Can you give me a hand, Carlos?
Let me give you a hand with these suitcases.
go hand in ˈhand (with sth)be closely connected (with sth) (与某事)紧密联系Poverty tends to go hand in hand with disease, and raising people’s incomes usually helps to improve their health.
A bad economic situation and rising crime usually go hand in hand.
ˌhand in ˈglove (with sb)very closely associated with sb, usually in sth dishonest (和某人)关系亲密;(通常指)勾结,串通The terrorists are working hand in glove with the drug traffickers.
They are hand in glove with the secret police.
ˌhand in ˈhand (of people ) holding each other’s hand, usually as a sign of affection 手拉着手The lovers walked along the river bank, hand in hand.
hand sth to sb on a ˈplatehand sb sth on a ˈplate (informal) give sth to sb without the person concerned having to make any effort to get it 将某物拱手送给某人She was handed the job on a plate. Somebody just telephoned her one afternoon and asked her if she’d like to work for the BBC.
A contract’s not just going to be handed to you on a plate, you know. You have to earn it.
have/take a hand in sth/in doing sthbe involved in sth, especially sth bad, wrong, etc. 参与,介入(尤指坏事)We think all three of you had a hand in planning the robbery. So, come on, confess.
I’m sure he had a hand in creating this problem.
have to ˈhand it to sb (informal) admit, perhaps unwillingly, that you admire sb for their skill, achievements, determination, etc. (不得不)赞扬某人,承认某人的长处You have to hand it to him; he certainly knows how to play tennis.
To be honest, I didn’t think she could cook, but I have to hand it to her. Tonight’s meal was fantastic.
hold sb’s ˈhandgive sb help, comfort, support, etc. in a difficult situation (在困境中)给某人帮助(或安慰、支持等);向某人伸出援手Industry cannot expect the government to hold its hand every time it has problems.
This is Jane’s first day in the office, so I’ve asked Mary to hold her hand a bit.
in ˈhand1. (of a task, matter, etc. 任务、事情等) now being dealt with, thought about, discussed, etc. 在处理中;在讨论中Let’s stop talking about other subjects and get back to the matter in hand.
2. still to be used, played, spent, etc.; remaining 仍可供使用的;剩余的The two teams have an equal number of points, but Liverpool still have a game in hand.
The club still has money in hand for the improvements.
keep your ˈhand inpractise a skill occasionally, so that you do not lose it 经常练习(以保持熟练)The director likes to teach a class occasionally, just to keep her hand in.
lift/raise a ˈhand against sbto hit or threaten to hit sb 举手要打;威胁要攻击She never raised a hand against her daughter because she didn’t believe in hitting children.
not do a hand’s ˈturn (old-fashioned) do no work 不工作She hasn’t done a hand’s turn all week.
on either/every ˈhand (literary) on both/all sides; in every direction 左右两边;四面八方;到处We were surrounded on every hand by dancing couples.
on ˈhandnear and available; present 在手边;到场We have a doctor on hand in case of emergency.
on (the) ˈone hand…on the ˈother (hand)…used to show two different aspects of the same situation 一方面…另一方面…On the one hand, it’s very cheap living here. On the other, it costs a lot to get home!
out of ˈhandimmediately and without thinking about sth fully or listening to other people’s arguments 立即;不加思索地They rejected my suggestion out of hand.
put your ˌhand in/into your ˈpocket (BrE) spend or give money 花钱;掏腰包One of our colleagues is retiring, so I expect they’ll want us to put our hands into our pockets for a present.
He’s one of the meanest men I know. He never puts his hand in his pocket for anything.
(at) second, third, etc. ˈhandby being told about sth by sb else who has seen it or heard about it, not by experiencing, seeing, etc. it yourself 二(或三)手地;间接地I’m fed up of hearing about these decisions third hand!
show/reveal your ˈhand (BrE) (NAmE tip your ˈhand) do sth which reveals your intentions, plans, etc. 摊牌;公开自己的意图The problem is that we can’t say anything to the management without showing our hand, and we wanted to be able to take them by surprise.
In court a good lawyer never reveals his hand too soon.
