

词组 loaf
释义 loaf BrE /ləʊf/
NAmE /loʊf/
half a ˌloaf is better than ˈnone/no ˈbread (saying) you should be grateful for sth, even if it is not as good, much, etc. as you really wanted; something is better than nothing 有总比没有好;聊胜于无They’re only going to agree to some of this, but half a loaf is better than none, I suppose.他们只会同意其中的一部分,不过我想总比什么都不同意强。use your ˈhead (BrE also use your ˈloaf) (informal) think carefully; use your intelligence 动动脑子;仔细想想Use your loaf! Meena can’t read English, so there’s no point in writing her a letter!动动脑子吧!米娜不懂英文,给她写信根本没用! ORIGIN In rhyming slang, loaf of bread stands for ‘head’. 在同韵俚语中,loaf of bread代表head。




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