

词组 press
释义 press /pres/ SEE ALL
get/have a good, bad, etc. ˈpressget/have good, bad, etc. things said about you in the newspapers, on television, etc. 在报纸(或电视等)上有正面/负面的报道;受到舆论的好评/批评The royal family’s been getting a good press recently, for a change.
Zoos have been getting a bad press over the last few years.
ˌpress (the) ˈflesh (of a famous person or a politician 名人或政客) shake hands with members of the public, especially in order to persuade them to vote for you 和选民握手以博得好感The presidential candidates were out on the streets again today, smiling for the cameras and pressing the flesh.
ˌpress sth ˈhomemake a point in an argument or discussion with force 坚持强调(某一论点);争辩到底She kept pressing home the point that more money should be spent on education.
press ˌhome your adˈvantagemake good use of the fact that you are in a stronger position than your opponent, enemy, etc. 充分利用有利时机;乘胜追击Once they realized that the management was so weak, the union leaders pressed home their advantage and asked for another three days’ holiday.
ˌpress sb/sth into ˈserviceuse sb/sth for a purpose that they were not trained or intended for because there is nobody or nothing else available 用…应急;姑且使用;临时凑合Every type of boat was pressed into service to rescue passengers from the sinking ferry.
ORIGIN This expression originally referred to forcing someone to join the army or navy. 这个表达法源于强迫某人应征入伍或当水兵。
the ˌgutter ˈpress (disapproving) popular newspapers which print a lot of shocking stories about people’s private lives rather than serious news (专门刊登耸人听闻的私生活故事的)市井小报,八卦小报Somebody must control the gutter press in this country.必须有人出来管管国内的市井小报了。 NOTE The gutter is sometimes used to refer to bad social conditions or low moral standards. * gutter 有时用来指恶劣的社会环境或沦落的道德标准。 ˌhot off the ˈpressnews that is hot off the press has just appeared in the newspapers and is fresh and usually exciting 最新报道;新出炉的消息Listen to this story — it’s hot off the press!听听这条新闻,这是最新报道! NOTE Paper that has just been printed on a press (= printing machine) is still warm. 刚从印刷机(press)上印出的纸还是暖烘烘的。 press/push the ˈpanic button (BrE) react in a sudden or an extreme way to sth unexpected that has frightened you 惊慌失措;仓促行事Although the team lost yet another match on Saturday, their manager is refusing to press the panic button.这个队周六又输了一场比赛,但主教练拒绝仓促行事。ˌpush sb’s ˈbuttons ( ˌpress sb’s ˈbuttons especially in BrE) (informal) make sb react, especially in an angry or excited way 使作出反应(尤指愤怒地或激动地)I almost never lose my temper, but this guy can really push my buttons.我几乎从不发脾气,但这家伙真的让我火冒三丈。I’ve known him for years, but I still don’t really know what pushes his buttons.我已认识他多年,可还是摸不透他的脾气。




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