

词组 long
释义 long BrE /lɒŋ/
NAmE /lɔːŋ/
as/so ˈlong ason condition that 只要;如果As long as you tidy your room first, you can go out to play.
I’ll lend you my car so long as you promise to take great care of it.
as long as your ˈarm (informal) (of a list 清单) used to describe a list with many things to do, buy, etc. on it 冗长I’ve got a list as long as your arm of things I need to buy for the party.
be in sth for the long ˈhaulbe willing to continue doing a task until it is finished 愿意坚持到底Trust me when I say we’re in it for the long haul.
for (so) ˈlongfor (such) a long time 长久地;(这么)长时间Will you be away for long?
I’m sorry I haven’t written to you for so long.
go back a long ˈway (of two or more people 两个或多个人) have known each other for a long time 相识很久John and I go back a long way, don’t we?
have come a long ˈwayhave made good progress and achieved a lot 取得很大的进步;大有长进The manager has come a long way since she joined the company as a messenger.
have a long way to ˈgoneed to make a lot of progress before you can achieve sth 还有很长的路要走;还有很大差距She still has a long way to go before she’s fully fit.
how long is a piece of ˈstring? (BrE, spoken) used to say that there is no definite answer to a question (表示没有确切的答案)说不准‘How long will it take?’ ‘How long’s a piece of string?’
in the ˈlong runover or after a long period of time; in the end 从长远来看;最终Buying your own house is a big expense at first but in the long run it’s cheaper than paying rent.
OPP in the short run
it’s a ˌlong ˈstory (informal) used to say that the reasons for sth are complicated and you would prefer not to give all the details 一言难尽;说来话长‘So why did you leave?’ ‘Oh, it’s a long story — I’ll tell you some other time.’
the long and (the) ˈshort of itused to say what the basic facts of a situation are 总而言之;总的情况The examiners discussed your paper for at least an hour, but I’m afraid the long and the short of it is that you have failed.
the long arm of the ˈlawthe ability of the police and the legal system to find criminals and punish them 法网恢恢,疏而不漏You have to be a very clever criminal to escape the long arm of the law.
(pull, wear, etc.) a long ˈface(have) a sad or disappointed expression 闷闷不乐;哭丧着脸;愁眉苦脸I asked him if he wanted to come out but he pulled a long face and said no.
Why the long face?
a long ˈhaul (informal) a long and difficult task or journey 漫长而艰辛的工作;长途旅行It was a long haul doing the degree part-time, but it was worth it.
They started on the long haul back to the camp.
(be) ˌlong in the ˈtooth (humorous, especially BrE) old 年事已高;年岁大了I’m a bit long in the tooth for all-night parties.
ORIGIN This idiom refers to the fact that some animals’ teeth keep growing as they grow older. 这个习语原指某些动物的牙齿随着年龄的增长而一直生长。
a ˈlong shot (informal) an attempt or a guess which you do not expect to be successful but which is worth trying 成功机会不大的尝试;把握不大的猜测Try ringing him at home. It’s a long shot, I know, but he might just be there.
‘Are you going to apply for the manager’s job?’ ‘I don’t know. It’s a bit of a long shot, isn’t it?’
ORIGIN A long shot is a shot fired from a long distance and so unlikely to hit its target. * long shot 指远距离射出的子弹,因而击中目标的可能性不大。
long time no ˈsee (spoken) used when you greet sb you have not seen for a long time 好久不见Well, hello! Long time no see.
not by a ˈlong chalk (BrE) ( not by a ˈlong shot NAmE , BrE) (informal) not nearly; not at all 差得远;绝不;一点也不‘Do you think she’s ready to take this exam?’ ‘No, not by a long chalk.’
This election isn’t over yet, not by a long shot.
not ˌlong for this ˈworld (old-fashioned) likely to die soon 活不了多久;不久于人世She looked extremely ill and I fear she’s not long for this world.
over the long ˈhaulover a long period of time 长时间;长久Over the long haul, shares still remain the best form of investment.
so ˈlong (for now) (informal) goodbye until we next meet 再会So long for now. I’ll see you soon.
take a long (cool/hard) ˈlook at sththink about a problem or possibility very carefully 深思熟虑;慎重考虑After taking a long hard look at the cost of employing an extra person, we decided against it.
We need to take a long look at the plan before we make a decision.
take the ˈlong view (of sth)think about the possible future effects of sth rather than its immediate effects 从长计议;从长远来看You always have to take the long view when you are thinking about spending money on education.
If we really want to save the planet, we must take the long view in our energy policy.
to cut a long story ˈshort (BrE) (NAmE to make a long story ˈshort) (spoken) used when a speaker is not going to describe all the details of sth, only the final result 长话短说;简而言之‘What happened at the meeting?’ ‘Well, to cut a long story short, ten people are going to lose their jobs.’
it’s as ˌbroad as it’s ˈlong (old-fashioned, BrE, spoken) there is no real difference between two possible alternatives 两种选择都一样‘Shall we go today or tomorrow?’ ‘It’s as broad as it’s long, isn’t it? You choose.’“我们今天走还是明天走?”“都一样,不是吗?你定吧。”(as) happy as the day is ˈlong/as a ˈclam/as ˈLarry (informal) very happy 非常高兴;欣喜万分Grandpa’s as happy as a clam helping the children to fly their kites.爷爷帮着孩子们放风筝,乐不可支。kick sth into the long ˈgrasskick sth into ˈtouch (both BrE) reject, remove or stop dealing with a problem 拒绝考虑;不再处理He tends to deal with disputes by kicking them into the long grass.他处理纠纷的办法就是置之不理。 NOTE In rugby and football, if a ball is kicked into touch (= the area outside the lines that mark the sides of the playing field), play stops. 在橄榄球和足球运动中,球若被扔到或踢到边线以外的区域(touch),比赛就中止。 in the ˈlong/ˈmedium/ˈshort termused to describe what will happen a long/medium/short time into the future 在长/中/短期内In the short term, we can send the refugees food and clothing, but in the long term we must do something about the underlying problems.在短期内,我们可以给难民提供衣食;但长远来看,我们必须解决其根本问题。 ˌlong-ˈterm, ˌshort-ˈterm


a long-term approach长久之计short-term problems近期问题
go a long/some way towards doing sthhelp very much/a little in achieving sth (对…)帮助很大/不大The new law goes a long way towards solving the problem.新的法律十分有助于解决这一问题。




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