OPP keep/hold/play your cards close to your chest NOTE These expressions refer to showing your cards (= your hand) in card playing. 这些表达法原指纸牌游戏中亮出自己的牌。
ˌtake sb/sth in ˈhandbegin to control or look after sb/sth, especially in order to make improvements in their behaviour, their performance, etc. 照管;担负起对…的责任That child is very badly behaved; someone should take her in hand.
The new manager hopes to take the organization in hand, because in recent months it has been in chaos.
talk to/tell it to the ˈhand (because/’cos the face ain’t ˈlistening) (NAmE, informal) used to say in a rude way that you refuse to listen to what sb is trying to tell you (粗暴地表示不愿听别人讲)别说了,闭嘴 NOTE This is said while holding your hand up in front of the other person’s face. 说这个习语的时候手掌通常伸在别人面前。 throw your ˈhand in (informal) stop doing sth or taking part in sth, especially because you are not successful (尤指不成功而)放弃,认输If I fail again this time, I shall throw my hand in.
NOTE When you have no chance of winning in a game of cards, you throw your hand (= cards) into the middle of the table. 打牌中没赢牌希望时,人们通常把手中的牌(hand)掷于桌面中央。
(ready) to ˈhand(have sth) with or near you; easy to reach or get 近在手边;在手中;便于利用I don’t seem to have my diary to hand at the moment — can I ring you back and make an appointment?
Surgeons need their instruments ready to hand during an operation.
turn your ˈhand to sthstart doing sth or be able to do sth, especially when you do it well 着手做;有能力做Jim can turn his hand to most jobs around the house.
with your ˌhand on your ˈheartˌhand on ˈheartspeaking very honestly and telling the truth 诚恳地(说出事实)I can tell you, hand on my heart, that I never took any money out of your purse.
How can you stand there with your hand on your heart and tell me that?
with one hand tied behind your ˈback (informal) 1. unable to use your full powers 束手束脚地;不能尽全力地The government has one hand tied behind its back in these negotiations.
2. very easily; with little effort 轻而易举地She could run the restaurant with one hand tied behind her back.
give sb a big ˈhand (informal) clap your hands loudly and enthusiastically 热烈鼓掌Let’s have a big hand, ladies and gentlemen, for our next performer…女士们先生们,让我们以热烈的掌声请出下一位表演者…a bird in the ˌhand is worth two in the ˈbush (saying) it is better to be satisfied with what you have got than to lose it trying to get sth more or better 一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林;奢求不如实得bite the hand that ˈfeeds yoube unkind or disloyal to sb who has been kind or helpful to you, or who pays your wages 恩将仇报;以怨报德When you say such nasty things about the organization, you’re biting the hand that feeds you.你这样恶语中伤组织是忘恩负义。go cap in ˈhand (to sb) (BrE) (NAmE go hat in ˈhand) beg for sth very respectfully 谦卑地讨要;恭敬地索取I’ve run out of money, but I don’t want to go cap in hand to my father.我没钱了,可是我不想低三下四地问父亲要。ˌcash in ˈhand (BrE, informal) if you pay for goods and services cash in hand, you pay in cash, especially so that the person being paid can avoid paying tax on the amount 以现金支付(尤指收款人可避税)Most of his customers pay him cash in hand.他的大多数客户都用现金支付。be able to count sb/sth on (the fingers of) one ˈhandused to say that the total number of sb/sth is very small 屈指可数;寥寥无几She could count on the fingers of one hand the people she actually enjoyed being with.她真正喜欢与之交往的人屈指可数。be a dab ˈhand at sth/at doing sth (BrE, informal) be very good at doing sth 是…能手(或高手、行家);做某事很在行;擅长做…Ask Neil to do it — he’s a dab hand at carpentry.让尼尔来做吧,他做木工很在行。