

词组 present
释义 present /ˈpreznt/ SEE ALL
all ˌpresent and corˈrect (BrE) (NAmE all ˌpresent and acˈcounted for) (spoken) used to say that all the things or people who should be there are now there 全到无误;应到场的都到了;如数到齐‘Now, is everybody here?’ ‘All present and correct, Sir!’
NOTE This is used in the army to inform an officer that none of the soldiers in his or her unit are missing, injured, etc. 这是军队用语,表示某军官手下的士兵没有一人失踪、受伤等。
at ˈpresentnow; at the moment 目前;眼下How many people are living in this house at present?
make a ˈpresent of sth (to sb)make it easy for sb to take or steal sth from you, or to gain an advantage over you, because you have been careless (由于粗心而把某物)双手奉送,拱手送人Before you go out, lock all the doors and windows. Don’t make a present of your property (to thieves).
on ˈpresent formjudging by sb/sth’s present performance or behaviour; as things are at the moment 就目前情况看On present form I’d say he should win easily.
A painting by Durant could sell for over a million on present form.
照目前的行情,一幅杜兰特的画应该能卖出高于 100 万的价钱。
present company exˈcepted ( excepting present ˈcompany) used as a polite remark to show that the criticisms you are making are not directed at the people you are talking to (礼貌地指出自己的批评不是针对对方)在场各位除外,我并不是指您My feeling is that the people around here, present company excepted of course, are rather unfriendly.
the ˌpresent ˈdaymodern times; now 现在;如今These customs have continued right up to the present day.
Present-day attitudes to women are very different.
for the time ˈbeing ( for the ˈmoment/ˈpresent) now, and for a short time in the future 眼下;暂时He can stay with us for the time being until he finds a place of his own.在他找到自己的住处之前可以暂时住在我们这儿。I’m happy here for the moment, but I might want to move soon.目前我在这儿过得不错,但是我可能不久就想去别的地方。(there’s) no time like the ˈpresent (saying) the best time to do sth is now 现在是做…的最佳时机;没有比此刻更好的时候了‘When do you want me to start the decorating?’ ‘Well, no time like the present, is there?’“你想让我什么时候开始装修?”“呃,现在就是最好的时候,对吧?”




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