the dead hand of sthan influence that controls or restricts sth 决定性影响;障碍We need to free business from the dead hand of bureaucracy.我们必须摆脱官僚主义对事业的严重束缚。have sb eating out of your ˈhandhave sb completely in your control so that they will do whatever you want 彻底控制某人;使某人完全服从自己Once they knew that they would never be able to escape without his help, he had them eating out of his hand.他们一经明白没有他的帮助就永远也不可能逃出去,就对他言听计从了。make, etc. sth by/with your own fair ˈhand (humorous) make, etc. sth yourself 自己动手做I made this birthday card for you with my own fair hand.我亲手为你做了这张生日贺卡。a firm ˈhandstrong discipline and control 严厉的管教;严格的控制;铁腕What his son needs, if you ask me, is a firm hand!要我说,他儿子需要的是严加管束!(at) first ˈhandfrom your own experience or knowledge, rather than from sb else; directly 第一手地;直接地I know at first hand what it is like to be poor; we always had very little money at home.我对贫穷有切身的体验,我们家从来没什么钱。We have a first-hand account of the raid from a witness.我们从一位目击者那里得到有关袭击的第一手信息。force sb’s ˈhandforce sb to do sth differently or sooner than planned 迫使某人改变(或提前)计划By applying pressure to get the law changed, the opposition party wants to force the government’s hand.反对党通过施加压力要修改法令,试图迫使政府改变政策。get, have, etc. a free ˈhandbe given permission or an opportunity to do what you want in your work, plans, etc. 有自由发挥的机会;可以自己作主My boss gives me a free hand in deciding which outside contractor to use.老板让我自主决定聘用哪家外部承包商。She has a free hand in choosing her staff.她有权自主挑选部下。 OPP tie sb’s hands heavy ˈhanda way of doing sth or of treating people that is much stronger and less sensitive than it needs to be 过于严厉的手段;粗暴的方式;高压手段the heavy hand of management粗暴的管理方式 OPP a light touch ˌheavy-ˈhanded


a heavy-handed approach / manner粗暴的方式/举止
a ˌhelping ˈhandhelp 帮助;支持The new charity tries to offer a helping hand to young people who have become addicted to drugs.新成立的慈善机构试图帮助那些吸毒成瘾的年轻人。A helping hand would be very welcome at the moment.此时我们很需要帮助。an iron ˈfist/ˈhand (in a velvet ˈglove)harsh treatment of sb that is hidden behind a gentle manner (戴天鹅绒手套的)铁拳;外柔内刚The president ruled his country by using an iron fist in a velvet glove.这位总统的治国风格是表面温柔,实质强硬。know sth like the back of your ˈhand (informal) know a place very well 对…极为熟悉;了如指掌;如数家珍As a taxi driver, you have to know the city like the back of your hand.作为一名出租车司机,你得对这所城市了如指掌。the ˌleft hand doesn’t know what the ˌright hand’s ˈdoing (saying, informal) one part of an organization, a group, etc. does not know what another part is doing 左手不知道右手在干什么(指同一组织、团体等的不同分支各自为政,互不通气)First I got a letter from them saying they couldn’t return my money, and then the next day they sent me a cheque. Obviously the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand’s doing.我先是接到他们的信,说无法还我钱;但是隔天他们又送来一张支票。很明显,他们内部缺乏沟通。lend (sb) a ˈhand (with sth)help sb (to do sth) 帮助某人(做某事)I saw two men pushing a broken-down car along the road so I stopped to lend them a hand.我看到两个人正沿着公路推一辆抛锚的车,于是我停下来给他们搭把手。She stayed with us for three weeks and didn’t once lend a hand with the housework!她在我们这儿住了三周,却从来没有帮忙做家务!live (from) ˌhand to ˈmouthspend all the money you earn on basic needs such as food, without being able to save any money 仅够糊口度日;勉强糊口There’s no way we can even think about travelling to Europe this year, as we are literally living from hand to mouth.今年我们根本就不可能指望去欧洲度假,我们现在简直是挣一天吃一天。 ˌhand-to-ˈmouth


a hand-to-mouth existence勉强维持的生活
make/lose money ˌhand over ˈfist (informal) make/lose money very fast and in large quantities (迅速)赚大钱,破大财Some of these tennis players are making money hand over fist.这些网球选手当中有一些很快就赚了大钱。an old ˈhand (at sth/at doing sth)a person who is very experienced at sth 老手;有经验的人Pete’s an old hand at negotiating our contracts — he’s been at the firm nearly twenty years, so he knows all the procedures.皮特可是合同谈判的老手,他在公司里呆了将近二十年了,熟悉所有的程序。 OPP (still) wet behind the ears overplay your ˈhandspoil your chance of success by judging your position to be stronger than it really is 不自量力;高估自己Some say that the actors overplayed their hand, asking for too much money for each appearance.有人认为演员们自视过高,出场开价太高昂。 NOTE This comes from card games. If you overplay your hand, you play in a way that is too confident because you think your cards are better than they really are. 这个习语源于纸牌游戏。overplay your hand 指自我感觉手上的牌好而过于自信地出牌。 have sb in the ˌpalm of your ˈhandhave sb completely under your control or influence 完全控制某人;把某人攥在手心Her boyfriend will do anything for her; she’s got him in the palm of her hand.她的男朋友愿意为她做任何事,她把他牢牢攥在手心里。rule (sb/sth) with a rod of ˈiron/with an iron ˈhand (informal) control sb/sth in a very strong or strict way 实行铁腕统治;严格管制They ruled the country with an iron hand and anybody who protested was arrested.他们对国家实行铁腕统治,把任何抗议者都抓起来。shake ˈhands (with sb)shake sb’s ˈhandshake sb by the ˈhandtake hold of sb’s hand and move it up and down as a greeting or to show that you agree about sth (与某人)握手The television pictures of the two presidents shaking hands were shown all over the world.两位总统握手的电视画面传遍世界各地。ˌsleight of ˈhand1. something done with very quick and skilful movements of the hand(s) so that other people cannot see what really happened (隐蔽的)敏捷手法,巧妙手法The trick is done simply by sleight of hand.变这个戏法全凭手法敏捷。2. skilful use of facts or figures to give people the wrong impression of sth or to make them believe sth which is not true (造假象或骗人的)手腕,花招We now realize that much of Burt’s research was presented with a statistical sleight of hand.我们现在才知道伯特的研究结果在发表时大多都对统计数据做了手脚。stay your/sb’s ˈhand (old-fashioned or literary) stop yourself/sb from doing sth; prevent sb from doing sth 停止做某事;使某人罢手He reached for his keys, but Rosa stayed his hand.他伸手去拿钥匙,但罗莎阻止了他。ˌstrengthen your ˈhandgive you more power to do sth or act against sb/sth 给予更多的权力;增强实力The new anti-drug laws will strengthen the hand of the police.新的反毒品法将给予警方更多的权力。have your ˌfingers/ˌhand in the ˈtill (BrE, informal) steal, especially small amounts of money from a shop/store, business, etc. where you work 偷自己工作单位的钱;监守自盗He lost his job after they found he’d had his hand in the till.在被人发现偷公司的钱之后,他被解雇了。try your ˈhand (at sth/doing sth)try sth for the first time, for example a skill or a sport 试试身手;尝试I’ve always wanted to try my hand at golf.我一直都想尝试一下打高尔夫球。get, have, gain, etc. the ˌupper ˈhand (over sb)get, etc. power or control over sb, especially in a fight, competition, etc. (尤指在斗争、竞争等中)占上风,有控制权Our team gained the upper hand in the second half of the match.我们队在下半场控制了场上局势。The police claim they have the upper hand in their fight against the drug dealers.警方声称他们在与毒贩的斗争中占了上风。wait on sb ˌhand and ˈfoot (disapproving) do almost everything for sb, for example cook meals, bring everything they ask for, etc. 殷勤地侍候某人;让某人饭来张口衣来伸手My father expects my mother to wait on him hand and foot.我父亲希望母亲全心伺候他。get, have, hold, etc. the ˈwhip hand (over sb)have power or control (over sb) 执掌大权;执鞭在手;控制(某人)The government knows that the army have the whip hand.政府知道军队执掌大权。Our opponents had the whip hand over us right from the beginning.我们的对手从一开始就控制了局面。




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